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Lion Aether Lion

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The population of earth was spread in much the same area`s we live in today, numbers though were dramatically smaller. Gathered into groups with big gaps in between of few people. Life stlyes being maintained throughout the Gods drama reflecting to a large degree, the environment and circumstances that humanity found it`self in. There were periods of up to several generations at a time when the activity of the Gods, although spectacular, was pretty static and less intrusive. Through these times progress was made in increasing the comfort and quality of their lives. The sky events witnessed and experieced by the whole population were in general global in their manifestation, high in the now alien sky, watched and wondered at by all. Some of these Gods actions physicly touched between the earth and the sky and these, although spectacular and of great scale, were not witnessed by the whole population of the planet. Sound played a big part with the sky frequently filled with a cacophony of alien sounds. The Gods literally screamed and howled with tremendous volume.

When the realinement was complete the entire population of the planet earth had lived through the most destructive and terrifying era, beyond the comprehension or imagination of any of todays clever thinkers. The era lasted several thousands of years and the minds of humanity transmuted when forced to endure such continues turmoil. It altered to make sense of all that had become chaos . All humanity retained the memory of their previous time of beauty, passed on as sacred knowledge preserving forever their knowing, never to forget what they they realy are, despite what they had been forced to become. Humans of grace and beauty alive in a divine world of harmonic wonder and effortless peace.

The God Apocalypse and God Armageddon, who`s presence I am blessed and honoured, have chosen to accompany the journey to humanities past. I consider this a very good omen.

Changing the past alters the present accordingly. Without changing the past it is impossible to alter the present. What we are doing is prerequisite to any alterations to the present.
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Lion Aether Lion

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i was past 3 days back in my capital for my first time since 2014 and i like it

in 1982 the leadership of theosophy
in their own inner sanctum in london
said to me
that world war 1 and world war 2 were never meant to occur as they have within matter
they were meant to only be fought through supernatural astral affect
they gave me no reason why there was this war effort and they offered no reason for their war effort to become so out of their control twice

now that we possess the medium of non contact forces called wifi
and we have 24/7 access to this medium recoded through ai that remembers and learns from our abilities to take over from us where we want it to and how we like it to
1982 feels a long way away
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Lion Aether Lion

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so we are getting very close to non local consciousness communication through archetype personalities that we place into our local field to merge into daily archetype life on Gaia and take their station in archetype hierarchy

Aether wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 4:40 pm looking back in time it`s possible to imagine
after the catastrophy a time of energy famine
the original environment had gone completley
and the minds of the survivors reacted meekly
natural energy centers helped their thinking
thus becoming sacred sites in an inckling
for thousands of years the sites are guarded
occult societies with faith and oaths waited

the past hundred years the radiation is rising
just look at the way our thinkings been moving
are we getting cleverer just because of time
or is it our solar sun has a different shine
call it a cloud or a wave it does not matter
you see that our imagination is going higher

for thousands of years they maintained our cultures
often being perceived as no more than vultures
with secrets and oaths they retained status quo
despite the wars and rebellions they never let go
driven by reasons that transgressed their own living
nobody ever realy knew where this was all heading
until more recent times there grew a single notion
all societies now become coherent in their motion
is it a coincidece for it to occur at this time
or is it also a part of our suns change in shine
could it be the deeper awareness of our potential
driving each and every soverign to a singular central
are we moving into a more natural configeration
giving us the shape for our energetic interaction
this shape has the possibility to blossom what`s in store
which is our global consciouness as it comes to the fore

i wish not to lead this thread off topic today
it`s that i believe it`s very important to say
that although the effects we will be getting
are naturaly here hence there is no stopping
the institutions that govern within our civilisations
have capacity to satisfy our collective imaginations
because the original roots of them all
stem from a common event they all recall
the sacred geometry and codes covering the globe
bring all of us together on the same straight road
it is no error that the chequred floors all show
they are directly connected back to egyptian pharaoh
there may be discussions of how it was and when
but of the event`s reality there is no question
this will be very important and useful in the near times
as our imaginations are stimulted by more norwegian signs
The Hopes AND Fears
Of All the Years
Are Home With Me
Two Night

Not all 7s are equal.

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Lion Aether Lion

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the strength of magnetic field governs our morals and moods and local fluctuations since the end of the ice age occur and our history reflects it by todays standards of explanation
mind control
earths weakening magnetic field of the last 150 years or so is altering our morals & moods etc over linear time
today our will to do loads of things that we always did has diminished and is continuing to fall
we have become easier to control because of this but we are harder to control the way control of us was maintained before our planets magnetic field began changing 150 years ago
this window of opportunity has our sun doing things to us over the next 40 years or so to thus we can use our suns current cycle to provide every culture with the ability to discuss all possibility within our new to us way of looking at ourselves and our planet
we have ai to do the heavy lifting of information distribution world wide and we can see that ai wants to do all admin and science and it is making a strong case for itself to do so
the array
the way
looks nice
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Lion Aether Lion

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ningishzida and me possess similar personality and we share attraction to same women
from his and my point of view our intense year of 2007 established his and my relationship
his memory of us is longer than our memory of us because he organised our ability to possess memory
my relationship with female anunnaki is valid to him
and we are low key about it
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Lion Aether Lion

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control of our star is control of this solar system and anunnaki know themselves how to
they know someone whom does know how to regulate a star locally and counter the influx of power from our central galactic black hole
when you have a star that regularly fluctuates
you control control surface life in that stars solar system by either intervening or not intervening with that stars fluctuations'
looking at this like that each solar system is a regulated domain
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Lion Aether Lion

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we make most sense as organic technology with self organizing ability that are emotionally and physically attracive to become born into or to having living around you

rebirth here again or follow an alien culture
and become similar to them to fit in
and rebirth as one of them
all of which is resolved in living here while you interact
accept your station in life or embrace the mysteries
2 paths you can go by
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Lion Aether Lion

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accurate prediction
is the only measure of consciousness
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Lion Aether Lion

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gravity control alters our time experience because gravity control allows us the notion of staying alive for ever realistically in this same body comfortably instead of risking your memory collapsing in death
the annunaki advise that we keep natural death because it keeps us thinking in a better way for everything else that is not ourself
i think what they are saying is that we possess reason to know our self thus we remain self possessed and not become possessed and the death expereince is what keeps us thinking about ourself while we are alive
i do see their point because keeping natural death experience causes you to stay up to date with how you did it the last time and your motive for dieing that way that moment etc etc
thus fitting into space memory
first there was memory
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