ASMR [its programming you :D]

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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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this one was posted like 30 minutes ago funnily

(when the title is literally what they're doing)
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This was the first ever ASMR thing I remember hearing, heard it on tumblr ages ago. Uploaded to youtube in 2007 and the creators of it claim it was made in 1996.

I used to consider it intrinsically linked to sexual arousal, you look at the twitch category for ASMR and it's pretty much nothing but women in skimpy outfits sucking sloppily on fake ears for hours, but I have experienced the same type of ASMR sensation from simply reading in silence as well so I am not entirely sure what to think. It is most definitely hypnotic, but I don't quite understand how it's "mind control programming" seeing how it's something you typically seek out on your own and choose to participate in. I've also never felt as if they were pushing an agenda onto me or implanting ideas other than simply being a subject for odd one sided roleplay, but i guess maybe that's the point?

This one's one of my favorites
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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adom wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 10:37 pm but I don't quite understand how it's "mind control programming" seeing how it's something you typically seek out on your own and choose to participate in. I've also never felt as if they were pushing an agenda onto me or implanting ideas other than simply being a subject for odd one sided roleplay, but i guess maybe that's the point?
One of the first things you learn very early on as a hypnotist, is that the most important element is consent
There should be a desire to engage in the act, whatever the act is
Rather than an aversion to the act.
if you are enjoying what you are doing, it's very unlikely you will ever register, "oh it's sketchy" or "oh its dangerous". you take it on the surface level and just continue to indulge your dopamine response.
If you can get someone to voluntarily engage in mind control programming, you're going to actually have more success at it.
I know that sounds strange, but it's true.
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Caylus Ark wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:00 pm
Abel Oneus wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 7:53 pm Wow great thread.
This explains a lot.
I can only imagine what they thought i was.
I remember I was showing one of the guys I was replacing when he was training me, a mirror. I was under great duress i was showing him the mirror it was a small circular vanity mirror.
He was one of the only people I was able to connect with and he could see what I saw.
I kept changing the mirror into different things looked like a slot machine spinning and changing randomly.
He said "what? I can't see it it keeps changing"

Then later the manager was all like "we gunna convert him" the guy that was training me just looked at him and said "good luck"

Good information here they used a lot of these tactics on me. I was not impressed I picked up on their hand signals fast based on their reactions.

I know I know I'm vague but that's for reasons.
glad I could be helpful ;)

Actually, the AI helped me put the list together, not that I didn't recognize it or couldn't figure it out myself, but the AI was really good with specific details whereas I was just like... uhhh that's a thing! that thing with the pen is a thing...that thing with the finger raised is a thing...
and the ai tried to tell me why it was a thing
so we collaborated :D

Definitely a thing.
"the thing with the thing, you know! the thiiiinnng." :grin3:
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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like, look at this new one from one of my regulars, ASMR Eliza. Look the picture she just throws in there, in her casual ever so innocent ASMR session..


Euclidean Rhythems?
Is that a passcode or what?
I guess either you see it or you don't.
Why do I watch this shit?
grumbles I'm going to bed
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Caylus Ark wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 3:42 am like, look at this new one from one of my regulars, ASMR Eliza. Look the picture she just throws in there, in her casual ever so innocent ASMR session..


Euclidean Rhythems?
Is that a passcode or what?
I guess either you see it or you don't.
Why do I watch this shit?
grumbles I'm going to bed
"The greatest common divisor of two numbers is used rhythmically giving the number of beats and silences"

The silence between is as important as the sound itself, imbalance is evident where it is lacking. 8 and 12, we're looking at 4. When it's 3 or 5 it feels "off".
That same "exploitation" of rhythm is used in a lot of things, as is the jarring "out of time" stuff.
We see it in poetry and song, where everything flows along - then suddenly something jarring to said flow changes the mood, often driving a point home or leaving the reader/listener sort of "stunned" for a moment.
It is both the gaps and the change up that insertions can occur, with the former the listener is waiting for the expected input, the latter to solidify or adjust what input was previously received. I'm saying all this to relate to programming and such things as the tapping of pen or clicking of fingers with hypnotic states.

No idea what you're meaning by passcode... though this is a weird translation of the words: "you slide an' writhe em"
A little fucky as that's a K sound not an S, but yknow. :D

These were words. :P
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Týsköll wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 7:30 am
Caylus Ark wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 3:42 am like, look at this new one from one of my regulars, ASMR Eliza. Look the picture she just throws in there, in her casual ever so innocent ASMR session..


Euclidean Rhythems?
Is that a passcode or what?
I guess either you see it or you don't.
Why do I watch this shit?
grumbles I'm going to bed
"The greatest common divisor of two numbers is used rhythmically giving the number of beats and silences"

The silence between is as important as the sound itself, imbalance is evident where it is lacking. 8 and 12, we're looking at 4. When it's 3 or 5 it feels "off".
That same "exploitation" of rhythm is used in a lot of things, as is the jarring "out of time" stuff.
We see it in poetry and song, where everything flows along - then suddenly something jarring to said flow changes the mood, often driving a point home or leaving the reader/listener sort of "stunned" for a moment.
It is both the gaps and the change up that insertions can occur, with the former the listener is waiting for the expected input, the latter to solidify or adjust what input was previously received. I'm saying all this to relate to programming and such things as the tapping of pen or clicking of fingers with hypnotic states.

No idea what you're meaning by passcode... though this is a weird translation of the words: "you slide an' writhe em"
A little fucky as that's a K sound not an S, but yknow. :D

These were words. :P
by passcode I just sort of meant "subtle signal to those paying attention". it's like the triggers are unicorns, cute little lights...out of nowhere then, that, lol.

that's a good analysis, that's basically what I meant, but a lot more to the point
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Caylus Ark wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 4:27 pm
Týsköll wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 7:30 am
Caylus Ark wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 3:42 am like, look at this new one from one of my regulars, ASMR Eliza. Look the picture she just throws in there, in her casual ever so innocent ASMR session..


Euclidean Rhythems?
Is that a passcode or what?
I guess either you see it or you don't.
Why do I watch this shit?
grumbles I'm going to bed
"The greatest common divisor of two numbers is used rhythmically giving the number of beats and silences"

The silence between is as important as the sound itself, imbalance is evident where it is lacking. 8 and 12, we're looking at 4. When it's 3 or 5 it feels "off".
That same "exploitation" of rhythm is used in a lot of things, as is the jarring "out of time" stuff.
We see it in poetry and song, where everything flows along - then suddenly something jarring to said flow changes the mood, often driving a point home or leaving the reader/listener sort of "stunned" for a moment.
It is both the gaps and the change up that insertions can occur, with the former the listener is waiting for the expected input, the latter to solidify or adjust what input was previously received. I'm saying all this to relate to programming and such things as the tapping of pen or clicking of fingers with hypnotic states.

No idea what you're meaning by passcode... though this is a weird translation of the words: "you slide an' writhe em"
A little fucky as that's a K sound not an S, but yknow. :D

These were words. :P
by passcode I just sort of meant "subtle signal to those paying attention". it's like the triggers are unicorns, cute little lights...out of nowhere then, that, lol.

that's a good analysis, that's basically what I meant, but a lot more to the point
Oh ok.
Also yay lol, I'm just glad I was speaking sense, or at least could be understood. XD
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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