magic primers

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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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Magic is not about power, or praying to old or new Gods, although those things may be a part of it. Everything starts deep within - the gathering point or house for the process of experience.

A mason might craft intricate architectures to form the walls of this house and form the space into sacred resonances.

A templar may guard the treasure within the house.

An alchemist might be particular about the materials used in each component of the home, and whether they can/will be rarefied into their ideal forms...

A pythagorian (for example, plato) might have every room of the house function as a separate platonic solid

Aleister Crowley would probably just use all the rooms to fuck people and dedicate said fucking to a God that enjoys that sort of thing.

So what did I list above?
All examples of "ways to go about" magick.
But the most important part is that all of these ways start internally -

I'll let everyone in on a little secret of psychology. The way a person's space is arranged is the same exact way their mind is arranged. That's because what is around us is a natural extension of what is us. We naturally put things around us on the outside in the same order, manner, or fashion as they are within.

The first tenant of the mysteries is said to be:
"know thyself"
And this is why...
It's not because you have to be a perfect person with no flaws to venture into the mysteries, but rather, the mysteries require an extremely intimate connection with the most vile and divine parts of you
If you cannot handle something about yourself, the venture into mystery could be worse than fruitless. It could be maddening.

The inner house is, ys, the soul. Magic is about constructing a good foundation - an attractor - and that attractor - should be you, not your magic wand or your crystal ball or your tarot deck or your OTO ritual. Not your sacred text, not even your church.

Although all these institutions deserve respect, nothing deserves more reverance than the relationship between you and that which is within you. Because that is - your church - no matter your feelings on religion, or magick, or anything else.

Magick is about giving the house of your soul an intentional and consistent and dedicated grail. That grail is paved over not only with your actions, but with your thoughts, your values, your words. Every single thing, even taking a breath, is carving out that soul-house. But a mason gives it a sacred architecture, the pythagorian gives it a sacred geometry, the hermeticist gives it a sacred bundle of herbs and a lockbox of gems with which you may catalyze the progression of your soul
and a templar may be the guard for that completed sanctuary, the guard at the door, or the one in the mirror that reveals us to ourselves before we damage our own glass house.

You want different fruits, "out there"? The mind is a garden...cultivate that which exalts it. Magic is nothing more than being a viciously faithful rendition of your best self. What is that best self? DEFINE IT. Define it and MAKE it real in some way. Then make it real again and again. Make it real by becoming it in every waking moment.

You know what I did decide when I came here and when I saw that thing in the sky? Was that either there IS an illuminati, and I'm gonna figure out what the fuck they are doing and why, or that there ISNT an illuminati, and I am going to elaborate upon a proper one, one focused around the latin meaning of the (fckin) word. In other words, if it doesn't exist, it's mine now bitches.

So let's talk about black magick users
1) looking within is inconsequential, because they do not have internal energy generation going on beyond whatever mana they were born with. They have a dead weather system within so to speak. so they have to get their power somewhere else

2) power is acquired by taking it or draining it from another entity, or bargaining for it from entities who can bequeath it (cough Mephistopheles cough) , because the black magick user doesn't have it themselves

3) black magick practitioners practice curses, hexes, and general ill sentiments via magick - even those who don't CONSIDER themselves "black magick" doers ARE if they intentionally use their energetics to curse, hex, harm, or hate with intentionality and specificity.
For those of you who know you do this...didn't you ever hear:

"Im rubber ur glue everything u say bounces off me and sticks back to you" - ?

4) they base their self concept and worth on superficialities - ie, they think success is based off of money or social status; if they had one wish, it would involve a yacht or a fancy car; magick is only useful to them insofar as it can deliver a fast and gratifying material good. They only show up for the ends, the means is inconsequential, generally it's a something for nothing bargain that pays out badly.

Black magick is a shortcut. Why sacrifice an animal? Because a real life force is supplied in the animal itself, and a real exchange of energy in the form of its death. The formerly living thing was killed to energize, catalyze, or power a system of magick. It does work. But it is a foul thing, and it is the difference between using a one-time spell scroll and being a wizard.

White magick is never a shortcut and in fact for most a terrible burden and shitty. Anyone can walk the path to developing it, but basically nobody wants to. They see the end result and think it looks cool - oh, shiny! Magick! Neato! but once they learn they have to confront the skeletons in the closet...
It requires uncomfortable self acknowledgement AND the willingness and effort to patch a deficit of character without the conceit of self-hatred. That LAST part is VERY hard for most people.

But the blessing granted by white magick that is not granted by black - YOU are the generator. You're like the dynamo, and the environment itself is the key, and if you can match your dynamo to the right environment - the right time, place, people, ect - you get power to make real change. The thing is this is a synchronized effort, it's about sharing your power with the environment and world to give something away and get something given. That transaction, that "handshake", can open enormous doors, both internal and external.

