Religious/Mythological entities as state of consciousness

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A brief discussion regarding Christ, Buddha, Quetzalcoatl, Lucifer and others as being states of consciousness as prompted elsewhere
Lucifer wrote: The Anomaly, Christ, buddha, Quetzalcoatl or lucifer are states of consciousness!
The nobody, Christ, Buddha, Quetzalcoatl or lucifer are states of consciousness ...that every human being that puts the effort could achieve ...

The nobody is the most modern and powerful of all....he is the full actualization of the divine within man ......he serves no god as is above all that is god. He is his own religion and fallows a path towards ascension and the end of samsara. know thy self ...
A thread by me ..
I've discussed it a bit elsewhere and this is very cursory but the basic idea is expressed.

Yes, the same for all frequencies that are entities all throughout time and space. We can align with the virtues or vices, the ways of, anything.
That concept of dressing as a figure, playing out scenes from history, connecting with that pattern, allows us to bring the aspect of the entity in to us. "LARPing" as a deity. Though in our modern era, as with all through history, this needs to be consensual between those involved.
It's an older way of doing things, still alive in certain occult rituals (some ceremonial magick is heavy on this), masonic rites, even mainstream religion (though hidden in such things as a thought process "WWJD", rather than taking on the persona).

I've discussed it as being core to our spiritual experience on... at least GLP (hey that's here!).
I will say this regarding "the nobody" and any figure, either alive today or who's signal is bouncing around the universal consciousness - whilst we can seek to "be like" or "learn the ways of", it's extremely important to, as you just quoted: know thyself. Not just though, but to BE yourself.
e.g. Do not seek to replicate Freyr, Lord of Peace so as to become Freyr. That, you can never be. Though you can take on the virtues and lessons of such, and grow as your own being.
It's also worth noting that working with aspects of entities (such as Freyr as Lord of Peace) can be more useful and easier done than trying to work with the entirety of that which makes up Freyr.

This is especially true in an era where we have so many varied versions of characters. It can become confusing, say, trying to "be Jesus" when there's multiple versions that might act differently depending on the belief, writing, translation, opinion and energies fuelling the various godforms, egregores or otherwise named "lesser" entity.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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I like your post. :)

Problem with someone deep in psychosis they fully start believing they are this other figure.

While for spiritual purposes a different kind of approach is helpful.

I wanted to leave a little anecdotal snippet, about slightly horrifying subject which was the aztec human sacrifice of prisoner warriors. They would have to dress up as a diety for a year and being treated with highest honours, before finally ending up on the human sacrifice altar. To some this was the most honourable way of dying and uniting with the gods.

I can't find my old source so this will have to do: ... personator
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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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QuoVadis wrote: Wed May 08, 2024 6:26 pm I like your post. :)

Problem with someone deep in psychosis they fully start believing they are this other figure.

While for spiritual purposes a different kind of approach is helpful.

I wanted to leave a little anecdotal snippet, about slightly horrifying subject which was the aztec human sacrifice of prisoner warriors. They would have to dress up as a diety for a year and being treated with highest honours, before finally ending up on the human sacrifice altar. To some this was the most honourable way of dying and uniting with the gods.

I can't find my old source so this will have to do: ... personator

You're absolutely correct, the psychosis thing where someone begins to believe they are the other entity is one reason why this sort of stuff needs a guide, a teacher, a community, a coven or otherwise religious group that understands what is being undertaken.
Now, there's obviously some cases where solo is how it goes down, either by preference or circumstance, but it's all sorts of higher risk I think.

Personally I'm a solo practitioner through a lack of anyone local to me left that isn't incarcerated or undesirable for other reasons.
I'm not sure if it's helped or hindered, I do know this place wouldn't exist if it weren't the case. So... there's that part of the big fate I suppose.

I'd not heard of the Aztec's doing this for a year prior to sacrifice, it does seem deeply spiritual. We can imagine easily, I think, that someone who has been playing the role with strict adherence for a year would be well aligned with such energy, ready for sacrifice to join that force when leaving the body and thus add to the power of the deity as much as possible.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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