Kenneth Grant - Outside the Circles of Time

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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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One of my FAVORITE occult books...
Going to do a bit of a writing and exploration of it, in addition to giving you guys the pdf.

https://cybercosmopolitan.files.wordpre ... f-time.pdf

The premise is that humanity is in a crisis of consciousness, night consciousness and day consciousness, consciousness inside of time and consciousness outside of time.

So what is the aeon that crowley failed to utter? it exists with respect to consciousness itself.

He calls the crisis of consciousness, "the ordeal of the abyss"...
As growing world tensions threaten to escalate and to submerge humanity finally, a bridge crossing the wordless aeon has appaeared almost miraculously and - like a web that spans Space and Time - is able to transport into other dimensions, other aeons, those members of the human race that have understood the Word or Voice of the Silence
The word or voice of the silence, kenneth argues, is the reason Crowley failed to utter the word of the aeon. it is because the aeon is wordless - it is precisely the fact that it is wordless that makes it entirely transcendent. It exists as the shape of sound, as the form beyond the formless. the same dreamworld accessed by sages, shamans, and poets alike.
We are living today at a crucial period of transition from one age to another, yet although periodically a new age dawns, it is within our time alone that it has become possible to see the succession of aeons, or cycle of time, not as a sequential process but as a simultaneous phenomenon. This is reflected in the consciousness of certain individuals who are liberated from the thraldom of spatial dimensions and who therefore exist outside the circles of time
Essentially, here is the thesis statement of Kenneth. What is simultaneity of time? Actually, I have one video here that illustrates it beautifully, but I'll summarize the most important analogy. Image that you have a video editor program open, and you are looking at the entire timeline of the video you are editing, from beginning to end. You are existing outside the circles of time with respect to this video - you can see the entire timeline in the editor on your screen. You can choose any position on the timeline and play the video, and the scenes proceed without any hesitation.

Time is like this, too.

Gonna continue in the next post...we have much to explore
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Kenneth has a special focus in his work on the female, "night" aspect of consciousness, which must reach balance with the masculine, "day" aspect of consciousness, which has prevailed until now.
The mani-stone is the special symbol of the female in her virginal or 'daughter' phase, of the woman whose mouth speaks oracles and, by the same mouth, manifests the wish-fulfilling gem that grants all desires.

Because the enigma of the woman and her role in the secret rites of occultism, the Aeon of Maat is shrouded in mystery [...] Yet today, the emergence of woman as a being in her own right, free and potent to control her own destiny, with the discomforting hint that she may surpass the male in knowledge and power, is paving the way for the advent of that aeon where she will function as a gateway through which cosmic influences will be invoked.
The female is the portal - the yoni, the portal, the passageway, the gateway through which osiris' monolith is immortalized....
It is not my purpose to try and prove anything; my aim is to construct a magic mirror capable of reflecting some of the less elusive images seen as shadows of a future aeon. This I do by means of suggestion, evocation, and by those oblique and 'inbetweenness' concepts that Austin Spare defined as 'Neither-Neither'. When this is understood, the reader's mind becomes receptive to the influx of certain concepts that can, if recieved undistortedly, fertilize the unknown dimensions of consciousness. In order to achieve this aim a new manner of communication has to be evolved; language itself has to be reborn, revivified, and given new direction and a new momentum. The truly creative image is born of creative imagining, and this is - ultimately - an irrational process that transcends the grasp of human logic.
What is a process outside of human logic?
We are creatures of reason, but as Kant has noted, our brains are limited to the processing power of our senses.

Think about this: the eye can only interpret some signals, can only construct an image along certain boundaries, can only show our brain what it has been constructed to reflect.

But consciousness can extend beyond these boundaries of the brain, can bleed into the quantum hologram where we are truly embedded....


It's not something you experience with any of your senses...
It is something you are embedded within, we all are...
We extend out, follow the pattern of the seed,
And we don't need to know the math, the logic, the theory...

We illuminate into simultaneity,
into the experience of fractality,
we do not open pandora's box
rather, we open ourselves and find the box is there, hope and chaos both....
The ediface of a reality-construct may sometimes be reared only by an architecture of absence, whereby the real building is at one and the same time revealed and concealed by an alien structure haunted by probabilities. These are legion, and it is the creative faculty of the reader - awake and active - that can people the house with souls [...]
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What is an alien architecture?

