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Lion Aether Lion

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the thought is that we are gene edited into this conscious state because our shape and conscious state fits non human origin memories to become born here among us and not stand out unless they decide to

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Caylus Ark wrote: Mon Dec 26, 2022 6:24 pm Here is my simple belief on timelines.
This is purely fuckin speculative, I have little to no proof, it's just my working theory.

I do not think there is more than one of us experiencing timelines. I think as a conscious observer, we experience one timeline at a time, and if we shift timelines, we are conscious on the new timeline, but there aren't "remnant consciousnesses" living out their own lives elsewhere.

Here's what I think, there's one active timeline at a time. If every potential timeline is like the branching of a tree or root system, I imagine only one of these blocks of space and time being lit up, and actually experienced.

The other timelines are the closest potential timelines to the one that is actual, being lived. I believe these are "inactive" branches, but that coexist very closely to the timeline we are experiencing. There is no one there, living in that timeline, but the ones that are very close to our timeline represent possibilities that closely mirror our current timeline.

Say the mandela effect is the artifact of us remembering changes from another timeline. As soon as we slip over, or the timeline changes, so does our memory of the past, immediately. Like patching a video game, the player character is unlikely to notice subtle changes in the code. Our memories stay consistent with the timeline we are on, except for rare circumstances in which we anomalously retain memories of other timelines that we cannot reconcile with other people or with the history that is written now.

As for future timelines, and determinations of which ones will become active, I think that the very near future occurrences are much more predictable than further events in the future. The closer we get to the occurrence of a future event, the more "actualized" potential results become. We have a much stronger ability to "collapse into" near future events, because there are less variables between the present and the near future than the present and the far future.

My idea? No, I do not think there are other selves out there living their lives. I think that if we collapse into a separate timeline, there's still that consistent consciousness of "me" now experiencing the new timeline, and inactive timelines are merely possibilities on a giant tree, dead and inactive but still containing a feed of what would occur in them had they become active.
So, regarding there being only one "active" timeline, instead of all of us making a choice that creates/brings us individually in to a new branch, does something like a collective dice roll/vote happen with each "moment" ? I wonder if collectively - or the Gods, or the universe, a wizard, or the Supreme Chancellor of the Reality Programmers Syndicat - have we inserted/allowed milestone votes, say once per year as we enter a new one. New Years resolutions and other associated well wishes for a good new cycle come to mind as a "where do we go from here".

Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Lion Aether Lion

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"maybe an occult studio women only and men by invitation are on screen in live chat at your mercy
see how the world wide web copes with that

i quite like that thought"
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