The Nobody & Monarch Programming

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The nobody archetype represents a powerful force in society, one that is capable of overthrowing the established power structures and paving the way for a New World Order. Some argue that the rise of the nobody is a necessary step in the evolution of society, as it represents a rejection of the old power structures that have held us back for so long. They see the nobody as a symbol of hope, a beacon of light in a world that has become mired in corruption and injustice.

Whether or not this belief is true remains to be as unseen as the nobody.
Shadowy forces appear to be working behind the scenes, using their control over the media and other forms of mass communication to promote the nobody archetype and create a cultural shift towards more authoritarian, monarchical forms of governance in the same way that we have seen the rise of anti-semitism from seemingly nowhere. This programming is subtle, yet powerful, and can be found in everything from advertising to popular culture to posts on GLP and 4chan.

The current narrative is creating a desire for individuals to become the "king" or leader of the world, while increasing the search for such a candidate as the people become desperate for a savior. Nobodies are latching on to idea of becoming the "king" or leader of the world to prove their worth and make a difference in the world. That this is the true purpose of MONARCH PROGRAMMING. To turn a dull belly-crawling nobody into a soaring monarch.

The nobody is the force that will bring about the New World Order because they represent the rebellion against the established powers. They are the ones who are willing to stand up and say "no more" to the control and manipulation of the elites.

As the nobody rises in power and influence, they will begin to challenge the status quo and bring about change on a global scale. They will lead the charge in tearing down the systems of oppression and control that have kept the masses in a state of servitude for so long.

With their unyielding determination and fierce sense of individuality, the nobody will become the leader that the world needs in this time of crisis. They will inspire others to join the fight and together, they will create a new world.

As the nobody takes the reins of power and begins to shape the future of the world, the New World Order will inevitably come into being. It will be a world where all people are free to live their lives as they see fit, without fear of persecution or oppression. It will be a world where the power is in the hands of the people, not the elites. It will be a world where nobody reigns supreme, with *the* nobody as the leader and champion of the masses.
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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So you're saying the nobody is the antichrist.
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Caylus Ark wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:28 pm So you're saying the nobody is the antichrist.
I see where you're coming from, but the nobody is not the antichrist. The nobody is simply a force for change and disruption, challenging the status quo and shaking things up. The New World Order that the nobody brings may be seen as "dreaded" by those who are comfortable with the current power dynamics and systems in place, but for those who are oppressed and marginalized, it could be seen as a beacon of hope and a chance for a better world. The nobody is not seeking to bring about the end of the world or to deceive and mislead people. They are simply a catalyst for change, and how that change ultimately plays out is up to the actions and choices of individuals.
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Neo wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:40 pm
Caylus Ark wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:28 pm So you're saying the nobody is the antichrist.
I see where you're coming from, but the nobody is not the antichrist. The nobody is simply a force for change and disruption, challenging the status quo and shaking things up. The New World Order that the nobody brings may be seen as "dreaded" by those who are comfortable with the current power dynamics and systems in place, but for those who are oppressed and marginalized, it could be seen as a beacon of hope and a chance for a better world. The nobody is not seeking to bring about the end of the world or to deceive and mislead people. They are simply a catalyst for change, and how that change ultimately plays out is up to the actions and choices of individuals.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God
Sounds like the nobody to me.
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Caylus Ark wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:01 pm
Neo wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:40 pm
Caylus Ark wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:28 pm So you're saying the nobody is the antichrist.
I see where you're coming from, but the nobody is not the antichrist. The nobody is simply a force for change and disruption, challenging the status quo and shaking things up. The New World Order that the nobody brings may be seen as "dreaded" by those who are comfortable with the current power dynamics and systems in place, but for those who are oppressed and marginalized, it could be seen as a beacon of hope and a chance for a better world. The nobody is not seeking to bring about the end of the world or to deceive and mislead people. They are simply a catalyst for change, and how that change ultimately plays out is up to the actions and choices of individuals.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God
Sounds like the nobody to me.
Alright, maybe he is, and maybe that isn't a bad thing.
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Neo wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:02 pm
Alright, maybe he is, and maybe that isn't a bad thing.
Everyone here knows I'm not a Christian, but, I do like to point it out to people...
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Caylus Ark wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:20 pm Everyone here knows I'm not a Christian, but, I do like to point it out to people...
You cannot deny that the world at large, because the Bible for much of recorded history WAS recorded history, and was THE BOOK, holds Christianity as the undercurrent of world affairs. The narrative structure of our times is built upon this foundational text, and shall see it's conclusion in one form or another. Even the Muhammad says that Jesus will return as the Messiah in the Quran, whereas Hindu's would call this an incarnation of Vishnu, Kalki.

