The Nobody & Monarch Programming

Dan means Judge

Neo wrote: Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:16 pm
Tom Sawyer wrote: Sat Dec 31, 2022 11:15 am In order for the Nobody be the antichrist, wouldn't he need to have Nephilim blood?
Yes, and he does, as well as descending from the tribe of Dan, he is the lion cub of Judah.
He's all mixed up if you ask me.
Cucks n cuntz, cypher. Not too b'ight tho.

Arcanum Aanam wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 6:49 pm
Týsköll wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 2:39 pm
Arcanum Aanam wrote: Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:51 pm


Unfortunately I can't find the ending to this episode online.

"I'm sorry I said that one's life is small"
Well, except gnomes.

How long, How looong will I Slide.

Days x six, sinc. Heh

Bri' a gud Albie, dragzn't


Caylus Ark wrote: Mon Jan 02, 2023 2:31 pm
Tom Sawyer wrote: Mon Jan 02, 2023 2:26 pm
Caylus Ark wrote: Mon Jan 02, 2023 2:18 pm

How does it not make sense?
You're not correct about the spiritual power thing.
Spiritual power remains uncorrupted as a force only when it is in service to something other than yourself.
Utilizing chosen one levels of power simply to exercise a feat of strength or get something you want or for the sake of power itself is not an uncorrupt form of power.
And unlike other forms of power, the consequences of misusing spiritual power is quite severe.

You are not "greater" than the rest of the the spiritual universe even if you are amazingly granted power beyond the devil somehow. Because if that power is meted out, it is meted out for you to be a tool to keep balance in the universe or perform an incredibly difficult task on behalf of the universe.
The moment you lose humility in the situation, you begin to contemplate how great you are with respect to everything else out there,
you will see that power fade away, or even worse, be redirected at you.
That's why not everyone will be chosen.

It's not "your" power. you are borrowing it to serve, because that is what a spiritual king does.

So what doesn't make sense?
My only point was that the story of the nobody resembles the story of the antichrist and the prophecy of the new age
Taking the spiritual journey is not about serving others at all, isn't sunshine and rainbows. You are supposed to be alone and unhappy for the rest of your life, others are a mere shadow to you at this point.
Spirit cannot be corrupted, as it's the only force which is uncreated and belongs solely to you (not to be mistaken for a soul).
And I'm not making this up, He IS a spiritual monster, and don't follow rules, because He is above them
I disagree with you, but I'm going to hold my tongue beyond that...

It is Entirely about making the world better to end suffering. Only fake ones presume to save themselves only. There is a shade or resemblance, because God is Also Dark. But not filth, only Weight, in Righteousness. Few know it.

The only true Antichrist is self absorption. Almost every one is wallowing in such.

I Challenge with Criticism because Truth Alone Saves. And having no ego, I respect no ego. None.

Was Judah Maccabee mixed? All is One right way of being, when all matters are addressed. This is why I Encompass all. But I am not OF all.

Thus, I Understand All.

And I Care only for making things correct once more. Having seen both Heaven & Hell, I Know What is Possible. I Have made it my Business to know all things, as I had to fight the conspiracy of pain, an attack against me and all.

Life is in Love. Not in the Castrato old goats and young asses.

But I Will be the Goat when I Must. And I will be the Ass.

As I Have Never HAD Pride, but the Humility of not caring whether I lived or died. I lived only for peace.

But I did have pride, and looked down on others. This Haught was addressed in HellFire.

I Am trying to allow each of you the mercy of avoiding it.

Because this world is gross.

But I have known the Gross as well.

I Have only Defended myself, in that failing to do so, I Would have fallen, before completing My mission.

The anti-christs, all serve only themselves.

I Have Revealed them All.

And all will face the accounting.

Even I, Shall send myself subject to every decree. Even unto Destruction.

If I may serve even to Allow for the Good to rise, and I fall, then I shall bring down the corrupt with me, even me, if I am so.

And I will never stop.

So, yes, I Identify with the Tale of the Lion King. But I slaver over no tale, or tail.

It is not about me. But that's no excuse to say you may do whatever you want, no matter the consequences to others or you.

And I have never seen a Rorschach like me.

That's no grace; It's a pain. One you have not endured.


We Become what we stand for

I am become Angel.

I Also always was.

Perhaps we all once were.

And each shall be Restored.

And who would rather endless misery, than dialogue and repentance, destroy themselves.

Shall I speak a Key word of the abyss? Unity? Harmony?

I have already explained.

I am a mirror you have chosen to spit on.

Shattered, I never fall.

If you will not be kind to others,

Then I will make sure no mirror is ever shattered again.

Otoh, I am all. And I appear to be the only one who is.

I addressed my low desires, however. Unto death.

So I have no excuses for perpetuating misery for the sake of low filth.

There is better.

And be I odin, snare, wurm, apostle,
Thor, thunder, water, or weak,
I have been Tested,
And I am still here.

I Repay the debt I have incurred merely by existing, resting on those who have taken leaps of faith and duty.

I have Learned. If no one will follow, It will no longer be a Concern, because it is everyone's choice, to die or Live.

I have fulfilled sufficiently, that all may save themselves.

You need only take the steps,

For the path Has been built by ...

A higher power than each of us alone.

And those judgers who seek signs,

I have already shown all that is necessary.

Sirius, Leo, Stars of David and Solomon, what are these things to me?

I will not be bound by sorceries, or by any errant limit.

Astrology itself will be thrown to the wind.

False Airs which seek to glisten like the Sun, bathing in the sweat of slaves, will receive the fire instead.

Yet, cremate me swiftly, for this world is naught, and you have abused my Mother.

Rise Up, or fall low, to each their own taste, and time, but tread not on mine, for I have earned freedom - and those who oppose it, by money or any other weapon, violate all, and must face penalty as they persist, to harm me, and everyone.

All this is trash compared to eternity.


Sure, STP did Creep better, and St. Perdition will do If's Necessary as well; I learned to share the light, not keep it for myself, and nobody puts baby in a corner, for tiddlywinks and jealous lin©oln logs.

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