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Lion Aether Lion

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a thought concerning the above chemtrail writing
if our powers that be knowing what is happening
decided in their wisdom to secretly apply homeopathy
it would mean that haarp and the other technology
were realy there to assist our mental immune sytem
prepare for the electromagnetic effects of transision

the history of humanity shows you are mostly correct
no governments ever been there to provide and protect
but for the past sixty years plus a new notion dawns
that our universe was to alter their chain of commands
the prospect of 300 million in the usa going strange
crytilzes the mind and makes you want to pre arrange
the safest way to protect and preserve your domain
even if that means for the first time being humane
of course what actualy happens is in your own hands
collective intuition will assist or resist all plans

collective intuition may be begin to feel and congeal
as the symbols governing our societies start to reveal
the powers they have held so sacred and with such awe
meaningless to the majority held under their capture
leads to the revelation that all those symbols and signs
are essential ingrediants to knowing the energetic times
maybe the fact that every building of authority is shown
to be constructed with geometry who`s source was unknown
will make sense to all with a different state of mind
never again blind nor ashamed or fearful to be kind

electromagnetic effects must occur in our system
the british governemt calls a receiver a victim
the schumann resonance may be an good indicator
if what effects our minds is on an escalator
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Lion Aether Lion

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mind games are part of human life enjoyed by the few
was there ever a time when everybody felt they knew
how the game was played as some always appeared to know
was their faith or natural talents what let them glow
or was it something everybody could do if they only knew
perhaps there is no point in looking back to see why
maybe it`s best to just ensure soon everybody has their day

i believe this thread has for certain opened the door
that our environment within which we live is for sure
not a static newtonian place which still today is sold
it is no accident that this knowledge has not been told
for reasons of complex national security but never mind
today our powers that be understand information will find
the hearts and minds of all residing within it`s domain
promoting imagination of untold scope as we maintain
our inner selves peace by knowing that we do belong
in a world which is not mysteries so we were not wrong
when our hearts told us that once we understood how
the right place for us to be is right here right now

now perhaps we feel why eternity
as our minds embrace creativity
never to consider searching for a begining
with reality showing clearly there`s no ending
history will fall into place as we set free
our imaginations rooted in what we can see

now we are sequencing our words together
that indicates we are seeing life clearer
there`s never been a time before recorded
when our thoughts matched what`s reported
the mysteries soon disintegrate to nothing
as the wonders of meaning start manifesting
our universe is an intelligent habitation
knowing this is the begining of cooperation
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Lion Aether Lion

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disclosure is a simple word for a complex event
nasa with other agencies where the last to relent
the usa beats at the heart of this matter so
public reactions are crucialy critical to know
you guess your interacting with something maybe
concerning a high level of national security
if life feels altered over these passed days
put it down to experience in leaving the maze

not the ribbon that`s literaly the non conscious per say
it`s the physics of knowing it was there that are in play
understanding the mechanisms that support the ribbons
allows area 51 advancements and more colourful notions
from religion to medicine it`s up to our imagination
"weird science and freaking magic" is their definition

the new sequences of words reflecting our minds eye
be it inside our bodies or what`s seen in our sky
turning over page one of our natures altered thinking
we wonder at being unable to see this story ending
it`s not only us which alters because we now know
all else changes to accommodate and begins to show
although it may me a new begining for all of us
for our universe greeting us is not a big fuss

non-physical phenomena isn`t new to our human race
it`s been a while since it`s had a scientific place
the descriptive languge being spoken on this thread
permits the non material freedom to enter your head
the feeling is unique as each individual detects
the magic of a cause creating infinite effects
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Lion Aether Lion

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our universe appears to be an inteligent environment
naturaly increasing all intelligence with encouragement
if this is our time to understand more to grow
maybe it`s pointless to ignore or just say no
it would not mean our teacher doesn`t posses a heart
it may be that we do not know to judge when to start

possibly we start to see magic in life for you and me
so many times we were told how the end of all will be
how sad was it to know that our universe was doomed to go
what effects on our subconscious did this knowledge show
it takes a time to think it through and look around
with a mind which knows that only eternal can be found
no matter what your station may be you exist within
a universe that knowing eternity is where you begin

having embraced the mysteries you may well agree
that this time we live within is unlike history
in no era before is it recorded our communications
were interlinked and instantanious across all nations
globalisation may appear to be of single motive
nothing acts as designed for the uncommunicative

