ASMR [its programming you :D]

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Because Milton Erickson stands out as a genius among those who have used hypnosis, and people are still trying to figure out fully what he did, it is appropriate to mention his work. We don’t know how these ideas of Milton Erickson’s are used by the Programmers. We do know that the CIA has. paid close attention to his ideas, and that some of the Programmers have some of the smoothest tongues. If there is some way to utilize Erickson’s work to help control Mind-controlled slaves, then the Intelligence agencies have no doubt found it. On the flip side, several dc-programmers used Ericksonian methods to unlock the programming of the people they want to help. What we describe in this section is just a small sampling of Erickson’s methods. Another type of NLP pacing besides the one just previously mentioned was developed by Milton Erickson. He would gain rapport with anyone by describing to them what they were feeling, hearing and seeing. He would induce a peaceful state by speaking slowly, using a soft tonality, and pacing his speech to the person’s breath. Gradually hypnotic suggestions are introduced to lead them into what is called “downtime.” He would gently encourage people with gentle suggestions such as, ‘It’s easy to close your eyes whenever you wish to feel more comfortable...” But you may wonder how can anyone know what someone else is thinking? Erickson developed language that was vague enough for people to match their own thinking to what he described. He would use smooth transitional words such as “while”, “and”, and “as”. The type of vague sentences he would say are “It is well known that people can read books and make changes.” Milton Erickson learned to distract the dominant brain hemisphere, and also speak in a complex way that all seven (plus or minus two) parts of the conscious mind would get engaged in trying to figure out what his ambiguous statements meant. Milton found that he could say anything if he set it up in the context of someone else saying it. He also found that the unconscious mind does not process the linguistic negative. Rather than tell a child “Don’t fall” tell it “Be careful.”
You will see the technique described above in every ASMR video.
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