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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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Týsköll wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 4:50 am
Caylus Ark wrote: Mon Jan 02, 2023 2:26 pm
Týsköll wrote: Sat Dec 31, 2022 2:38 am

I'll cherry pick this for now and possibly add more to the rest of your post later.

Are you certain this is true? In programming and developing 3D environments that are object orientated they most assuredly do each have a Vector3 position and a rotation, that position and rotation does indeed change as players, NPCs and other objects navigate the environment. (is this still true at machine code level? Dunno, can we get someone to read streaming machine code whilst I play an MMO plz? kthx). All that said, it is a simulation of position and rotation. We can also track said objects in the time dimension. (since gamestart) (:

Regarding a renderer, yes it's true the objects in the environment do not render (exist in that way) until they exist within the player's camera frustum. They do exist in another form though and any other frustum observing said object will cause it to exist for that camera, to be rendered.

"Frustums are used to determine what is inside the camera's field of view. They help speed up the rendering process - objects which lie outside a camera's frustum can safely be excluded from rendering." - this is visible to the developer when building the game; but you might've seen objects pop in in a badly coded game or a variant of this is the view distance pop-ins in a large environment.

Anyway, the point you're making is what I was getting at with the little play on "the observer is the renderer" yeah. Bodies and brains as the hardware and consciousness as the software, eyes (and other physical sensing bits) each having their own "frustum's"; though I think each piece of sensing hardware would have it's own frustum rather than the hardware being the frustum.

If a tree falls in the woods?
Yes, all associated events occur. They just weren't rendered by anyone. "They weren't brought in to focus" might be a good way of putting this.

Ugh I need more coffee for this probably.
I believe I did speak to that. Yes, there is information that exists in a non-rendered form about the data that will exist as soon as it is needed, but it is not in the same sensory format when existing in the gameworld without a player there. It doesn't exist as say, a tree that is on another continent that the player hasn't reached yet. it exists as a reference to envinronmental data or a metaprofile that tells the system what map to render when a player happens upon the instance where the map exists

I think my point was more to the fact that the environment exists for the benefit of the user. I think thinking about holographic reality, that's what it is. All of the data does exist, and it is all contained on any particle no matter how small. But the data doesn't necessarily exist in the format matching our everyday experiences, yet we think only in the format of our everyday experiences.

Black holes smash that paradigm, revealing to us that our understanding is at best, quite inadequate.
"It doesn't exist as say, a tree that is on another continent that the player hasn't reached yet. it exists as a reference to envinronmental data or a metaprofile that tells the system what map to render when a player happens upon the instance where the map exists"
Yeah like in game worlds, what to render (tree model) in what state (position, rotation, scale) what colour and texture, etc. is all in that data waiting to be passed to the renderer.
(I think we're saying the same thing, if not the same page - the same chapter :P)

"But the data doesn't necessarily exist in the format matching our everyday experiences, yet we think only in the format of our everyday experiences."
The client can only render and interact with what it has been coded to do. Server admin on the other hand can interact in entirely different ways that the end user client can never. Unless we reality hack. :P

"Black holes smash that paradigm, revealing to us that our understanding is at best, quite inadequate."
Only birds could fly, until understanding of aerodynamics. We'll understand eventually. Probably.
When we finally understand black holes, I suspect the prerequisite foundation for said understanding will be extremely upending compared to the current paradigm. to say the same thing more simply, I think the fact that black holes break physics means the model is quite imperfect.
You would think that would encourage academics to think in more creative ways, but alas, we keep probing for theoretical particles by smashing things together at high speeds, hoping the next quantum soap bubble will show us how to shower and shave.

I digress though. yes, in most ways I think we are saying the same thing
ideal magicians and ideal scientists are both the proverbial system admin or system hackers of reality's backrooms
and ideal of the ideal, magic and science reach a state of equilibrium, creative science and electromagnetic magic
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Aether wrote: Mon Jan 02, 2023 9:28 pm
Aether wrote: Sun Jan 01, 2023 12:22 am

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Caylus Ark wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 6:39 pm

Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Caylus Ark wrote: Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:57 am Image
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Aether wrote: Sat Dec 31, 2022 5:32 pm
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I want to share this channel with everyone...they have super cool subjects and a lot of really credible guests
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no shit sherlocks
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