Norse Bronze Age - Richest people in the era

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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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1750–500 BC
The Nordic Bronze Age maintained close trade links with Mycenaean Greece, with whom it shares several striking similarities.
The people of the Nordic Bronze Age were actively engaged in the export of amber, and imported metals in return, becoming expert metalworkers. With respect to the number and density of metal deposits, the Nordic Bronze Age became the richest culture in Europe during its existence.
The Nordic Bronze Age exported amber through the Amber Road, and imported metals in return. During the time of the Nordic Bronze Age, metals, such as copper, tin and gold, were imported into Scandinavia on a massive scale.[53] Copper was imported from Sardinia, Iberia and Cyprus.[53][54] The trade network was briefly disrupted during the Late Bronze Age collapse in the 12th century BC.
Evidence for horse-drawn chariots appears in Scandinavia c. 1700 BC, around the same time as it appears in Greece. In both cases the chariots appear to have come from the region of the Carpathian Basin or the western steppe.

There is no coherent knowledge about the Nordic Bronze Age religion, its pantheon, world view and how it was practised. Written sources are lacking, but archaeological finds draw a vague and fragmented picture of the religious practices and the nature of the religion of this period.

Many finds indicate a strong sun-worshipping cult in the Nordic Bronze Age and various animals have been associated with the sun's movement across the sky

A female or mother goddess is believed to have been widely worshipped (see Nerthus)

A pair of twin gods are believed to have been worshipped, and is reflected in a duality in all things sacred: where sacrificial artifacts have been buried they are often found in pairs.
Remnants of the Bronze Age religion and mythology are believed to exist in Norse mythology and wider Germanic mythology, such as Skinfaxi and Hrímfaxi and Nerthus, and it is believed to itself be descended from the earlier Indo-European religion.

Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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