Magic: your views, sources and methods?

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Hi, congrats on the upgraded forum. :)

I have generic questions to users here, on the topic of magic.

For example, what is your working definition of magic? And other views/opinions on it you'd like to share?

What kind of sources, or trainings, or studies or teachings in your life have been helpful getting to your current views and standpoint? Have you also developed something of your own unique approach?

Finally whether you feel like sharing anything of personal experiences or accomplishments or failures in magic, that might be interesting to discuss or note.

Cheers, quo.
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QuoVadis wrote: Tue May 07, 2024 5:56 am Hi, congrats on the upgraded forum. :)

I have generic questions to users here, on the topic of magic.

For example, what is your working definition of magic? And other views/opinions on it you'd like to share?

What kind of sources, or trainings, or studies or teachings in your life have been helpful getting to your current views and standpoint? Have you also developed something of your own unique approach?

Finally whether you feel like sharing anything of personal experiences or accomplishments or failures in magic, that might be interesting to discuss or note.

Cheers, quo.
I've never settled on a definition of magick, though I've nodded in pondering partial agreeance to some I've read.

My sources were like most originally, as a young'un I read fantasy, I read Agrippa, Crowley, Abramelin, etc. However I never had a space I could easily use for the more complex stuff, no great ceremonial magick was ever really possible so when I saw some bits n pieces by AO Spare and other "chaos" magicians it seemed simple and worth exploring in more detail.
From there I added in my own burgeoning knowledge of the elder futhark runes, concepts of crystal energies and fantasy RP/writing. Combining with both actual science and science fiction this eventually resulted in me developing my own quirky ways of doing things, some I speak about openly, others I hint at for those in the know to acknowledge from whatever shadowy seat they rest their buttocks upon.

I feel my Magick Rune Square and related studies is an accomplishment, it's a blend of the well known magic square system that uses the futhark and a "void" point to build a series of squares that I've used to create various sigils.
Some other accomplishments would be the method I've developed rune songs to accompany my bind runes that both describe the construction, how they work together and the goal of the thing.
As well as this I've created numerous "servitor" entities for a variety of reasons, as well as something I've referred to as the "red triangle" which is a quite personal thing but involves entities both of my own creation, "fictional" and mythological.

So, all this plus other things that began over 20 years ago.

I plan on finishing a grimoire with all this and more to be released either free in the shadowy places or published. Regardless, I'd like to write it one day, when the time feels right to do so.

Well, that's some extremely cursory info and most likely already known by anyone who's spoken to me much or read my things and stuff.

Edit: I suppose I should mention - which relates strongly to what is known as the chaotic approach - my "taking what works" concept. I initially began comparative religious studies after seeing table of corresponding deities and other mystical things in works such as Liber 777. This led me to basically reading a LOT and "finding what was the same". I'd rarely set out to do this, but would instead notice that certain systems had similarities and make a mental note, refining my own approach.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Welcome, Quo! ;p

Time to brew a bit of mojo!
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