White magick is a lot more powerful because it requires way, way, way more effort.
You can hop online and buy a curse, hex, ect. You can't buy white magick. Periods.

People have different implicit levels of magick....
so for example, being a very talented "magick" person, shaman, mystic, doesn't have something to do with whether you are a good or a bad person. Just like being a piano prodigy doesn't have anything to do with whether you are a good or a bad person. But no matter what the natural talent, in this world, magick is pretty damn weak and you need a method of making it work that is reliable. there's the short and sketchy way and there's the long hard road of initiation and soul alchemy. Guess which most pick.

Even someone who takes the long road and falls miserably short is in a very good position relative to humanity as a whole.
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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Here's another way most people go wrong...


I look in the corner of my computer a sec ago, randomly see this, right?

So it's clearly sync and - if you follow my line of thinking, that sync is due to your brain/consciousness/mind/soul harmonizing in a specific resonance which can be positive or negative. You can have sync straight from hell that makes your day a nightmare. You can have sync that shows you your true heart's desire. You can have sync that makes you insane

And why would it make you insane?


What do I choose to attribute this synchronicty to? Who do I chose to give its power to? Rightfully, it's mine. I get to pick. People get this wrong. A lot. They will look at it and think, it's "X" god, "Y" God, "X" magician sending me vibes, "Y" soul animal telling me not to invest today...

Well guess what?


Is an empty container, a shell, for you to put what you WANT IT TO BE within. The sync is an invitation to use that sync that way you WANT to use it, not as some sort of force you are passively recieving and have no control over.

You do that and you start reaching for all these explanations, some of which may be just...wrong/toxic. This is how people go insane.

This is why it's IMPORTANT to have a system of correspondences, a personal one. Fucking throw crowley's out the window, or whoever else of the thelemists is waving their dick around. Make your own. it's a personal thing.

example: throughout my life I have cultivated specific feelings and meanings and thoughts involving the symbol of Lightning as it is a combination of fire and air. To me lightning is intrinsically the representation of pure magickal force and instantaneous transmission. So, if I SEE IT SYNC, I know exactly what it means - to me.

Maybe I keep seeing owls, and luckily I have an internal correspondence system for owls. I know that because I had an owl appear after a UFO event once, that when I see owls, they are harbingers of another dimension. Well, it doesn't MATTER if that's objectively true - when my mind puts that sync in front of me, trust me, it's gonna be true. Why? Because it's only putting the sync in front of me to give me a message in a language I already wrote!

But say I don't have a clearly defined meaning for


yet it is still syncing.
What would I, personally do?

Sit on it. I keep it for later. I keep it open. A node to the past. That's what the screenshot is for.

The metadynamics of cognition are the channels by which magic stagnates or flows. using metacognitions creatively will enable a much different degree of use than reading an OTO book for the 50th time
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I glanced off a few or some.

Good to see you posting.

I'm like trying hard to avoid ciggy smoking as have been so for a bit more than 3 months now.


Sorry, my craving for ciggies sometime get to me and my head from time to time.

Ok, I have a question: Does when a thought-form occur in order to enable an understanding on mind, happen as effect to something outside or not? I've been trying to avoid or keeping some negative voices at bay on my mind from time to time.
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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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Caylus Ark wrote: Thu Oct 12, 2023 3:11 pm You do that and you start reaching for all these explanations, some of which may be just...wrong/toxic. This is how people go insane.
I interpret you saying this as a sync in mutual understanding, as I had just made reference to similar at a leafier place.

There is a reason there are warnings regarding the dangers of connecting to the pattern/source/spirituality in general; there is a reason that certain groups over the years have selected individuals for initiation and teaching. Some minds are more suited than others, whilst some minds will literally go insane.
Caylus Ark wrote: Thu Oct 12, 2023 3:11 pm Sit on it. I keep it for later. I keep it open. A node to the past. That's what the screenshot is for.

Nodes, save states, anchor points, etc.

I save a lot of screenshots of random things, usually because they meant something at the time. I don't usually organize these unless I'm following a particular pattern or logging certain data, rather; they go in to generic folders where sometimes they'll re-present themselves to me/get my attention when scrolling and they may relate/remind or even clarify something.
It's quite a time we live in where even the most memory deficient person can save masses of data of their experiences and review later.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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Týsköll wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 6:48 am
Caylus Ark wrote: Thu Oct 12, 2023 3:11 pm Sit on it. I keep it for later. I keep it open. A node to the past. That's what the screenshot is for.

Nodes, save states, anchor points, etc.

I save a lot of screenshots of random things, usually because they meant something at the time. I don't usually organize these unless I'm following a particular pattern or logging certain data, rather; they go in to generic folders where sometimes they'll re-present themselves to me/get my attention when scrolling and they may relate/remind or even clarify something.
It's quite a time we live in where even the most memory deficient person can save masses of data of their experiences and review later.
yes exactly - oh boy my screenshots folder is biiiig. a lot of them would mean absolutely nothing to anyone. but honestly, the amount of times they end up being relevant? often!!
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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Xlegic wrote: Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:21 pm I glanced off a few or some.

