White Sites

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Subject Title: White Sites
Author/s: (2) Dave (Prim. Delta) + //redacted// (Prim. Sierra)
Source: RV, Chronosync [WhiteHats], Guild Guidance Alpha - Delta
Clearance: Wide - GenPub. - ("for all viewing audiences + open source/s.")
Operational Sub-name: Op. Easter Egg Drop: West
Authorization: The Department //Chief of the Western Line (GC)//

**approved 3/31/24**

RELEASE DATE: 3/31/24 (Holiday: Easter Sunday)

Mission Statement: Dept. has authorized this release to educate and inform the general public as to the existence of: White Sites, their origin, their use and the possibility of aiding their development and success. The general public and concerned citizens of the future are invited to understand and engage in the construction and development of White Sites. This missive is part of the operational cyclic nature of the Department's "What will be, will be when we do what we must do" mission philosophy and provides further foundational resources.


White Site: "White sites" (hereinafter also known as W.S.) are actualized physical locations manifested from the activities of the people of a time aided by people of a future (and past) that counter the effects of the so-called "Black Sites" of the present and history. A white site is a facility that engages in activities, pursuits and projects that enhance the lives and longevity of all humans. A white site is engaged in the production of items and information that aid the aforementioned goals. W.S. engage in communications with assets (human) in the present and in future times through a variety of communication channels (more on that below and later).

White Sites are the result of past, present and future activity by staff, adherents and assets around the world and through time that result in the production of guaranteed results. They, the WS are produced through a simple process: What works, wins, what wins, helps. (More on this process in future comms.)

The winning tactics, strategies and solutions of the present are collected in the future, even the far distant future by beneficiaries. The beneficiaries then send resources back and forward through time to both individuals and groups for their use in their present time to aid in further success. A virtuous circle is completed when future resources are used in one's present time that then enhance future abilities of the beneficiaries, these enhancements then are sent back for further enhancement of the past/present. (More on this process in future comm's.)

Closing Statement: It is our intent in this communication to begin the development of a narrative and discussion that will aid in the tasks of current White Sites and plant seeds for future White Sites on a global, interplanetary and inter-dimensional scale. While we here at the Dept. already are assured of the success of this effort, due to the very existence of even a single White Site (more later) we also know that we must do the work that went into the eventual Win we already benefit from... our work closes the gap.

Topics for Future Comms:

[*] Location/s
[*] Resources
[*] Communications
[*] Ontology
[*] Philsophy
[*] Obstacles/Oppostion
[*] Questions/Concerns
[*] Progress Reports

We hope you all are ready to win as it is time for the Black Sites to meet their fate: CONVERSION.

Those who are opposed, well, we'll see you on the other side! Happy Hunting!



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*** SITE 8 OPEN COMMUNICATION - direct text***

General Note #1:

Questions from all viewers of these messages are allowed and encouraged. If you are a member of this forum it is presupposed that you are qualified to ask questions and receive answers.... we are here for YOU, with YOU and because of YOU, we win.

Your questions and problem solving are the very core of the White Site. It is the problem solving, imagination and investigative techniques of the past that allows the future to know the pitfalls of the endeavor. As the present, which you occupy, is the "past of the future", it is vital that you engage your mind in the NOW and help the future!

We, the members of the virtuous circle and the Department, are indebted to you, the present, for our very success... allow us to serve you now, with the very answers you gave US!

CLOSE THE GAP and allow us to repay your generosity of mind...

Ask away! When you so feel the need, desire and inspiration even simple questions help us all.

Start anywhere, it's all good.



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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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I kind of want to know everything there is to know about this topic now :melting:
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Lion Third Loop Lion

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Who are you?
What organization are you representing?
What organization administers the white sites?
By What authority do they administer the sites?
- Brian
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Given this wouldn't be possible in a linear universe (grandfather paradox), it's fair to assume there are parallel realities. How can you be sure the influence of these sites would achieve the desired result in the desired reality? I don't think the effects would affect all of them in an equal manner, or do they?
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General Note #2.

Technology and Time.

Where does technology come from?

Where does our, the White Site, technology come from?

Technology of the White Sites comes from the past and the present. YOU, gave it to us.

As the story of Icarus (and others) gave us airplanes.

As the story of Neuromancer (and others) gave us the Internet.

As the story of HG Wells (and others) gave us time travel.

As the Singularity of Kurzweil gave us the singularity.

So we have seeded the future, having realized all hopes and dreams, the far future is past all testing and toying with ideas. We have ALL that works and ALL that benefits.

