fearful geometries

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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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dust wrote: Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:16 am Caylus Ark wrote:
dust wrote: Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:04 am > Caylus Ark wrote:
> >
Týsköll wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 11:38 pm > > Ooooh, sound engineering.
> >
> > I wonder if utilizing the geometry that Caylus is wanting to use could be a
> > cool thing? Sailboat and I had a brief chat touching on geometry of sound,
> > inspired by the OM sound on a Tonoscope and how it closely aligns with the
> > Sri Yantra Mandala.
> >
> > Image
> >
> > It's not so fearful, this geometry - but it can certainly be done.
> > Maybe.
> >
> >
> > what a cool idea!
> > what would reverse cymatics be like?
> Maybe a time to drop some more acid? :catgrin:
> one day, lucy in the sky with diamonds will cross my path again
> but I have always believed if its meant to be, it'll put itself in your face some way
> or another

Speaking of face, your mirror image is kinda weird on shrooms.

I was such a hippie in high school. I remember my older tripper friends would tell me to never look in a mirror on acid.
But this one trip I gave into temptation, and I "fell into" the mirror
for real
then I knew why they say that
it's not a horrifying experience, but it is very surreal

I think I´m still in high school.


I think I liked ecstacy best.

But what a hangover. It´s not a nice place to depart.
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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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Caylus Ark wrote: Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:02 am
Týsköll wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 11:41 pm
Caylus Ark wrote: Wed Jan 04, 2023 9:54 pm actually wait lol

"what good is a man who cannot dance"
*performs the robot*

In other news, this sounds like it could be the title of a treatise on Norse magick.
"winking at wanderers"

Please complete this and allow me to read, kthx.
makes me wonder what that random shit that springs to mind says about me
"sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" - freud
died from an inoperable cheek tumor - also freud
Everything, nothing and potentially something.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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Caylus Ark wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 11:23 pm


remember how I said that one isn't a fearful geometry?
I'm going to show you almost the same geometry, but with the fearful part added to it


I want you guys to see the difference here without me spoiling it by explaining it, but when you are ready,

the difference is that the second picture you get eaten by the black triangle in the middle
I'm serious

Played a bit with the vocal synthesis. Is that ok?

Wrong "fashion", mood?
It can be without that part just as easily.
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Stability of geometry design = right, fine, okay, etc
Instability of geometry design = wrong, not fine, uncertainty, etc

A level of recognizing proportional geometrical shapes and forms = symmetry
A level of recognizing non-proportional geometrical shapes and forms = asymmetry

The things about the asymmetry is when it occur, it allows room for change, growth, or decay whereas symmetry is defined as static.

A gap between symmetry and asymmetric is noted, if no bridge exist between both. Unless symmetry is designed with some asymmetric parts then it allow for change, growth, or decay. If so, that means each symmetry would yield inherited structure / design to the asymmetric parts or vice versa (i.e. asymmetric parts yielding inherited structure / design to symmetric (change, growth, decay). I wonder, at what point when both agree or decide to stabilize (i.e. balance) between both?

If the sum or averaged out structures of symmetric and asymmetric exist, then pressure is applied to evenly to both parities yielding a balance between both.

Its like trying to bridging a gap between order and chaos, yielding a balance between these hence a stability between symmetry and asymmetry. Resulting in a relativity, coherent shape, form and design. Equilibrium.

If so, that's fine-tuning universe you got right there. ;)

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Lion Aether Lion

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"the difference is that the second picture you get eaten by the black triangle in the middle
I'm serious"

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