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Lion Aether Lion

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archetypes created by man be it within swastica or gods
effect our minds as we use words containing their powers
which is how our societies are governed utilising the
phycological forces that our history reinforces neatly
my experience is that by choosing sequences of words
that avoid the traditional concepts it opens the doors
to understanding an existance free from all unatural
resistance i achnowledge that these signs are in all
but i refuse to give them the power that i was told
and 1`ve never been confronted with the threats of old

the language of the few insiders working with the system
utilizing completely different physical principles within
use a language devoid of all traditional power of magic
which is the reality intuitively detected by the public
safe within the protection of thousands of years of
human perception meaning is manifesting with proof
of a new way of thinking which must naturaly create
a new type of living for all whom know to participate

the archetypes of our own making residing within our
schmann resonance magnetisphere bubble did not concur
with the evidence that became apparent when mankind
travelled outside of our safe atmosphere and found
their minds began to question what they thought was
and our meanings of life reflected poorly because
once free of our hierachy it was simple a matter of
time before they succumed to knowing to their relief
that the wonder of being were not contained within
recent historical beliefs that humans thought in

now the sequence has registered in your imagination
interpretations will acquiesce for your demonstation
as you wisely told us the natural way of self empower
is to do it your own way then you know it for ever
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Lion Aether Lion

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radiation is a word describing the transfer of information
in earths atmosphere information transfer is a motion
often of a nature where we experience windy pressure
actions as the reactions of our environment measure
in a way quite different from the environment of space
which transmits the same way without being a windy place
because the ingrediants that make up space are not the
same as our atmosphere`s just as our solar wind is a
radiating effect the sounds that occur in space are
effects unlike we hear on earth and a super nova afar
is a silent affair in space appearing to have sound as
we experience on earth only as our imagination tells us
it must be the same like big bang believers feeling
an explostion must be the cause of all beginning

human minds for a very long time are influenced by the
archetype`s of destruction which manifest from history
of knowing that gods create everything and therefore
it`s their will to end all whenever there`s uproar
this forced man to see our universe as a destructive
place governed by god or god`s all being vindictive
now our technology has shown us that this universe
is an eternal coherent complex system much is reverse
to what we thought death is birth and end does not
exist as we once believed it to be and the best part
for me is that we can know these things by our birth
right not beholden to something demanding their worth

if the information contained within all things force
it to do what it does then we are born into a place
which already has the knowledge to make all progress
including sustain us therefore it`s worthy to stress
that if we take it`s knowledge into our minds we may
find that it will show us there`s a cooperative way
to fulfill our dreams in a compatible manner to the
motive that`s shown by it`s actions which we now see
is the not the ending of life once the information
is provided to empower it`s magnificent creation

dan was introduced to plasma physics in past two years
which as a former electrical engineer erazed any fears
he talks in black hole terms but this science seeing
made sense of the nine`s which he`d long been studying
as he says beneath it all is a practical explaination
for everything that has perplexed so many a generation
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i know raphael your motive is wonderful and i hope you
do not mind my telling you are a real life hero who
upon revelation gave up the fire service to take up
the quest in a matter that would help man kind better
with massive pay cut and four years of dedication ever
reaching the goal to tell the right story untarnshed

dan winters thinking can be quite dense to follow
yet what he says may have it`s uses for our tomorrow
he took a similier path to this thread and certain
things came into his head one of which did contain
the notion that mental state of what your thinking
will effect the potential of events giving meaning
to the possibility that our universe responds by
reaction to it`s actions which is believed by many
but why and how this happens is maybe not understood
by all bringing us back to this thread which is good

is it possible that the archetype of destruction man has
cherished is so powerful within some that the ecstasies
manifesting within the personna of those whom truly
desire an end to humanity grasps at the opportunity
to direct their bliss and give meaning to their sacred
signs as they manifest in our skys signalling we`re dead
in a universe that reacts to our perceptions this may
have consequences which could be considered to say
that`s it`s possible with enough effort this notion
becomes self fulfilling with so many in every nation
unaware of what may be happening or that they were quite
able to influence in outcome if they had been awake
to the reality of what we are discussing here today
which shows quite clearly to me we are not meekly
at the mercy of a great overwhelming destructive
divinity the reverse we`re at the time of constructive
thinking with full ability to take a path of positive
benifit to future generations not deserving negative

