black sun smile

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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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A poem for nowhere men

To the sleepers:
Sweeping city streets
Homeless, bedraggled, destitute
Lingering nowhere

The passerbys avoid their eyes
If perchance gazes collide,
Shame lances the pedestrian mind
Accusations of a broken world...
better neither seen nor heard

Dont pity the nowhere man's life -
His schizophrenic axe melts the matrix
Like butter meets knife
Quantum swords which logic denies
These jabberwocky men most easily find

The wise man says:
seek and find
The foolish ones stumble onward,
Giving no heed to reason or rhyme
Squirreling away a secret sublime

The foolish one with no contrition
Insanity his sacred mission
A concrete bed for comfort's spite
And yet envies not the passersbys

He's grinning and
you won't guess why -
But this is how

a black sun smiles
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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

Posts: 504
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I enjoy this.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Feb 16, 2023 6:20 am

I love it.
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