the effects are everywhere because the cause is too
be it the micro or macro both are within me and you
a single cause with infinite effects eternaly existing
possible sounds familier but imagine no mystery making
your`s and my mind`s are built to take the revelation
we are all are part of this coherent complex situation
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it seems impossible the roman empire did not know
the role played by hands and feet when energies flow
the popularity of crucifixition on the straight roads
and hills of all the territories within their domains
was the phycological message to those whom knew
we control the magical powers that let us own you

the catholic church through it`s symbol and sign
shows it believes within the spin is the divine
knowledge that comes instantly to your thinking
out of nowhere to the uninitiated not participating
what i personaly have no clue is why it`s taken
so long for this information to be given not forsaken

the notion that all over our globe a common phenonomen
occured via altered state as the original globalsation
was a believe until it was proven that what manifested
was our skys became illuminated by shapes that effected
the imaginations of those seeing what they felt below
which is why many of the ancient sites appear to follow
the sky visions because the flow of this energy uses
the same shapes be it the sky or at geomagnetic places

energy equals information is the basis of manifestation
natures fluctuations to a degree alter matters function
if it`s a chair no different function will be observed
but if it`s a mind the imagination will be disturbed
this is why it may be wise to consider the possibility
that current accepted knowledge will not satisfactualy
allow you to remain peaceful if we all are experiencing
a fluctuation within our solar system that`s not receeding
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Lion Aether Lion

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archetypes are the high point of magic as they operate
in a manner that compels all no matter what to cooperate
in our natural universe achetypes exist with purpose
and understanding their motives greatly helps the focus
being natural they`re in all things and knowing their order
is fundermental to seeing why all is never going to faulter
this may be a reason why doc. steven greer tells the tale
that this knowledge we discuss is known by the fable
w.s.f.m. meaning wierd science and freaking magic
which if true needs to be known and not left static

to get the right answer you ask the correct question
to ask the questions needs a degree of comprehension
possibly a solution is to find the common elements
which no matter where or what you are there`s relevance
this thread appears to me to have all the ingredience
of assisting communications using our own intelligence

of personal interest to me which i hope you will see
is the discovery of electricity and it`s universality
gave the past thousands of years of human history
an insight that without it always lacked credibility
the physics that we are forced to accept with plasma
being the dominant state of the universe not dogma
allows the scientific reality of all that`s discussed
be proven and utilized without us considered possessed

i see what you are saying tarcep it looks true to me
my experience is that the parts within their hierarchy
when examined and visualised react in becoming feeling
which in it`s self leads on to more intimate thinking
it appears there are very few thoughts not worthy
of the opportunity to energise upon this jounrney
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Lion Aether Lion

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what troubles scientists greatly even to this day is that
when matter in their lab becomes coherent it begins to act
in a manner that is descibed as having a mind of it`s own
it defies the laws of earthy knowledge imagine their groan
matter in a coherent state takes it`s information directly
from outside the realm of gravity which then unexpectedly
allows matter to overcome forces within earths atmosphere
this effect and it`s reasons is to many still not clear

for each function within the material realm there need be
a structure to perform that function which is why we see
shapes in all things because all structures have a shape
archetypes that perform the functions are recognised by
the shape they make be it on the ground or in the sky
this may be the reason why all of our societies appear
intrinsically linked to symbols and signs everywhere

the transfer of energy we are naming information
gets confirmation of it`s acceptance by a reaction
the two way observation called feed back or tensegrity
is same as our universe maintains it`s material reality
therefore it could be worth the consideration that
the receivers knowledge may effect what`s fed back
which in turn affects the transmiter making it`s
next information relevant to the signals it gets
as the way all this works remains the same no matter
what the scale be it macro or micro of the sender
we may reach the conclstion when thinking of fluffy
that what we know may effect the degree it`s a toughy

thank for interacting with the picture that`s forming
i am too young to have a history worthy of explaining
my experience is that information is the key to peace
of mind and by communicating this way we all soon cease
to notice what we once did and begin to act very like
the information we are discussing which is realy quite
amazing and what you do start to notice is the world
in which you abide reflects in a manner as yet untold
based on the information you have allowed to unfold
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Lion Aether Lion