White Sites of the present and future obtain technology from ideas. The ideas of the past and the present. The ideas of the past, the good ones, the bad ones, the beneficial ones, the evil ones, ALL make their way through time, carried by story-tellers and visionaries, into the future.

In the present, ideas from the past become manifest in the present as workable technology.

In the future, the far, far future, the stories of the present have become manifest as realities.

NO matter how outlandish an idea, the future has it. What begins as an idea, flows through time until it has been perfected in form. If a technology is dangerous, it is perfected. If it has unintended consequences, it is refined.

As we know...

Sometimes the refinement happens via "thought" - people of the past and the present think about things and refine the idea before it is manufactured or manifested. Sometimes the refinement happens through action - people of the past and the present make the item, disperse the item and the good/bad of it becomes known through its effects on the lives of some, many and all.

The technology of now, transported through time, by stories, inventions, prototypes and discovery are collected in the future. Only the best survive. As in evolution. They very best of what can be thought of and made survives, what causes harm or does not work, is discarded.

The furthest future has access to and utilizes the very best, most evolved technology that can and has been derived. If it causes harm we have learned from it. If it causes devastation we have learned from it. If it causes benefit, we keep it. If it works, we have it.

The technology of the White Sites is the "skimming out" of all that works. It is the refinement process that all of sentience has evolved. It is collected, singularly, by the future and that it does not work is no longer a hindrance and that which does work is what remains.

The remainder of all ideas. The remainder of all efforts. The remainder of all desires.

The past and the present seed the future with the very best. It can be no other way.

Teleportation, telepathy, health, entertainment to name a few have been perfected. Knowledge storage and wisdom: perfected. IF you think it, and share it, it enters the stream to the future and, eventually, becomes a manifest reality. The story tellers of the past and the present provide the realities of the future.

Including "time travel" and across time/dimension communications and learning. Full bodied, full consciousness and as real as one would like those experiences to be.

Some fun things the members of the White Sites of the present and future enjoy? That would possibly be of interest to the interests of these times?

[*] Simple non-addictive medicines/medical derives that ease physical pains and damage.
[*] Instant communication across distance, or, in person, that shares knowledge on a direct basis in the form of telepathy, without loss of individuality/privacy. On a voluntary basis one can presents ideas and words seamlessly to another individual without violating privacy or losing oneself in another's thoughts - or identity.
[*] Connection with non-human sentience. For instance, shoes. Shoes that allow one to communicate with the very ground, where the steps of the person wearing them delight and entertain the very earth with one's steps. (As the earth itself is a conscious entity).
[*] Housings, food, entertainment, protection from the elements - all perfected.
[*] Travel is perfected. The ability to travel to any world, in any time period and participate as a local, dressed in accordance with the times, and speaking the local language is perfected.

How? Through time and effort. Time and effort spent by the past and the present. What the past thought up and worked on and what the present thinks up and works on, the future has achieved and aided (more on the last, later comm.).

The future is active in the past, active in the present and active in your life even now.

None of the technology of the far future is from the far future, it is from the past. A debt is owed and a debt will be paid. If the debt is unpaid, the future does not happen.

As it has happened, so, it will happen. Again, as it was and will always.

As White Sites are seeded, they become part of the future and communications lines, once established, allow for the transfer of technology from a future that knows the pitfalls and allows them back, perfected by time, into the present without risk of calamity. The calamities are known by the future and nothing from there can cause harm now.... as they have already, in a time that will no longer arrive (more on that in later comms.)

What about free will and paradox? (much more on this later).

Free will exists and no one is forced into anything. Even in the future, "no" means "no". That is something that has been learned and is an unbreakable law.

To be cheeky about things, everything in the future is unbreakable... except free will.

Paradox is a non-sense term in the future as we have a complete record of all interference as the White Sites are the very source of the interference. Self-made and self-conceited.

Keep coming up with ideas and you, the present, are stocking the future with technology. You thought of it, and we, they, them, us have it. Interference by the White Sites is also part of the process of seeding the future, we arrive on time, since we know we arrived on time. We keep meticulous records, and the only record that matters: SUCCESS. We won.

THANK YOU for being so smart and giving us all that we have!

A debt is owed and a debt shall be paid - from you to us and back again.

We close the gap!


Last edited by Dave on Mon Apr 01, 2024 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Third Loop wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 8:03 pm Who are you?
What organization are you representing?
What organization administers the white sites?
By What authority do they administer the sites?
Excellent questions, and welcome. You are now a recognized member and conscious contributor. A debt is now owed and a debt shall be paid for your questions.

