ASMR [its programming you :D]


People who do asmr are like other cam.ehores - they end up bukkake raped in Hell Eternal.

I wond'r what the sin was of the guy who got raped by crocodiles on DMT.

Ou tink dats care you're Breathin'?

Stay Schammy



but did you ever think that maybe i dont want to been programed?
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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its so painfully obvious
and yet nobody cares...
:shock: :ponder:

this will probably be my next blog article
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Lion Aether Lion

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Caylus Ark wrote: Wed Feb 15, 2023 8:54 pm

its so painfully obvious
and yet nobody cares...
:shock: :ponder:

this will probably be my next blog article
soft technology seduction methodology
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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watcha couple minutes and tell me why 122k people think this is a healthy way to relax.
sure, it's not bad as a judgement statement, but it is absolutely going to fuck with peoples brains if they watch this stuff a lot
every ASMR artist is stimulating real reactions neurologically, because they are tricking us into feeling we are there with them
Suggestion in these videos to those that are sensitive to suggestion, is very powerful
I cannot fathom why nobody is concerned that lets say, a 16 year old watching this kind of content is not going to get a little bit warped
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Lion Tom Sawyer Lion

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I hate ASMR, but when Cay get her 3d mic I might watch it....
We have the freedom you have always searched for
You're finding you don't need to look no more
You've done with waiting and your life is turning
You hear the melody of angels singing

Come, come with me
Come, come with me
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Tom Sawyer wrote: Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:26 am I hate ASMR, but when Cay get her 3d mic I might watch it....
Then people would really call me a mind controller :melting:
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Caylus Ark wrote: Sun Apr 30, 2023 3:47 am
Tom Sawyer wrote: Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:26 am I hate ASMR, but when Cay get her 3d mic I might watch it....
Then people would really call me a mind controller :melting:
I find it strange that there are folks that say this sort of thing about you and a few specific videos, but they seem to have no problem with the hundreds or thousands of people that are actually doing this stuff. It's almost like it has nothing to do with that and some other underlying issue/cause. Let alone their own blatantly stated and poorly executed attempts at control, blackmail and harassment.

Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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copying from ... #100630050

I want to talk about ASMR...

ASMR is literally programming. It's NLP and hypnosis on steroids.

This is a pretty well kept secret I think, or maybe people just don't understand psychology well enough to pick up on the obvious.

First of all: follow the "X" triggers. Did you know that according to the principles of NLP, the movement and direction of your eyes correspond to specific neural processes? This has also been studied by various educational institutions. By repeating these eye movements over and over throughout various videos over a period of time at the direction of the ASMR artist, we have no idea if/how the minds of those following the directions are being programmed.

This is though, inescapable.
I'm pretty sure not all ASMR artists are privvy to this and many are just copying other ASMR artists. That doesn't matter though, because the entrainment is going to happen whether it's intentional or not.

Another thing: brain region activation. The experience of ASMR itself is the art of activating a neural response remotely. By simulating the stimulus as if it were in real life, the brain registers the trigger in a way that is kinesthetic and causes a neural response. If these neural responses have been mapped to brain regions already (probably have) than there is additional programming being done here.

Light triggers: light programming is a pretty powerful tool. I think this could really be more effective than ECT even. some people, those that have been on mdma and received a light show, will have some idea what I mean. except this doesn't require mdma. many of the light triggers utilize instructions like, "focus on my nose" or 'focus on the spot behind me' - and then the light is moved around. this is a good way to force a dissociative/trance response. it's the evolution of that old meme, "you are getting very sleepy" while a pendulum moves back and forth. now think about who has pen lights (the lights used by ASMR artists)
Police and EMTs, typically.
So think, the police could put an ASMR fan into an instant trance, possibly

for the audio: it's the natural evolution of the gateway process' hemi-sync, the monroe institute stuff. the audio of ASMR is basically always binaural. in fact when people think of ASMR they typically think of the audio first. binaural audio is programming. I'm pretty sure most people here know this? all in all, the binaural audio and visual triggers are used in conjunction for brainwave entrainment and thereby, programming.

I guess you really have to be acutely away of these methods to notice, and I guess many people don't experience ASMR so they've never evaluated this.

embedding commands and embedding visual triggers: the first part of the video generally puts the viewer in a light trance, and then the middle puts the viewer in a heavy trance. this is the portion in which triggers are embedded, generally there's a narrative or story or at least words or phrases that the ASMR artist here is saying, those become anchors or cues to trance states later. the end of the video, is when the trance lifts a bit. often the stuff embedded in the middle is not remembered by the viewer. funny right.

Okay, so to make something clear, these inductions have to be repeated many many times to stick and be usable by a handler irl. but most ASMR fans watch it often enough for this stuff to get embedded. Another thing, there is standardization among ASMR artists, even though most have their own unique techniques. Certain things are done by all of them. Certain phrases are repeated by all of them.

I've done some polling at and it appears that those vulnerable to ASMR triggers generally have neurodivergent traits, which predisposes someone to either hate or love this stuff. Sensory sensitivity I think is a determinant.

Everyone knows youtube is owned by google which is owned by alphabet inc. think about this. you have a person in real life, they become of interest to you as an int. agency. that int. agency looks that person up in their system and if their youtube history includes a bunch of ASMR, you have instant triggers you don't even have to work at. you can manipulate that person even remotely.

there doesn't have to be an active targeting of that person for the ASMR to be programming them. It just is a tool that can be utilized later. I also think that those susceptible to ASMR are of interest to some researchers anyway. I think the utilization of ASMR is ongoing.

There's some stuff I didn't mention, which are the various triggers and what they are meant to do. for example certain hand signs and phrases they all use to induce the asmr/trance state.

I also recently posted on r/DID, asking whether people with this disorder liked ASMR. I wanted to poll whether there was a different level of sensitivity in the dissociative community. This is far from any methodological research because, I don't think I'm at a stage where I'm willing to invest the time to create samples and do statistics. I'm an intuitive anyway.

So, the answers about whether people liked or disliked asmr seemed split. maybe slightly in favor of liked. some of those who liked also had neurodivergence. those who disliked often cited misanphobia.

interesting, nobody came onto the thread to say there were completely insensitive to it.
Which is funny because in general, most people are actually insensitive to it.
so maybe there is something to that.

whether there's a like or a dislike, both mean there is a sensitivity. usually the reason for dislike is too strong a sensitivity, even. also interestingly, those who said they liked generally had very very specific triggers/genres of videos they go to everytime.

ASMR videos often have a story or a theme - anything from cooking to making you feel you are a wizard to alien abduction roleplays.

so why do people do it? why do people watch asmr?

Those who know about ASMR know that if you're sensitive to it, it's possible to get an extremely potent pleasure response. in fact if you're particularly sensitive to it, the pleasure response can be so intense, it can feel like you're on hard drugs. not kidding.

for me personally, I used to be a rave girl, meaning I did my fair share of MDMA. when I did it, I always got light shows, from friends if I wasn't at a rave, sometimes from skilled strangers at raves.

light triggers sometimes make me feel like I'm literally on MDMA again. that's how powerful ASMR can be.

so that's the pavlovian conditioning, another thing making this a great programming tool. a pleasurable physiological response, even for some people strong enough to feel sexual (there is an unstated agreement that many sensitive to ASMR get that sort of feeling from their favorite ASMR artists - many of them are quite attractive and know exactly what they are doing)

this is the most obvious programming the world has ever known

nobody I have ever met has mentioned it
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