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as our new language takes us into a different universe
there are luxuries we are free to use while we converse
a fundermental liberation which i personaly find reasuring
finaly we are no longer restricted in timing or distancing
instant action over distance needs the mind to accept
superluminal`s the correct word for this common effect
why it`s occuring comes from the physics we are now
exploring as it plays it`s part in explaining to us how
observations and feelings we have always felt and seen
were not hallucinations or our imagination over keen

in the universe we are now having these discussions
the new language plus not having mental restrictions
allows the information we are now receiving unfolding
at a speed unknown to others to whom we are interacting
because our expression is different please be expecting
an alien feeling between you and those whom don`t
use these words that we are utilizing to promote
ourselves into knowing that what we are hearing and seeing
makes sense to us because we understand what is showing

plasma physics shows us that our planets atmosphere
is shielded by earths magnetosphere and suns heliosphere
from cosmic radiation which from time to time increases
by the what traditional big bang science calls super novas
the difference with our electric thinking is of course
the earth and sun generate their shields from a source
external to them called a birkland current which crucialy means that our shields may fluctuate to let in fluffy as
this external source of power interacts with all other
stars and is therefore at times effected by further
events than those which we can see hence what we are
now exploring is are we in a time when what used to be
two fully operational shields in place is now not the case
and what we are in is a time when our shields lose face
a little and the cosmic radiation always outside starts
to a an extent coming in and if so what are the effects

in this galaxy there is a bias of spin which may just be
the same direction throughout everything in existance see
in effect if there was no bias there could be no thing
therefore asymetry manifests to reflect the bias within
if there was no bias to the spin nothing could ever begin
it does not matter left or right to start but once it
commences it`s always wiser to achnowledge called worship
by those whom appear to attribute a godly presence to
the effect of spin the direction it`s going in saving you
from much lost effort going against the way things desire
to flow and as you get it maybe other ideas soon expire
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Lion Aether Lion

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scale up the mind and imagine the fact that all galaxies
spin left or right because those opposites manufactures
the field that is the fabric of this universes physical
reality remembering a field or force is a non material
structure enabling functions to be performed which may
gives us comfort to know that as we are radiated by
this fields functions we have the same origanal source
in us all which indicates that gnosis it`self is a force

shields is a word that descibes a task but only one
perhaps filters would be more appropiate to some
it may be worth the visulisation that what surrounds
our earth and sun are just like our cells membranes
and that the magnetosphere and heliosphere provide
an interface to translate incoming information to guide
plus send back to the senders the results of the alterations
which is possibly how an eternal entity
would conduct it`self to maintain it`s serenity

if we are thinking of all things and doing it logicly
it matters not if we are pondering biology or cosmology
we know that everything is of the same ingredients
with 99.9999% being only in a different state to us
then how we all stay in existance will be exactly the same
only our state is different and that may alter given time
lucky that we always attribute our own state of being
to the conditions our minds understand and there meaning

that original thinking of sequencing which you draw
has never been written as shown on the internet before
the ingrediants you are using are real for all to see
what`s never happened before publicly and for free
is the order you`re seeing to create a process of motions
that appears to begin to answer fundermental questions
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Lion Aether Lion

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if one accepts the notion that eternal is a state that
exists as reality you are forced to remove any start
big bang cleverly attempts to retain eternal and place
authority of reality in the hands of an invisible face
today in the twenty first century there are some beings
whom have proven the invisible place where all things
manifest is true but there was never a big bang to
start our coherent complex systems motion nor a solo
point where all things began contary this invisible
place is every where in both matter and space able
to provide the environment be it sound or plasma and
all else to exist in the manner which we comprehend

there is a universal myth within every ancient culture
which would indicate that there was time when right here
all the incoming information was translated in a fashion
that altered the way everything responded by it`s reaction
despite this notion`s demise being catastrophic by nature
the possibility exists that state can alter the picture

please take the time to view these shapes and signs
eternaly eminating within matters sub quatum realms
i`m sure you will recognise many shapes matter takes
when information called energy forces reality and makes
our universe into the material that to us is visual
it matters not what it may be if it radiates a signal
it`s composed of the same information energy source
which it`s why we can begin to imagine a discource
once we have common ground so what we are interacting
with reacts in a manner that reflects our understanding

duality a word well known has in the twenty first century
become correct in a manner that`s most satisfactory
there is no space not filled with the cause nor is a
place not occupied with effect the difference today
is that both cause and effect are tangible and proven
and we can combine the two theoretically at infinitem
this has opened the door to the imaginations of the few
whom are allowed to work officialy with the this new
wierd science and freaking magic and given our powers
that be a dilema of how tell without causing scares
the problem being the scale causes mind`s to dicconnect
knowing this cause is real and all else it`s effect
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