ASMR [its programming you :D]

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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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I'm going to make an ASMR m̶i̶n̶d̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶t̶r̶o̶l̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶g̶r̶a̶m̶m̶i̶n̶g̶ thread. :melting:

Y'all know my opinion on ASMR: it's literally hypnosis on steroids, and is a super clever devious way of putting programming triggers in people who get tingles.
If you want some evidence of this, just look at the handbook on classic hypnotic suggestions and hypnotic induction:
https://cybercosmopolitan.files.wordpre ... aphors.pdf

Notice that the suggestions and inductions are present in almost every ASMR video, except with the addition of other stimuli that aids in the hypnotic induction.
Relax, sleep, those are all commands and states of mind that make people more suggestible. If you are already tired and using it as a "sleep aid", it'll work particularly well.
ASMR also adds tingles by remotely interacting with the viewer, the tingles reinforce the suggestion in a tangible physical way.

the feeling of body pleasure, for those whom it works on, creates a need/desire to come back and get more

ASMR is an extremely plausible pretext to test the embedding of various programming effect. In the context of any other kind of video, these efforts would seem extremely strange or disturbing, but under the pretense of relaxing tingles, anything goes (as you'll see


anyway, do you guys like ASMR? I do. you can post ASMR here if you want.

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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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to this ends, I've put together a document to explain how each trigger relates to embedded commands

suspicious glances back and forth

honestly, I'm not really sure I should even post this :sadtear: :teardespair: :despair:

oh well...

the ungodly popular, "cranial nerve exam"
literally, a not even veiled attempt to activate the nerves that connect the brain to your sensory nervous system. as far as manipulating the actual circuitry of the brain, I feel this is pretty funny in how obvious it is. it relates exactly to the concept of "an AUTONOMOUS SENSORY MERIDIAN RESPOSE". What does that mean? it means that they are triggering your senses and creating associations between those triggers and various programming commands. the ASMR artists have a standardized series of triggers they pretty much all use (which I'll detail here). watch enough, and the triggers will stick, even when used in real life

-pen clicks
"anchor-point" in the mind. signals to the target that the information that comes next is extremely important, and it will create a stronger
impression on the target's subconscious. The accompanying hand gestures
and auditory cues like the pen clicks are both aides to the verbal commands ('which are doing the real work')

-palm down, or palm flat against a surface

"Do NOT think about this". Usually a phrase or topic follows. Used to suppress the conscious mind's recognition of any suggestion or command, allowing it instead to be processed by the subconscious. The subconscious will accept the information uncritically, where it will then be buried until it can be used in later triggers. Sometimes, it will also be used by an agent as they speak to another agent in the presence of their target

-tapping nails against a surface or object of interest
the 'tap', can be used for a number of commands or to signal the target to pay close attention, or to 'relax' and listen to the verbal commands
that come next. It is also a type of self-soothing gesture which when done by the target suggests the target is already in a trance

-moving the hand and rubbing the tips of the fingers together while gesturing towards an area of apparent interest
"butterfly", used to "soften" or "relax" critical thinking faculties.
When this is used, what comes next is very important; what follows will often be a trigger for entering hypnotic trance, although sometimes it will be a suggestion to help implant false memories. however, the hand
sign itself doesn't induce the trance, it's the suggestion planted. the
hand sign is there to activate a specific suggestion

-latex gloves
imparts a feeling of authority, sanitary, precision, professionalism
knowledge, emphasizes hand movements. Evokes "white coat syndrome", useful for implantation of very personal suggestions or commands which will be taken literally when enacted by the target

-"snapping" the gloves
"shock" or surprise the target with an obtrusive sound. the aftermath
of the sound creates a subtle but consistent moment of disorientation which can be utilized

-one finger raised ("no" hand sign)
"one finger means 'no'"
Any thought or action associated with a raised index finger means "no"
or "stop". Some consider the symbol itself to be the only necessary
suggestion to induce a trance.

-"stop" hand sign (a single hand, flat, facing the viewer)
when the stop hand command is followed by the aforementioned "no" hand
command in close proximity, it can immediately halt an action or thought in the subject. Can halt a train of thought and "short-circuit"
what the target is currently thinking, creating the "blank slate"

-"face palm" [hand flat against face, palm touching or nearly touching the forehead]
used as an 'abort' 'erasing' or 'forgetting' command, implicated in "memory wiping" effect

-"shush" or "keep this a secret" (one finger raised in front of closed lips)
obviously silence/secrecy. but very rarely used to call for actual silence from the person, and more mainly works to implant the Idea of silence. highly effective as a secrecy command. the subconscious very rarely forgets, so if a secret is planted in the subconscious mind and the secrecy command is triggered, only the conscious mind forgets, whereas the subconscious mind still is affected by and acts upon the trigger

-”hold still” (verbal)
Used to prepare the target to be programmed, to enter the hypnotic trance. A suggestion to not allow any intrusive thoughts into your mind, as only the handler’s thoughts and suggestions can be accepted in this state. The “hold still” command is to keep the mind clear and receptive of programming.
Among the most powerful inductions for trance. There are many different varieties, including, ‘Don’t Move’, ‘Stay Right There’, and ‘Calm Down’. Usually they are used in the context of other demands. The effect all these variations have in common is to halt all voluntary activity. It is often the final suggestion made before the subject is put in a ‘sleepytime trance’ which is often utilized for implanting false memories

-waving a hand over the subjects face in a repetitive back and forth motion
If slow, it indicates a ‘sleepytime’ trance. The subject becomes lethargic, drowsy; the suggestion following the ‘waving’ usually instructs the subject to enter a “sleepytime” or “fall asleep” trance.
If the waving is quick, it might be signaling ‘calm down’, to reduce anxiety and induce relaxation.
The waving hand tends to be a general command to enter a deeper state of hypnosis or return to a previous state of hypnosis. Could also be interpreted by the subject as a “wiping” or a “reset”, a command to “Clear the Hard Drive” and receive a new suggestion

