shadow walking

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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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While I can actually still remember, because I WILL forget, that's how I work...

Labyrinths are more than just really good metaphors for the process of individuation and soul seeking. That is there is an internal labyrinth of course.

But have you ever wondered how to shadow-walk?
Shadow-walking is walking somewhere that doesn't exist, by following a specific pattern, literally walking the pattern.

If you recall....the fourth dimension, if interacting with the third, would only reveal a part of that fourth dimensional object, like a shadow of the fourth dimensional object, as we are constrained to 3D. This is more clear in the flatland analogy where in a 2D world, a 3D object might appear as rapidly flashing line or dots.

Shadow walking relies upon the implicit knowledge that the world is a simulation of course, that the only reason for the inert 'things' around us existing is so we have an experience. We can't control them directly because they factor into an interconnected net of consciousness that results in our consensus reality.

However, it's possible to walk "outside" your own consensus reality, while leaving the interconnected net unaffected. Liminal spaces was me sort of hinting at this. The external world exists to confirm our status in relation to reality. It works based on expectations. But truly, it's not real, and there are hyperverses outside this universe.

By tracing the correct labrynth pattern, you will end up at a ... what do you call this? a place outside time that is not real and you'll probably never find again...or at least that's how I experienced it. If you deliberately orient yourself in relation to reality with 4D in mind, you begin to learn shadowwalking is a thing.

It's not something that I think is always possible though!! the only circumstances where I've accomplished it on my own were not too densely populated by humans. The first time I experienced it, I followed the car in front of me and it led me to the 'non existant place' (that is, never able to find it again) , I don't really consider that me shadow walking. I was led. How did I know to follow the car? It was like telepathy. I just knew. We couldn't find our way, my driving friend was so out of it. I just told him, follow the black car. How did I know it was going to the non existent destination we were bound for and didn't realize was a shadow? because I was supposed to know.

Maybe I'll tell the rest of that story later. a friend called it my
"magic movie theater story"
The movie was star wars by the way.


That was the person I followed shadowwalking.
But I have shadow walked.
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link to a diagram of Symmetrized Directionality I made and posted on GLP fairly recently but generated no interest:

symmetric directionality 0D, 1D, 2D, and 3D only though.

I dunno. Check out the Java Mojo thread on GLP for more types I typed.

Let me know what you think of the diagram. I feel like I'm alone in doing the diagramming but now seeing mentions and having a bit hard asymmetric reading but can read ok now and will re-read again.

A thought suggestion: a video or series of images with examples illustrating what you said, Caylus, might make it understandable in another way. If not, thats ok.
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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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Xlegic wrote: Sun Jul 09, 2023 11:52 pm link to a diagram of Symmetrized Directionality I made and posted on GLP fairly recently but generated no interest:

symmetric directionality 0D, 1D, 2D, and 3D only though.

I dunno. Check out the Java Mojo thread on GLP for more types I typed.

Let me know what you think of the diagram. I feel like I'm alone in doing the diagramming but now seeing mentions and having a bit hard asymmetric reading but can read ok now and will re-read again.

A thought suggestion: a video or series of images with examples illustrating what you said, Caylus, might make it understandable in another way. If not, thats ok.
You could visualize a 4D by having a 3D Object1 in "start" position and rotation, and a second Object2 in "end" position/rotation (with some values changed from start position). Then between them both (across a time scale) an Object3 that has vertices connecting to both Object1 and Object2.
This would be a representation of the "time worm".
a persisting object is composed of the various temporal parts that it has. It can be said that objects that persist are extended through the time dimension of the block universe much as physical objects are extended in space. Thus, they believe that all persisting objects are four-dimensional "worms" that stretch across space-time, and that you are mistaken in believing that chairs, mountains, and people are simply three-dimensional.
4D Theories

Here's a quick 2D representation that might be sufficient.


Assuming of course you like the worm, opposed to stages, which might be represented by a series showing each phase of change as it's own unique state (frames), like:


instead of

Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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The 2D representation image helps a bit.