the physics of the plasma electric universe enable
the reality of the non material realm to be stable
in our minds and opens the doors to perception in
a manner mr huxley i am sure would revel within
the universe our new word sequences describe flows
naturaly in accord with what our technology shows
and the conclusion below of last century telling
uses words of old achetype with the new wording
yet it accuratly translates what these pages are
showing to any whom wish take the time to ponder
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i`ve no clue if the intuition of our ancestors knew
what they were telling and the reasons why through
physical understanding or where they being groomed
by our universe for the time when what they assumed
would be translated in a manner that multi tasked
practicly with flexible infinity never being outdated

the way to transmit information to minds that at the
time of giving can not visualize the whole message
is to implant stories of grandiouse symbolic capacity
safe in the knowledge that one day their ancestory
will discover a key that enables them to visualise
what the ancient stories actualy tell and authorise

within the public domain
a vision able to explain
information transfer seen
as spin exchange then
all that happens makes
perfect sense as causes
and effects transmition
is non material precision
at the micro realm proving
perception is influencing
realities reactions to our
knowledge of universal matter

did the occult masters know
that when the timings flow
to what they were longing
it manifested into being
as utterly unforeseen
which can only mean
what they had seen
was simply a dream
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Lion Aether Lion

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rabbit hole of imagination
peer pressure on vacation
glad that you are reading
feed back ever intriguing
universe always in motion
reciprocates an invitation

we are all born with a pineal gland
deaf dumb or mute it will understand
because our bodies skin is the antenna
our pineal the receiver hence whenever
there`s an em signal of harmonic coherent
nature we respond with positive intent
phones tv`s and other mechanical creators
are incoherent makers guiding us to haters

our universe may appear newtonion to you
of mechnical clockwork that`s dying too
or perhaps the will of an invisible god
who`s next thought possible ends in blood
if none of the above satisfies your knowing
we must be part of something that`s living

spiral on your mind xenus i would say
is a very good way to see a door way
to what imagination may be considering
universe flows via information linking
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as we may be starting to detect
knowing the source effects effect
this may be useful in our future
understanding removes conjecture

we appear to have travelled a complete spin
on the thread with it`s information within
the symbols that once in our fiiled sky helped
those below to imagine knowledge yet copmpleted
until the day the signs returned and those below
remembering all they knew understood to follow

hmmm xenus try thinking this way. your thread replicates human endevour. following the discovery of electricity approx 120 years ago humanity arrived at a point in approx 1940 where it was discovered that the construction of our eternal universe provided irrefutable evidence of consciouness. our universe is goverened by the non material force where all information for it`s function manifest from. this force is identical to what society names thought or consciousness. science named it the aether/torsion field.it has became evident that this "field/force" acts in conjuction to our own individual "field/force" to a degree. by trail and error it has been discovered that as in individual "free will" this force will change it reaction and interaction dependend upon the communication it is given, this is no different from interacting with another human whom has their own opinions and things it will or will not participate in.
it is only the scale which is different and it`s reactions to us appear proportional to our scale to it. more recently it has been discovered that the more human input there is (collective agreement) the more interactive effect potential there is. this is why our powers that be have to some how reach a point where more and more people become aware of where human endevour has reached, understand it and commence thinking. this has been the main stumbling block since it has also been discovered that artificial thinking (em wave effect) have limited effects of interaction therefore we can not hide this any longer because we can not use artificial effects to enter the potential. you may imagine the logistical problems with getting all world religions etc. into the frame of mind to go down this path. you xenus are involved within humanities greatest endevour to date.