A) We are you.
B) The White Site.
C) Sentience, perfected, administers the White Site. Wisdom is our guidance.
D) Our authority comes from the failures of all others and the success of all endeavors. What works made us, what fails warned us.

ON a mundane level, in the present, White Sites are run and maintained by humans. Human beings with virtue. We follow the simplest of rules:

1) No lying
2) No killing
3) No intoxication
4) No sexual misconduct
5) No taking what is not given

We require no funding. We seek to give as we have already received the very best of what sentience has produced. We are aware of our own interference in our own creation and we follow the very footsteps that brought us to our own success. If we did not succeed we would not exist, as we do exist, we do what we did to achieve that... endlessly, and with joy and confidence.

We are the opposite of BLACK SITES. In fact, as BLACK SITES destroy themselves, we plant our very locations on their former locations. Fun fact.

IF a geographical site has been used in the destruction of man, has provided lies, has intoxicated or sexually violated a person, or groups of people, rest assured we plant an everlasting facility on that spot that provides the OPPOSITE of that, time everlasting.

A debt is owed and a debt is paid. The mistakes are the debt, the corrections are the payment.

Success to all. We're here for you... and, we enjoy being here as much as possible.

If these are insufficient answers, we will provide more. Thank you again, we are in your debt.

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OmegaShadow wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 8:53 pm Given this wouldn't be possible in a linear universe (grandfather paradox), it's fair to assume there are parallel realities. How can you be sure the influence of these sites would achieve the desired result in the desired reality? I don't think the effects would affect all of them in an equal manner, or do they?
Success is the guide, as we have succeeded we know we succeed. Time is a large subject.

You are correct. There are parallel realities, many. There are parallel times, many. There are parallel worlds, many.

In some sense it boils down, as always, to local setting: Where are you? When are you? One world? Many worlds? A series of worlds? A series of realities?

These are questions for your senses and your mind to answer.

White Site personnel adhere to the following guidance as to reality: Non-duality. The mind is where you are and the mind is reality. Change your mind, change your reality. Divide your mind, divide your reality. Unify your mind, unify your reality.

Reality is non-dual, the mind and reality are one.

A WHITE SITE is meant to effect the mundane planetary reality. People can relate to a physical location that contains beneficial personnel engaged in the betterment of sentience.

Thus, White Sites.

Thank you for your questions, a debt is now owed and a debt shall be paid.

Consciousness only. Reality is non-dual, mind and reality are one.
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Caylus Ark wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:07 pm I kind of want to know everything there is to know about this topic now :melting:
Your interest is a debt. A debt is owed, a debt shall be paid. Thank you.
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Lion Third Loop Lion

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Dave wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 10:13 pm
Third Loop wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 8:03 pm Who are you?
What organization are you representing?
What organization administers the white sites?
By What authority do they administer the sites?
Excellent questions, and welcome. You are now a recognized member and conscious contributor. A debt is now owed and a debt shall be paid for your questions.

A) We are you.
B) The White Site.
C) Sentience, perfected, administers the White Site. Wisdom is our guidance.
D) Our authority comes from the failures of all others and the success of all endeavors. What works made us, what fails warned us.

ON a mundane level, in the present, White Sites are run and maintained by humans. Human beings with virtue. We follow the simplest of rules:

1) No lying
2) No killing
3) No intoxication
4) No sexual misconduct
5) No taking what is not given

We require no funding. We seek to give as we have already received the very best of what sentience has produced. We are aware of our own interference in our own creation and we follow the very footsteps that brought us to our own success. If we did not succeed we would not exist, as we do exist, we do what we did to achieve that... endlessly, and with joy and confidence.

We are the opposite of BLACK SITES. In fact, as BLACK SITES destroy themselves, we plant our very locations on their former locations. Fun fact.

IF a geographical site has been used in the destruction of man, has provided lies, has intoxicated or sexually violated a person, or groups of people, rest assured we plant an everlasting facility on that spot that provides the OPPOSITE of that, time everlasting.

A debt is owed and a debt is paid. The mistakes are the debt, the corrections are the payment.

Success to all. We're here for you... and, we enjoy being here as much as possible.

If these are insufficient answers, we will provide more. Thank you again, we are in your debt.

You answered my questions without answering my questions Those are the answers of a person reluctant to name the organizations involved. I have no right to compel direct answers, but I am trying to assess your honesty, for some very far-out claims. The overall concepts involved are plausible and desirerable, but if I can't trust the source, it ain't worth squat.

Can a person travel though time, or just ideas/consciousness?
- Brian
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