The Nobody is/was a Gauntlet...

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Lion Third Loop Lion

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Týsköll wrote: Fri Jan 20, 2023 4:41 am
Third Loop wrote: Fri Jan 20, 2023 4:01 am
Caylus Ark wrote: Fri Jan 20, 2023 1:47 am
The work is to become yourself
That answer may be profound or it may be shallow.
The issue is still ill defined.
Is it?
I think so, but I'll explain myself. I'm sorry I wasn't including your insights into my analysis, I was merely examining Caylus's answer.

Lets say I want to be the nobody, how do I do that?
Caylus says by walking the walk and doing the work, I asked her what she means by that her answer was to be myself or decide what I want to be.
I want to be the nobody, how do I do that?
walk the walk and decide who to become.
I want to be the nobody, how do I do that?

I see the answer as a bit circular. At the same time I do see the wisdom in just walk and be yourself and if you're meant to be the nobody events will unfold in your life to fulfill the destiny. I just wanted Caylus's opinion on what a possible path forward for the nobody could be given the nearly impossible obstacles in the path.
Last edited by Third Loop on Fri Jan 20, 2023 5:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Brian
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Týsköll wrote: Fri Jan 20, 2023 4:41 am
Becoming, full actualization of the self despite the directed machinations and oppression of the negative environment fostered by "tptb". Showing a new way outside the box of predefined dogmatic rule, religious, political or otherwise. To find a way without looping the same cycle yet again, but perhaps most importantly to show how others can, not to guide once more, creating further loops.
Breaking out of the cycle and demonstrating that it can be done, instead of of step by step instruction.
That you can be yourself as defined by yourself.

At least, this is the line of thinking in the quotes above.
We do not exist in a vacuum, and nearly everybody must self-actualize in the environment fostered by the TPTB, be it the nobody or otherwise. The society of the majority of us has been crafted over millennia by the powers, and I think a nobody type person would actualize because of this environment, not despite it.

I agree that the nobody meme is there to show that there are alternatives to current socioeconomic models. That has been a function of the meme since it's inception. Determining what the best alternative is without looping just a different type of TPTB is beyond the scope of a nobody. They would just be a tyrant if we leave it to one individual. The purpose of the meme was to start a movement of understanding in the collective consciousness that we as a society can change the course of fate that TPTB have laid out for us.

The question I'm wondering is how we get there from here. The nobody meme introduced the possibility of an alternative, but how would an individual coalesce the current movement into a positive force of change for society short of breathing fire.

I think the meme and current trends show that resistance is possible, but how to you organize a social movement around "nobody".
- Brian
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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I realize my answer was a bit vague, I'm
not trying to be flippant or cursory.
I'll come back later tonight and be a bit more specific
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Third Loop wrote: Fri Jan 20, 2023 5:33 am
Týsköll wrote: Fri Jan 20, 2023 4:41 am show how others can, not to guide once more, creating further loops.
Breaking out of the cycle and demonstrating that it can be done, instead of of step by step instruction.
That you can be yourself as defined by yourself.
I think a nobody type person would actualize because of this environment, not despite it.

They would just be a tyrant if we leave it to one individual.


we as a society can change the course of fate that TPTB have laid out for us.

The question I'm wondering is how we get there from here. The nobody meme introduced the possibility of an alternative, but how would an individual coalesce the current movement into a positive force of change for society short of breathing fire.

I think the meme and current trends show that resistance is possible, but how to you organize a social movement around "nobody".
"Because of" versus "despite", I think we're actually saying similar things. The environment causing a requirement of change and a/the nobody seeding alternatives/new ways as a catalyst. It's not quite fully despite, but it is indeed caused by.

Regarding a singular person ending up as a tyrant, yeah. That's why I was trying to express; instead of guiding and telling what to do, instead, showing how things might be done. "A guide only knows his ways", etc.

This also touched on the question you raised;

"how do I become the nobody?"
First and foremost; be yourself. In trying to claim a title that so many define differently you end up trying to please all and fit all predefined parameters of their boxes, whilst never truly being yourself. This is also part of the manipulations by those who seek to direct traffic; if they can solidify their personal head canon as being a requirement of "the nobody" then any aspirant to the title has to fit their box, that doesn't really jive with the whole nobody vibe, imo.
At that point you may as well put a collar on and hand the chain to the box maker.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Third Loop wrote: Fri Jan 20, 2023 5:08 am
Týsköll wrote: Fri Jan 20, 2023 4:41 am
Third Loop wrote: Fri Jan 20, 2023 4:01 am

That answer may be profound or it may be shallow.
The issue is still ill defined.
Is it?
I think so, but I'll explain myself. I'm sorry I wasn't including your insights into my analysis, I was merely examining Caylus's answer.

Lets say I want to be the nobody, how do I do that?
Caylus says by walking the walk and doing the work, I asked her what she means by that her answer was to be myself or decide what I want to be.
I want to be the nobody, how do I do that?
walk the walk and decide who to become.
I want to be the nobody, how do I do that?

I see the answer as a bit circular. At the same time I do see the wisdom in just walk and be yourself and if you're meant to be the nobody events will unfold in your life to fulfill the destiny. I just wanted Caylus's opinion on what a possible path forward for the nobody could be given the nearly impossible obstacles in the path.
It does appear circular, I think because you're recursively applying the problem to the solution whilst never accepting the solution offered as it stands.
In trying to explain the solution ponder upon this:
If you want to be the nobody, you're already choosing who you want to become, there's no further question.
However if you're looking externally for parameters as to what the nobody is so you can meet the criteria, then you're doing the "please the box makers" I mentioned in previous post.

I suppose you need to consider if "the nobody" is a title with set parameters controlled externally, or it's an identity defined by self; of course we can only ever be ourselves, so if you're "the nobody" then you're "the nobody". We should take care to not lie to ourselves and appropriate an identity not ours though.

If not correct, I think at least worth the ponder. :)
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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I think Ty did a really good job of explaining that :inclouds:
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Where's Morpheus when you need him?

Also thread theme:
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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Respect not the Hand,
Get F'st'd.

Neo wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 12:35 am Where's Morpheus when you need him?

Also thread theme:

O, Yu actually ask'd?


Right Here, baby

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