newton gave the industialised world the hope of a mechanical universe allowing man the thought of becoming truly masters of the universe simple by taking apart all material a discovering how it`s mechanisms worked. electricity altered that perception but not the goal. between the late 1800s and up until approx 1986 the industialised world still cherised the notion that mastery/domination of the natural world was the way to go. this is realy what the two great war`s of the 20th century were about, the race to be the master race. the east west split, USSR and us was the result. communism knew there was no god therefore the ussr poured unlimited resourses into mastering torsion. the west being occult (secret society) orientated did the same.
in 1986 both groups reached the same conclusion, it was not that simple. the ussr soon ceased to exist and communism as originaly imagined ceased to exist also. the west started accepting giving up the notion of secretly controling the world via ceromony. vestid interests around the globe still resist the principles discovered not because the disbelieve but because they can and will continue to do so until a viable way forward is achieved acceptable to them , yin/yang, push/pull, just as it must be but the good news is common consent that no armageddon is happening. the chinese adopted communism simple to control population better in the 20th century and were always different in their attitude to god being and non matierial yin/yang based society by tradition. now the debate is how to globalise and what ingrediants are put into our societies to achieve the desired results.
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back in 2009 quatrains was the thought as i wrote over a few months talking to people on line in rhyme all the time to avoid recognition of my personality
now looking at them quatrains is not the right word
because i felt nostradamus viewing future similarity at the time
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This is not where we will be going. This time has now gone and humanity is not of the same mental

structure now. We will find out how and why it was once like this and how it fits our history.

Between the time that has gone and the time that got us here is as far back as we have travelled.

This is where we will be talking to the Gods, this will be the focus of our contact.

Thats a very clever thought Geogal. Very few if any people on this planet have a way of life that is not either based on believing what a God has said or has reulted from questioning what or God has said. I think every human lives their life directly relating to a God`s influence, one way or another.
Now look at the known history of life for humans on this planet, bearing in mind what you have said, it`s then time for personal judgement, for the purpose of this fantasy thread.
Now when you make that judgement you make it from a position of "because I can".
The question, would you make a judgement?

Following the theme of this thread daily life of the inhabitants of earth was governed/directed via "blessed ones" (females) translating the guidence offered by Gods. This changed to males translating the Gods guidence and via this influence daily life became two tier. Gods where still listened to but the undercurrent (via science) was that the universe (hence Gods) was really a inanimate mechanical place dominated by the strong force gravity.
The generic information that the universe was not dominated by gravity arrived in the latter part of the 19th century but only became impossible to ignore in the latter part of the 20th century as technology in common use continuously reflected the new generic information.
As an example, the former Soviet Union was determined to prove that man was the living God and dedicated a large proportion of it finances into scientific experiment proving that the universe was a mechanical/chemical consequence of physics laws. By the early part of the 1980`s they were forced to accept it was not as they had imagined.

All humanities cultures have the common history of the golden times, an of peace and beauty. It`s ending and the subsequent catastrophy , the time of change to the emergence of our present era are explained and proven via our technology and the generic truths now known.
The above press announcement complements these truths , most significantly because the time table of one year is the most time it would have taken using the knowledge we use in the 21st century.
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The history of our "golden age" makes sense with the evidence/knowledge that the environment which man lived in was completly different to that in which we live today. Physicly it was dramaticly different.
Humans appear to have been different also in the manner their minds functioned. The best theory to date explaining this difference is Bicameralism.

We will understand the physics that support the evidence for the different enviroment explained via the Plasma Universe.

The evidence for the above statement will be examined later but on this fantasy thread we take the following assumptions.
All humanity remembers a golden age and we assume that the reason for this age is linked to..

The environment of this golden age altered over a period of maybe one or two thousand years, it was a dramaticly swift change that maintained the turmoil and chaos of it`s changing through to it`s end. Humanity lived through this turmoil and observed the physical alterations and where themselves effected in how they now translated (mind) their outside world (environment).
The new cultures that commenced after this catastrophe where based on the memories of their past (golde age), the knowledge of what they had seen/witnessed (Gods) and of course, translated via their new minds.

The bicameral mind theory although appearing correct technically was concieved in the late 60`s, an era devoid of intelligent technology that we enjoy today and was without knowledge of the plasma universe. It`s reality served to cement the move away from Gods will into mechanical universe.
It does not address the fact that information translated by our brains is recieved from our environment. The way it was translated worked because it was the correct way to translate the incoming information which naturaly, we were equipt to translate correctly.

ollowing the change from the golden age our new minds recieved information from our environment and translated differently.