I can provide a clear illustration...

Kenneth didn't have what we have now, the ability to properly construct beyond the sensory means of humanity, something absolutely staggeringly ancient and progressive beyond time and space and 3rd dimensional understanding.
The preparation which renders the human instrument sensitive to the subtle impact of extra-cosmic forces is not quite the same of the preparation undergone by yogis with the purpose of experiencing superconsciousness. On the contrary, the former would seem to require the total and systematic derangement of senses [...] the key to self-knowledge [...]

'the primary study of the man who wishes to be a poet [...] is his own knowledge entirely. He seeks for his soul, inspects, tempts it, instructs it. As soon as he knows it, his duty is its cultivation [...] the soul must be made monstrous [...] The poet makes himself a seer by a long, tremendous and reasoned derangement of his senses. All the forms of love, suffering and folly, he seeks himself; he consumes in himself all poisons, in order to retain only the quintessences [...] Thus he attains the unknown; and when, at the point of madness, he finishes by losing the intelligence of his visions, he has beheld them!'
the mystic swims in the waters the schizophrenic drowns in....

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Caylus Ark wrote: Mon Dec 26, 2022 4:10 pm It's not something you experience with any of your senses...


We illuminate into simultaneity,
into the experience of fractality,
we do not open pandora's box
rather, we open ourselves and find the box is there, hope and chaos both....

The ediface of a reality-construct may sometimes be reared only by an architecture of absence, whereby the real building is at one and the same time revealed and concealed by an alien structure haunted by probabilities. These are legion, and it is the creative faculty of the reader - awake and active - that can people the house with souls [...]
Not experienced with any standard senses, that's for sure.

This 'not opening pandora's box, instead opening ourselves and finding it there' is very much "you had it all along".
However it also inspires memory of a really strange experience.

Essentially was in a pretty deep trancey like state. Though conscious my mind was not... firm... for lack of a better word lol. I had began to ponder the idea that we're all simply spheres of energy interacting with other spheres over and over, the idea of soul groups, etc.
Then at one point, I attempted to wrap my head around the idea and what things might be like for an inverted sphere, without truly considering what that entailed or meant, for a very, very brief moment I visualized/experienced what was instead of a sphere as my basis for viewing and experiencing, where all points circle back around and connect in a limited system, instead; no point circled back, there was no single surface like being inside a marble or when "zorbing".
To be honest It's quite indescribable and it was a very brief moment, but I relate it to the idea of opening oneself up and spreading over a wide area lol.
A sort of realization and very real moment in consciousness where experiencing "everywhere" was not just possible, but had happened, and all just by flipping the limitations of a concept (that of the sphere) - again, indescribable and I've not really spoken much on this before, I was alone when it occurred.
I might try to explain this better, it's certainly the first time I've attempted anything more than vague references.

Edit: "not firm" suggests that I was heavily inebriated, tripping balls, etc. This wasn't the case, I was partaking in herb at the time and was deeply philosophical and listening to trance music.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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becoming that which you are not
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Some people tell me I should be more clear in my writings.
But I communicate very clearly, and concisely, when I intend to do so.
When I do not...

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Caylus Ark wrote: Sun Jan 01, 2023 10:21 pm Some people tell me I should be more clear in my writings.
But I communicate very clearly, and concisely, when I intend to do so.
When I do not...

You also intend to do so.
It's poetry, in a sense; the full meaning intended for the discerning reader.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Týsköll wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 4:39 am
Caylus Ark wrote: Sun Jan 01, 2023 10:21 pm Some people tell me I should be more clear in my writings.
But I communicate very clearly, and concisely, when I intend to do so.
When I do not...

You also intend to do so.
It's poetry, in a sense; the full meaning intended for the discerning reader.
oh look, he gets me :hugs:

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Caylus Ark wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 4:47 am
Týsköll wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 4:39 am
Caylus Ark wrote: Sun Jan 01, 2023 10:21 pm Some people tell me I should be more clear in my writings.
But I communicate very clearly, and concisely, when I intend to do so.
When I do not...

You also intend to do so.
It's poetry, in a sense; the full meaning intended for the discerning reader.
oh look, he gets me :hugs:

Haha, I daren't presume. Yet as it turns out, possibly. :hugs:
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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