(Anomaly/Nobody) The 4 books. Read by Lucifer!

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Lion Lucifer Lion

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The nobody story will be play out as unique as that of the blue prints of a universe, even know it will be a life expressed in human terms. It is for this reason that neither religion or prophecy from the main stream world could be use to understand him. However there are stories beings that although different, have taken the same path towards apotheosis, self actualization and ascension, it is through them that we could give ourselves an idea of what he will be, and what he will do to a degree.

There are 4 books that I believe best describe him through the characters, knowledge and story presented in them. I will read them and place them in YouTube. So you can best understand this being. It is through the journey of knowing him that perhaps you will know yourself and your own personal destiny may change with new insights. The last of the four books would be my own, which it took me 22 years to accomplish. I would not give you the titles of each book so is a surprise each time I unveil one ..


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Lion Lucifer Lion

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Last years was completed the first book about a magician I did it in 4 parts... The book is Call Enlightenment Part 0, it is a hand book on illusion written by D. Alan Holmes, author, philosopher and adventurer.

Here is a summary a small summary of it...

We all find times in our lives when we question our paths, question what life is about or what would life be like if things were different. By reading this book it will open your mind and your imagination to endless possibilities that are within your control. Life as we see it today is an illusion created by us and our imagination and our thoughts can alter at will.

This is a true story set in the 70s, so it states in the opening page, about Alana Taylor and how she reunites with her eternal partner Talawanda. Alana Taylor has not been heard or seen of since 21st July 1981. Has she gone to exist in a different form with her lover Talawanda in a self made universe among the stars?

The book is not easily sourced and is only available as a PDF to my knowledge. Certainly have a read of this book even for escapism to a possible other existence that we as humans do not want to admit or have forgotten about through the games we have played with millennia altering our original existence to what we are today.

It is well written and will certainly leave you pondering and asking – what if?

Here are parst 1 and 2


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Lion Lucifer Lion

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Here are the parts 3 and 4 and with this last two the book Enlightment part 0 is completed.


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Lion Lucifer Lion

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With this new video I open a brand-new book written by JZ Knight Call Ramtha the white book. About a man who lived 35000 thousand of years ago and who by its own introspection, meditation and reasoning defeated death and transmuted itself into a being of light and became like the wind and ascended out of the mundane state of the flesh body becoming immortal and reaching godhood. Throughout the book he explains how this was done. Very likely is the same path the nobody is taken in his own journey to become a stellar man.


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Lion Lucifer Lion

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Part two of book reading of the white book of Ramtha


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Lion Lucifer Lion

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New video Part 3 of the book of Ramtha will premiere tomorrow 2-19-23 at 6:15pm.... I will place it here when is about to begin .
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Lion Lucifer Lion

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My discord key if you want to join me https://discord.gg/aQGpKgb
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Lion Lucifer Lion

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