Good to see you posting.

I'm like trying hard to avoid ciggy smoking as have been so for a bit more than 3 months now.


Sorry, my craving for ciggies sometime get to me and my head from time to time.

Ok, I have a question: Does when a thought-form occur in order to enable an understanding on mind, happen as effect to something outside or not? I've been trying to avoid or keeping some negative voices at bay on my mind from time to time.
I'm not sure if I'm correctly interpreting this, but if I am, there's this idea is called sympathetic magick
The idea behind it is somewhat "like begets like"
voo doo would be an example
so, it would be the idea that what happens within, happens in some way, without
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Empathic telepathic man with precognative foresight. Saves people then feels sad after, just trying to always make sense of why death separates people from their significant others. While getting his lovers soul out "
 Humble Son 
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This was an immensely important read for me, this is miles btw, although you rarely call me by my name.

I was wrong, i feel like you know everything going on in my head, i'm not above begging for forgiveness, i'm actually here to do just that.

Hopefully if any mods screen this message before posting, i haven't checked if that will happen, but if it is, i hope they'll allow this reply and at the least if they decide not to allow it, i hope they'll atleast run it past you.

I can explain everything, i tried to email you, i don't know whether you got either of the emails i sent a couple weeks ago.

I'm just sorry and the sync's are telling me there's hope.

I had to hit rock bottom to see myself for what i was.

Now i am just sorry...
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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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Humble Son wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 3:43 pm This was an immensely important read for me, this is miles btw, although you rarely call me by my name.

I was wrong, i feel like you know everything going on in my head, i'm not above begging for forgiveness, i'm actually here to do just that.

Hopefully if any mods screen this message before posting, i haven't checked if that will happen, but if it is, i hope they'll allow this reply and at the least if they decide not to allow it, i hope they'll atleast run it past you.

I can explain everything, i tried to email you, i don't know whether you got either of the emails i sent a couple weeks ago.

I'm just sorry and the sync's are telling me there's hope.

I had to hit rock bottom to see myself for what i was.

Now i am just sorry...
If you're being ignored in direct communication, then go around to forums and post at people to try to get their attention - that's stalking.
It doesn't matter what your intent is or how you feel, if a person isn't replying to you by choice or has said not to contact them and you don't respect that - you're in the wrong.

You're not the first stalker I've had to deal with personally or on behalf of someone else, so I'll leave this post here so everyone is fully aware of the situation.
I hope you can move on from what is clearly not reciprocal.

If you have been replied to since posting this, cool, keep it to DMs.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
 Humble Son 
Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Nov 10, 2023 3:38 pm

Týsköll wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 3:47 am
Humble Son wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 3:43 pm This was an immensely important read for me, this is miles btw, although you rarely call me by my name.

I was wrong, i feel like you know everything going on in my head, i'm not above begging for forgiveness, i'm actually here to do just that.

Hopefully if any mods screen this message before posting, i haven't checked if that will happen, but if it is, i hope they'll allow this reply and at the least if they decide not to allow it, i hope they'll atleast run it past you.

I can explain everything, i tried to email you, i don't know whether you got either of the emails i sent a couple weeks ago.

I'm just sorry and the sync's are telling me there's hope.

I had to hit rock bottom to see myself for what i was.

Now i am just sorry...
If you're being ignored in direct communication, then go around to forums and post at people to try to get their attention - that's stalking.
It doesn't matter what your intent is or how you feel, if a person isn't replying to you by choice or has said not to contact them and you don't respect that - you're in the wrong.

You're not the first stalker I've had to deal with personally or on behalf of someone else, so I'll leave this post here so everyone is fully aware of the situation.
I hope you can move on from what is clearly not reciprocal.

If you have been replied to since posting this, cool, keep it to DMs.
I'm not exactly being ignored in direct communication.

I can't make direct communication, maybe pm's on this forum i haven't tested the pm system here.

On glp i can't message her because there's a boundary in place for me which wouldn't be in place for most people, namely, i live in a psych ward and have static i.p and there's an account from the same i.p which is on her foes list, i want her to reconsider her position, but i have no direct means of communication.

Then there's her email, which she told me she doesn't check often and i suspect may have blocked my primary email.

This is all understandable to me.

Portraying me as a stalker when you know nothing, is jumping the gun.

This forum is pretty much dead, so it does not harm to message here for greater chance of clarification of her position.

Things change, the situation is not static.

I'll try to pm her here using the pm system, if she replies great, if she doesn't i guess that's my answer.

Not seeking conflict, only resolution.

EDIT: i can't send DM's on this forum, so i'll just say that, i will email one more time from an email which is not banned and she will then know where to find me should she change her mind, she knows my account on glp also, so you're right in a respect, the ball in is her court. I take my leave.
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