Is the Woman of Scars Good or Evil?

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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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Týsköll wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 1:49 am
Caylus Ark wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 12:44 am
Týsköll wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:04 pm

There's a lot in that story. How do you feel about Inanna learning a lesson regarding acting how you should when in places invited (or not), keeping with customs, "when in Rome", etc.

She seems to have learned a lesson in regards to this, though perhaps not about being truly just. Ereshkigal is praised at the end of the story apparently due to seeking justice, but what of her concession in allowing Inanna to leave. (3 days of darkness for Inanna before a resurrection btw).
Then, we have Inanna who returns home and meets out what seems a fairly harsh judgement in sending her lover in her places because he's not mourning her in the way of her people like others are. Is this hypocritical or is this having learned a lesson about how people should act as expected when in places with set rules, regulations and beliefs?

Was Inanna's punishment by Ereshkigal actually just? Or excessive?

Is this an alchemical process and/or ego death and rebirth?

Was Inanna hypocritical and "evil" in her reaction to her lover and putting him in her place, or was this part of lesson learned and seeking to teach same?
Remember, it is Ereshkigal who is praised at the end of the tale.
It's funny, my perspective on it was the exact opposite. I always figured the injustice was the fact that after being so respectful and unclothing herself and presenting herself completely vulnerable before her sister and her sister's husband, it was cruel she received the treatment that she did.

As I recall the sky god eventually gets pissed too.

But your take on it gives me stuff to think about
She didn't remove her clothes by choice though and even being there is presented as disrespectful.

Neti does as he is commanded and, gate by gate, Inanna is stripped of her crown, beads, ring, sceptre, even her clothing and, when she asks the meaning of this indignity, is told by Neti:
"Quiet, Inanna, the ways of the underworld are perfect
They may not be questioned.
(Wolkstein and Kramer 58-60)"
In addition she's turned up unannounced, uninvited, to a place that has very strict rules and that it is known you don't get to leave again once entering.
It's quite a egotistical thing to presume she could just do that, isn't it? I think it is.

Different takes for sure, I'll have to have another read and make a point of taking her side as you're presenting it, to fully consider it.

Good, or Evil? :P
Honestly I think trying to apply duality like this is one of the biggest problems in the world, there are many shades between.
Actually, no, I really appreciate your perspective, because I didn't see it that way at all
And I think that says something about me :monocle:
not in a bad or a good way, just that I was oblivious just like Inanna as to why Erishkegal got so mad

actually this goes back to my dnd alignment thing about how it's less about whether you fall on the good or evil spectrum and more if you fall on the chaotic, ordered, or neutral spectrum
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Caylus Ark wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 2:38 am Actually, no, I really appreciate your perspective, because I didn't see it that way at all
And I think that says something about me :monocle:
not in a bad or a good way, just that I was oblivious just like Inanna as to why Erishkegal got so mad

actually this goes back to my dnd alignment thing about how it's less about whether you fall on the good or evil spectrum and more if you fall on the chaotic, ordered, or neutral spectrum
That relates to what I was saying in another place about how our perspective is shaped by our unique experiences and to alter the core of that is to remove the unique qualities or takes we can all bring the to table.
I might be entirely wrong, or you might be, or we're both wrong; but without that we'd just be stagnating and certainly not discussing or seeking understanding.

Yeah, I don't think either were good or evil in this case. Both at one point acted in alignment to the rules and customs of their realm at one point. Both were "lawful" in their own realm, whereas Inanna in heading to the underworld like that was chaotic to the established system.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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aardvark wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 2:04 am a level playing field is needed to make an authentically good or evil action
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Týsköll wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 3:10 am
Caylus Ark wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 2:38 am Actually, no, I really appreciate your perspective, because I didn't see it that way at all
And I think that says something about me :monocle:
not in a bad or a good way, just that I was oblivious just like Inanna as to why Erishkegal got so mad

actually this goes back to my dnd alignment thing about how it's less about whether you fall on the good or evil spectrum and more if you fall on the chaotic, ordered, or neutral spectrum
That relates to what I was saying in another place about how our perspective is shaped by our unique experiences and to alter the core of that is to remove the unique qualities or takes we can all bring the to table.
I might be entirely wrong, or you might be, or we're both wrong; but without that we'd just be stagnating and certainly not discussing or seeking understanding.

Yeah, I don't think either were good or evil in this case. Both at one point acted in alignment to the rules and customs of their realm at one point. Both were "lawful" in their own realm, whereas Inanna in heading to the underworld like that was chaotic to the established system.
This is a good way of putting it :catsmile:
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I feel like I relate to Inanna, maybe.
She's celestial, so that's why she is unfamiliar with the underworld...
when I was born, I was also unfamiliar with "middle earth", and the underworld, even more unfamiliar with
If I was going into the underworld to pay my respects to the dead,
I would do as I was asked, or try to
I felt like Inanna did do what she was asked, but she was still punished
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She is Good , She is The Nobody's Twin Flame . She is also in control of the fate of the world , but I dont think she realizes that she is and or has no idea what to do ,lo . Its complicated very complicated. That's why I quit it in 2017 . Made more Anomalys so that it wouldn't be so hard on WOS , and the time off for myself , up till now , was like living a normal life, no torture or handlers watching my ever move . But because of my hiatus the weather has been out of control , sorry for that , I will take control of it shortly bring it back to normal some what , I thought of this time I video tape the weather and how I control it . This will make me a real threat to country's so I hope the followers stand behind me , my name is GOD MARDUK now . Was the Anomaly , The Nobody . Also Caylus Ark thank you . :) :)
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random somewhat potential schizoid thought:

what if Taylor Swift is an illuminati "Great Dame"?
Would make sense as to why she's a point of obsession and memeability to /ng/
There's an element of programming to this I think :ponder:
Like what's the point of a popstar in the occult sense?
to generate energy
the more attention in any way shape or form the better
And the way she is reacted to as a goddess incarnate, is the hallmark sign of a "great dame"
Based on? Literally nothing, utter speculation

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