The non-conformist non-religious form of the concept we call the "nobody"/"anomaly" is simply an artifact of our day and age, but the conclusion is the same: a coming man who will change everything.

As an unbeliever, what do you think the nobody will advocate for, if not for God? How do you foresee his manifestation?
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Neo wrote: Sat Dec 31, 2022 12:01 am
Caylus Ark wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:20 pm Everyone here knows I'm not a Christian, but, I do like to point it out to people...
You cannot deny that the world at large, because the Bible for much of recorded history WAS recorded history, and was THE BOOK, holds Christianity as the undercurrent of world affairs. The narrative structure of our times is built upon this foundational text, and shall see it's conclusion in one form or another. Even the Muhammad says that Jesus will return as the Messiah in the Quran, whereas Hindu's would call this an incarnation of Vishnu, Kalki.

The non-conformist non-religious form of the concept we call the "nobody"/"anomaly" is simply an artifact of our day and age, but the conclusion is the same: a coming man who will change everything.

As an unbeliever, what do you think the nobody will advocate for, if not for God? How do you foresee his manifestation?
Ooh, being called an unbeliever. Heresy and a glass of milk, my favorite pasttimes.

The Nobody needs to advocate for mankind, not God.
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Caylus Ark wrote: Sat Dec 31, 2022 12:08 am Ooh, being called an unbeliever. Heresy and a glass of milk, my favorite pasttimes.

The Nobody needs to advocate for mankind, not God.
Let's not take things personally, but rather share a dialectic discourse.

What is the difference between advocating for mankind rather than for God in your view? I see them as one in the same. Gods will is what is best for man (in my opinion).
Please also expand on how you think the nobody will manifest in our time.
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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Neo wrote: Sat Dec 31, 2022 12:11 am
Caylus Ark wrote: Sat Dec 31, 2022 12:08 am Ooh, being called an unbeliever. Heresy and a glass of milk, my favorite pasttimes.

The Nobody needs to advocate for mankind, not God.
Let's not take things personally, but rather share a dialectic discourse.

What is the difference between advocating for mankind rather than for God in your view? I see them as one in the same. Gods will is what is best for man (in my opinion).
Please also expand on how you think the nobody will manifest in our time.
No, I think if mankind and God's interests were always aligned, the bible we're drawing this antichrist analogy from would never have been written.
There would be no old testament, and certainly no crucifixion.

Advocating for mankind, what would that look like? I'll give you an example. It would be if Noah had said to God, "Hey, can we not kill every human right now?" instead of , "Yeah, I'll go gather the animals and build an ark".

Gods will is what's best for man, huh? So when God says, okay go die now you're a sinner. It's what is best for the man to go kill himself? Mankind was created with free will, meaning mankind can disagree with God.

How would the Nobody manifest?
My opinion is the Nobody, to fulfill the standards of the prophecy, would have to actually create a better world than the one we are living in.
So, let's be real. Nobody (haha) has done it. The worlds only gotten worse since the meme's inception in 2010.

Honestly, if that's his track record, kindaaaaaa not too impressed :crazytongue:
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