Need a better name for "Goo"

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Lion Third Loop Lion

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I'm just spit-balling here so any input will be appreciated.

I woke from a dream this morning. The dream seemed both profound and frustrating.
In the dream I was asked to define "something" I gave it some thought and came up with a definition I was satisfied with and it felt important and profound. When I woke up I could no longer remember what the something was. I only remembered the definition.

I'm going to describe what the something is and I'm hoping that you can help identify/name it. First the definition, "a constituent force of the universe." Now that I write it out it seems rather vague but in my dream I was rather pleased that I was able to identify it as a force. My dream gave it connotations like the "Force" in Star Wars. I was asked in my dream if I was able to start fires with my mind using this force. I replied, "No, but I'm learning."

After I woke up, I was frustrated that I could not remember what the something was. It seemed so obvious in the dream like gravity. In the dream it had a word used to describe it, I tried to remember what that word was and my mind kept get drawn to something I wrote some time ago and a concept that I used calling a substance "goo". It would help if I linked the writing here for those interested... ... JurORW8E8J

You'll have to excuse the schizo-babble but in the rant the concept of the goo is what I related to this force. When I wrote that rant the concept I had in my head was of a substance similar to if not aether. My dream seemed to indicate that it was a force. So I'm hoping someone smarter than me can help out. I'm just a lunatic with unsettling dream. Perhaps it can both be a force and a substance the way light is both particle and wave. I dunno

I was fleshing out this idea in my head this morning, in the rant I described goo as "soul" also "consciousness". To be honest I really have no idea what a soul is but has far as consciousness I no longer think it is goo, but it is an effect of the goo. As I contemplated this a redefined the something to, " a constituent and animating force of the universe."

Can any of you assist identifying and giving this force a name. I am unsatisfied with continuing to call it goo.
Any other thoughts would be appreciated.
- Brian
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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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Initially I was thinking; does he mean Qi / Chi?
But then your mention of consciousness got me thinking about how I've described Liquid Crystal Consciousness/Universal (un)Consciousness. In the past I've related this to the infinite potentiality and/or/samesies as dark matter; that which is potentially all, until intent is applied causing a tiny part to become potentially [something], eventually resulting in the actualization of said thing.

I hope this doesn't simply cause more questions, but at the same time, that can be fun too :grin2:
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Lion Third Loop Lion

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Týsköll wrote: Sat May 20, 2023 12:53 am Initially I was thinking; does he mean Qi / Chi?
But then your mention of consciousness got me thinking about how I've described Liquid Crystal Consciousness/Universal (un)Consciousness. In the past I've related this to the infinite potentiality and/or/samesies as dark matter; that which is potentially all, until intent is applied causing a tiny part to become potentially [something], eventually resulting in the actualization of said thing.

I hope this doesn't simply cause more questions, but at the same time, that can be fun too :grin2:
Thanks for responding Ty.
None of those words trigger my memory though they are better tan 'goo". I'm not too well versed on physics or cosmology so I do not know what dark matter is or why it's postulated to exist, but it could be related to or be the goo of my rant.

Dark Matter sounds more mysterious than goo, I think at some point Caylus also mentioned a possible relationship between dark-matter and Consciousness.

Yeah, dark matter > goo.
- Brian
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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I think every culture has a name for that.
Mana, Aether, Chi/Qi, Prana, etc...

Did you want an original one?
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Lion Third Loop Lion

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Caylus Ark wrote: Mon May 22, 2023 12:49 am I think every culture has a name for that.
Mana, Aether, Chi/Qi, Prana, etc...

Did you want an original one?
No, what I was hoping to hear was a word that would trigger my memory from the dream and I could say, "that's it."

In my dream I felt like Newton discovering gravity, but the above suggests it's a very old concept, but I never learned about it in school, and I don't hear it discussed much in pop culture. It maybe I just don't walk in those circles.

I still like dark-matter, even though I don't know what it is, despite Google.
- Brian
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