A poem for Caylus

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Lion Tom Sawyer Lion

Posts: 67
Joined: Tue Dec 20, 2022 8:37 pm

In hidden depths, a tale unfurled,
A man enraptured by a mystic world.
He admires her brilliance, a radiant flame,
Yet his cleverness, an enigma to claim.

An ethereal bond, unseen by most eyes,
Their friendship lost, as time flies.
A connection persists, defying all strife,
In the whispers of souls, where mysteries thrive.

She shines with wisdom, a celestial beam,
But he delves deeper, in his cryptic scheme.
In the labyrinth of knowledge, he finds his role,
Seeking hidden truths, to ignite his soul.

Their paths may diverge, destinies untold,
Yet a thread lingers, as memories unfold.
Her heart guards secrets, untamed and free,
While his cleverness whispers, in depths of mystery.

He yearns to share the wonders he's found,
But keeps them concealed, in silence profound.
A dance of shadows, in veils of intrigue,
As their spirits entwine, beyond worldly fatigue.

Though they drift apart, in separate spheres,
Their souls remain bound, through cosmic years.
Her brilliance may gleam, his cleverness beams,
In the tapestry of mysticism, where reality dreams.

He quietly admires, a flame burning bright,
Their connection a puzzle, hidden from sight.
In this poetic tale, subtly embraced,
Mystic echoes whisper, leaving traces of grace.
We have the freedom you have always searched for
You're finding you don't need to look no more
You've done with waiting and your life is turning
You hear the melody of angels singing

Come, come with me
Come, come with me
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

Posts: 419
Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2022 1:00 am

so well written! I'm impressed
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