Green Lion in history

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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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Here's a cool one to start.

When Germany invaded Denmark during the Second World War the Hungarian chemist George de Hevesy dissolved the gold Nobel Prize medals of his colleagues Max von Laue and James Franck into aqua regia and placed the solution on a shelf in his laboratory at the Niels Bohr Institute to prevent the Nazis from taking them. After the war he returned to find the solution undisturbed and precipitated the gold out of the acid with the Nobel Society recasting Franck and von Laue’s awards from the original gold.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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Tony Leguia wrote:The green lion devouring the Sun is an ancient motif of alchemy. Contrary to the imaginations of many people, alchemists were not failed chemists. Rather, they were explorers of not only the chemical properties and reactions of substances but also practitioners of a sophisticated psychological art. Its goal was the total transformation of the personality into an agent of the divine. Later, C. G. Jung incorporated the methods, archetypes, and symbols of alchemy into his system of analytical psychology. In effect, he viewed alchemy as the yoga of the West. In this piece, I will share my meditations upon this alchemical symbol. ... 963b695baa
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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