Our new cultures with their new minds created life as they remembered it but are unable to live it the same way as their minds are no longer equipt to and the incoming information no longer is constructed to fit our old ways, it is constructed to match our new minds.

The new minds translate this truth based on knowledge they aquire over time.

The new minds translate this truth based on knowledge aquired over time. This truth states that the universe is intelligent and sees the God`s Will way of old and today`s intelligent way as similar. Talking/understanding the God`s (Archetypes) . This truth states that the God`s (Archetypes) exist. This truth states nature speakes/transmits in a language unique to it`self which translates into all known human languges easily.
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I have never been to the earth described above but I have listened to people whom know they have lived before. I never talked about the earth of this post, I listened to those with past lives and their descriptions of themselves and their environment, as they remembered it. Many whom know they have lived before on earth before remember a life where they possessed different abilities . Their earth glowed in unique colours, landscapes were alien compared to earth of today , skylight was a different hue and it all felt different. I never heard the mention of shadows. They knew it was earth but could never link it to the earth as now exists. Similarly the ones whom know they have lived on Mars or planets which are not earth. To them the memory is real but the physical attributes of those same planets today, Mars etc., makes comparison impossible.
We have no plan to travel back to those times but I am thinking that it would be unatural not to if we can.

We can and will travel to the period of the great change. That period of up to three thousand years of realignment. The actual event was abrupt, "zap" and everything changed. What followed were awe inspiring events as our entire solar system settled into what we see and we know today. That "zap" event and the thousand(s) of years of realignment very deeply effected the phyche of the inhabitants of earth. Their survival, through generations of seeing the wonder and of living in through the hell is deeply seated in their subconsciouses to this very day. That same memory is also contained within the archytypes that accompanied them through this journey or formed from their collective experiences of the journey.

Ha ha , just struck me as I wrote that above . I found the Gods (archytpes) edgy on occasions, now I know why. After all that I do not blame them. TUT. How do I see it now but not before? Amazed.

High Hopes

"In the course of his work, Jung explored the psychological meaning of the Apocalypse. The word "apocalypse" comes from the Greek, meaning "revelation, an uncovering of what has been hidden."

Thats cool cos the armageddon archetype(GOD) is walking about (real to me).

Imo that is a very important God to be feeling (feelings create pictures that make words).

God of Armageddon I am honoured.

When the great realignment was complete humanity, looked on with a it`s new minds. They had touched by the Gods. All had watched and lived in wonder, generation upon generation, whilst their world transformed and the sky convulsed with wondress visions and sounds. The sky and their world went from light to dark, light dark, light dark, on and on. They each aquired a shadow, everything aquired a shadow, a perfect dark self. Thousands of Gods came into view everytime it went dark, far away but with one bigger and closer by far than all others . In the light a magnifecent close God radiated it`s power over all and sometimes the God most magnificent in the dark and the God most powerful of the light were seen together.
What strangly magnifecent new world it was.

It is easy to imagine the criteria that formed in the new minds of humanity once realising that the "war" was settled and it was possible to consider the re-construction of their lost civilisation. Humanities memories retained knowing the essence of life before the now ended catastrophic era and those same new minds were full of the knowledge and experiences, sucessive generations had endured since the very long time past of living those sacredly cherished memories of a life, enjoyed so very much. The sights and sounds, embedded in their new minds, with translation of meaning formed through the physical and emotional experience that the changing era had forced on them combined to form a collective translation of why. Why it occured and what the occurence both physicly and symbolicly said to them.

What humanity witnessed while living through the era of chaotic transformation was physical not esorteric. The sights and sounds were never hallucinations, they were physical, touchable, smellable effects of awsome "Gods" manifesting unimaginable feats of power on the grandest of scales continuously over generation upon generation of human life. These physical manifestations were the living story of the Gods in conflict and the saga, with it`s meanings and outcomes, was now as much a part of the true history of humanity as was the remembered endless time of beauty, which preceded it. The final realined settled outcome was known to be the result of the titanic struggle, details and meaning of which were forever more etched deeply into the hearts and minds of all whom survived to recount the saga. They knew whom was who in this new Pantheon of Gods and they knew how those Gods got there and why.
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