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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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Dave wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 9:14 pm
Caylus Ark wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 6:03 pm
Nobody is forcing him.

What a lunatic.

"in too deep" - if he withdrew, his people would cannibalize him, I'd think.
There is a dude behind him more powerful and in command. An older gentleman, and, pulls a lot of Putin's strings. Never mentioned in the press, either Russian or American. We're all uncertain what happens when he goes.... since, well, a power vacuum his size is something unimaginable. He's a lynch pin Oligarch, the true dude behind the throne and he's as old as hell.. like the Emperor in Star Wars to Darth Vader... we all look at Darth, but, his Sith Lord is where the action is at.

Here's the thing, not only does he keep Putin in line, he keeps the other Oligarchs in line. He's from the cold war days (yes, that old) and no one knows what happens when he goes... could very well be the start of another Gangsta' Russia - violence in the streets and people running for the hills. He's the guy who ended the last one. No one like him - even vaguely - to put a stop to it this time.

Prior to this recent conflict there were a number of local "governors" that had major power, and fighting forces... non-oligarchs, just strong men. Their number has been whittled down to basically nothing now. Heck, several have fled the country too - AND - lost all of their troops.

It's not just the weapons we're "using up - we're using up the regional powers. The place is basically going to be .... un-governed when the hidden dude goes, and Putin shortly after. I have no idea, truly, what will replace all of it. Nothing? Make it a big ol' park? I have not heard a single plan, and, haven't considered one myself. It's a huge tract of land to leave as wild and un-populated. Were it not for the muslims in the west of China, I'd guess it'd just become some part of a.... hey.... wait a minute... a caliphate? Oh, well, that's unlikely given that the caliph people are otherwise engaged right now in keeping what they have.... or are they?

Hmmm.... plot thickens even as the soup gets thinner.

:S fascinating stuff honestly, I'm really glad I'm not a Russian! (a sentence I have said to myself more than once)

Maybe we can use it like we used to use Australia and send all the assholes to play king of the hill?
Instead of, "so you want to be a millionaire", we can host, "so you want to be a tsar?" and all the power hungry insane people can just go fight over it.
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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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Caylus Ark wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 5:39 pm
Dave wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 9:14 pm
Caylus Ark wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 6:03 pm
Nobody is forcing him.

What a lunatic.

"in too deep" - if he withdrew, his people would cannibalize him, I'd think.
There is a dude behind him more powerful and in command. An older gentleman, and, pulls a lot of Putin's strings. Never mentioned in the press, either Russian or American. We're all uncertain what happens when he goes.... since, well, a power vacuum his size is something unimaginable. He's a lynch pin Oligarch, the true dude behind the throne and he's as old as hell.. like the Emperor in Star Wars to Darth Vader... we all look at Darth, but, his Sith Lord is where the action is at.

Here's the thing, not only does he keep Putin in line, he keeps the other Oligarchs in line. He's from the cold war days (yes, that old) and no one knows what happens when he goes... could very well be the start of another Gangsta' Russia - violence in the streets and people running for the hills. He's the guy who ended the last one. No one like him - even vaguely - to put a stop to it this time.

Prior to this recent conflict there were a number of local "governors" that had major power, and fighting forces... non-oligarchs, just strong men. Their number has been whittled down to basically nothing now. Heck, several have fled the country too - AND - lost all of their troops.

It's not just the weapons we're "using up - we're using up the regional powers. The place is basically going to be .... un-governed when the hidden dude goes, and Putin shortly after. I have no idea, truly, what will replace all of it. Nothing? Make it a big ol' park? I have not heard a single plan, and, haven't considered one myself. It's a huge tract of land to leave as wild and un-populated. Were it not for the muslims in the west of China, I'd guess it'd just become some part of a.... hey.... wait a minute... a caliphate? Oh, well, that's unlikely given that the caliph people are otherwise engaged right now in keeping what they have.... or are they?

Hmmm.... plot thickens even as the soup gets thinner.

:S fascinating stuff honestly, I'm really glad I'm not a Russian! (a sentence I have said to myself more than once)

Maybe we can use it like we used to use Australia and send all the assholes to play king of the hill?
Instead of, "so you want to be a millionaire", we can host, "so you want to be a tsar?" and all the power hungry insane people can just go fight over it.
Isn't that what American politics is? Massively generationally wealthy families vying for power? lmao

Anyway that sounds like an upper class version of Ukraine (and elsewhere) with the war tourism that's been going on. Which aaaaalmost sounds like some other place we both know.
It's almost like there's been efforts globally to draw out certain extremist types to the surface and throw them in to meat grinders. Almost like.

I think Zelensky will eventually be killed by his own people. The retarded patsy should never have been put in power, has been used for an agenda not his own and will be discarded eventually.
Someone has to be recorded in history as taking the blame for the decade long (since 2014) attempted ethnic cleansing of Russian speakers that lie at the heart of the origins of the modern situation.
Whether those origins are all the reasons, well, that's a different story - it's where it officially started though, with the attempted driving out of Ukrainian born Russian speakers from Luhansk and Donetsk, which eventually, as we know, declared themselves independent Republics and were accepted in to the Russian Federation.

But yeah as for that guy, he's another one that literally cannot back down, because he secures his fate if he "gives up" after half a million of his countrymen are already casualities.

Meanwhile he just lowered the age of draft call up from 27 to 25, parliament considering lowering the mobilization age to 25 as well.
I guess not enough deaths yet - they could just let people vote to be part of what they want.

Wait til shit escalates in Moldova - they've been declaring themselves independent for over 30 years, a generation.
How long does it take to claim squatters rights? Or settlers rights?

We all know there's more to it, but on the surface - why can't we just let people be free? Jealousy? Greed?

Meanwhile, we have a "wall" and who's been paying for it? :handmouth:
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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I spoke too soon... turns out, headlines, the next day....

China is eyeing Russian real estate.

AN Eastern Front opens:

China's Quiet Push Into Russia's Far East Puts Putin in a Pickle Newsweek.
https://www.newsweek.com/china-push-eas ... le-1885828

About a dozen other headlines on the same topic next day.

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Týsköll wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 3:57 am Isn't that what American politics is? Massively generationally wealthy families vying for power? lmao

Anyway that sounds like an upper class version of Ukraine (and elsewhere) with the war tourism that's been going on. Which aaaaalmost sounds like some other place we both know.
It's almost like there's been efforts globally to draw out certain extremist types to the surface and throw them in to meat grinders. Almost like.

I think Zelensky will eventually be killed by his own people. The retarded patsy should never have been put in power, has been used for an agenda not his own and will be discarded eventually.
Spot on, spot on.

Paragraph one: yes, mostly, at least until 2015 that was true.

Paragraph two: Yes, it's planned to do just that - as was ISIS.

Paragraph three: Zel's mostly in the US and green screening his presence in Ukraine. A quick cosutme change and he's on the beach in Malibu 4ever, we're not that cruel.

Consciousness only. Reality is non-dual, mind and reality are one.
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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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Dave wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 7:24 pm Paragraph three: Zel's mostly in the US and green screening his presence in Ukraine. A quick cosutme change and he's on the beach in Malibu 4ever, we're not that cruel
That's been hypothesized, definitely fuckery with footage on both sides of that and the Pacific.

Zel the deceiver. Tsk tsk.
I imagine that if it were to come out with irrefutable proof that he's been faking his presence whilst enforcing with secret police and 'recruiters' helping young patriotic Ukrainians in to uniforms, he might just fall down some particularly sharp edged stairs.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Lion Aether Lion

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Aether wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 8:40 pm overview

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