Structure of an ASMR video

‘Formula’ tends to be:
-30 minute video, sometimes up to an hour

-scene setup: the asmr artist informs the viewer of what will happen in a scene, what their role is and why they have “shown up” to see the asmr artist, and what triggers/inductions will take place

-light induction:
generally first couple of triggers are introduced, building the trance-lite state, but not yet into a deep trance. A couple of important visual or auditory triggers from the past might be reintroduced here to enhance the suggestion they pertain to

-roleplay portion: the meat and potatoes of the video, where the deepest portion of the trance will be inducted. The suggestions and embedded commands of relevance to the video will be placed into this portion and will be accepted by the subconscious of the person watching under the pretext of being a part of the roleplay. This takes place automatically - the consent portion is simply the continuance of watching the video. Importantly this also reveals certain vulnerabilities by, when a subject stops watching the video entirely.

-deep trance can be induced before or after or during the meat and potatoes of the roleplay portion. The important part is that it achieved at the optimal time for the suggestions being delivered. Depending on the triggers and the content of the video, the placement of the deep trance induction may vary

-”sleepytime” cool off/induction: at this point, the video winds back down with lite trance, some final embedded commands, the most prominent among said commands being the “forget what you have done and seen” suggestion, resulting in both literal sleep and the metaphorical “sleep” of the part of the brain that experienced the induction. Only the pleasant physical sensations tend to be retained, thus leading the viewer to seek out further asmr
this is the portion where the viewer will be reminded to forget
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Lion Ayana Lion

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So I’m going to watch these videos u put up and throw out my thoughts, sensations or memory triggers. Those ones above I don’t Iv seen these ones.

Usually first emotion is anger towards the person doing the video. Follows depends on what type asmr so ip go through them and jot
”Strong women don't
have 'attitudes',
we have standards.”
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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actually, let me give you a small example of how hand signs work
for those in the know, when delivered by a handler type persona, they are vastly more powerful than words
or even the surface meaning attached to them

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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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Ayana wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 4:14 pm So I’m going to watch these videos u put up and throw out my thoughts, sensations or memory triggers. Those ones above I don’t Iv seen these ones.

Usually first emotion is anger towards the person doing the video. Follows depends on what type asmr so ip go through them and jot
oki, I can give you more specific or tailored ones if those don't work for ya
I have a long list of fucking triggering or bizarrely specific ones
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Lion Ayana Lion

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Yes! Go on..throw them at me hahaha. Image
”Strong women don't
have 'attitudes',
we have standards.”
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 Abel Oneus 
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Wow great thread.
This explains a lot.
I can only imagine what they thought i was.
I remember I was showing one of the guys I was replacing when he was training me, a mirror. I was under great duress i was showing him the mirror it was a small circular vanity mirror.
He was one of the only people I was able to connect with and he could see what I saw.
I kept changing the mirror into different things looked like a slot machine spinning and changing randomly.
He said "what? I can't see it it keeps changing"

Then later the manager was all like "we gunna convert him" the guy that was training me just looked at him and said "good luck"

Good information here they used a lot of these tactics on me. I was not impressed I picked up on their hand signals fast based on their reactions.

I know I know I'm vague but that's for reasons.
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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Abel Oneus wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 7:53 pm Wow great thread.
This explains a lot.
I can only imagine what they thought i was.
I remember I was showing one of the guys I was replacing when he was training me, a mirror. I was under great duress i was showing him the mirror it was a small circular vanity mirror.
He was one of the only people I was able to connect with and he could see what I saw.
I kept changing the mirror into different things looked like a slot machine spinning and changing randomly.
He said "what? I can't see it it keeps changing"

Then later the manager was all like "we gunna convert him" the guy that was training me just looked at him and said "good luck"

Good information here they used a lot of these tactics on me. I was not impressed I picked up on their hand signals fast based on their reactions.

I know I know I'm vague but that's for reasons.
glad I could be helpful ;)

Actually, the AI helped me put the list together, not that I didn't recognize it or couldn't figure it out myself, but the AI was really good with specific details whereas I was just like... uhhh that's a thing! that thing with the pen is a thing...that thing with the finger raised is a thing...
and the ai tried to tell me why it was a thing
so we collaborated :D
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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(below is an example of pen click triggers en masse, to give you an example of a specific trigger being embedded in the context of the roleplay)
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 Abel Oneus 
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Caylus Ark wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:00 pm
Abel Oneus wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 7:53 pm Wow great thread.
This explains a lot.
I can only imagine what they thought i was.
I remember I was showing one of the guys I was replacing when he was training me, a mirror. I was under great duress i was showing him the mirror it was a small circular vanity mirror.
He was one of the only people I was able to connect with and he could see what I saw.
I kept changing the mirror into different things looked like a slot machine spinning and changing randomly.
He said "what? I can't see it it keeps changing"

Then later the manager was all like "we gunna convert him" the guy that was training me just looked at him and said "good luck"

Good information here they used a lot of these tactics on me. I was not impressed I picked up on their hand signals fast based on their reactions.

I know I know I'm vague but that's for reasons.
glad I could be helpful ;)

Actually, the AI helped me put the list together, not that I didn't recognize it or couldn't figure it out myself, but the AI was really good with specific details whereas I was just like... uhhh that's a thing! that thing with the pen is a thing...that thing with the finger raised is a thing...
and the ai tried to tell me why it was a thing
so we collaborated :D
Thanks K
Keep up the amazing work. I should probably talk to the AI myself too. Very interesting.
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