I jumped a bit too ahead with some thoughts after seeing the 2D representation image, I typed some onto a text file. I might come back at a bit or later with thoughts typed onto the said text file. Hoping to form a coherent understanding.

I just sort of woke up after having a bit of sleeping. Having a cup of 'old' coffee atm.
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Xlegic wrote: Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:52 am The 2D representation image helps a bit.

I jumped a bit too ahead with some thoughts after seeing the 2D representation image, I typed some onto a text file. I might come back at a bit or later with thoughts typed onto the said text file. Hoping to form a coherent understanding.

I just sort of woke up after having a bit of sleeping. Having a cup of 'old' coffee atm.
Look forward to it.
It gets a bit funky when we start considering time as omnidirectional and overlapping, the image I made is very much linear progression.
A simple example of the omnidirectional or many states at once, would be to horizontally invert the image and overlay it on the original, both being true. That's still only linear progression though, just that it's in two directions at once. Many timelines in all directions at all rates of progression all at once starts to look crazy, like a spaghetti monster cloud... or flower, depending on how ordered things are.

That'd be more than just 4D however. Right?
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Týsköll wrote: Mon Jul 10, 2023 5:28 am
Xlegic wrote: Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:52 am The 2D representation image helps a bit.

I jumped a bit too ahead with some thoughts after seeing the 2D representation image, I typed some onto a text file. I might come back at a bit or later with thoughts typed onto the said text file. Hoping to form a coherent understanding.

I just sort of woke up after having a bit of sleeping. Having a cup of 'old' coffee atm.
Look forward to it.
It gets a bit funky when we start considering time as omnidirectional and overlapping, the image I made is very much linear progression.
A simple example of the omnidirectional or many states at once, would be to horizontally invert the image and overlay it on the original, both being true. That's still only linear progression though, just that it's in two directions at once. Many timelines in all directions at all rates of progression all at once starts to look crazy, like a spaghetti monster cloud... or flower, depending on how ordered things are.

That'd be more than just 4D however. Right?
I ended up with this, Instead of I typed couple hundreds of words:

"Perfectly Imperfect – The Japanese Concept Of Wabi-Sabi"
link: ... wabi-sabi/
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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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Xlegic wrote: Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:07 am
Týsköll wrote: Mon Jul 10, 2023 5:28 am
Xlegic wrote: Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:52 am The 2D representation image helps a bit.

I jumped a bit too ahead with some thoughts after seeing the 2D representation image, I typed some onto a text file. I might come back at a bit or later with thoughts typed onto the said text file. Hoping to form a coherent understanding.

I just sort of woke up after having a bit of sleeping. Having a cup of 'old' coffee atm.
Look forward to it.
It gets a bit funky when we start considering time as omnidirectional and overlapping, the image I made is very much linear progression.
A simple example of the omnidirectional or many states at once, would be to horizontally invert the image and overlay it on the original, both being true. That's still only linear progression though, just that it's in two directions at once. Many timelines in all directions at all rates of progression all at once starts to look crazy, like a spaghetti monster cloud... or flower, depending on how ordered things are.

That'd be more than just 4D however. Right?
I ended up with this, Instead of I typed couple hundreds of words:

"Perfectly Imperfect – The Japanese Concept Of Wabi-Sabi"
link: ... wabi-sabi/
Hah. Perfect ;)
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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I think you'd like this Xlegic

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Caylus Ark wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 9:58 pm I think you'd like this Xlegic

Gee. ;) Thank you.
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Sharing video clip is appreciated. Thanks again, Caylus.

I have questions though, just not 100% clear (a difficulty) with reading closed captioning for some reason at earlier times of viewing the video clip and I'm not bright:

- Question 1: What is cross-section? To me, It looks like a slider with predefined rules for each dimension, is it?

- Question 2: Does a concept of 2D UV editor or texture mapping in 3D software help with illustrating concept of seeing every points or faces of 3D at once while "in" 4D? I think the basic concept is that, but not exactly that.
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