Quantum Mechanics: Control the Future

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Copernicus begat Kepler begat Newton begat Planck begat Einstein begat Schrödinger -- and the world of science moves from strict materialism to a wholesome mysticism.

Quantum mechanics was born out of the limitations of Einstein's theories of Relativity. Einstein admits his theories break down with "entanglement", or the implicit mirroring of particles regardless of either's location. “Spooky action at a distance” is how he famously describes it.

"Schrödinger's cat" is a thought experiment that illustrates a paradox of quantum superposition. In the thought experiment, a hypothetical cat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead, while it is unobserved in a closed box, as a result of its fate being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur.

While interesting in-and-of-itself, the paradox of the dual-state cat (alive or dead) is further enriched with the so-called "Double-slit" or "Gold-slit" experiment. In short, this experiment proves that an observer is necessary for a state to be determined. This implies that consciousness itself creates physical reality. In contemporary discussion this phenomenon is thought of as wave-to-particle collapse. The observation of a wave is what transforms the wave itself into a particle, giving it a definitive place and time. Until observed, the particle exists in infinity.

And now, the tech... Quantum Chronometers (Clocks)
"A broken clock is right twice a day."

Quantum clocks as a very simple, binary mechanism. Imagine an analogue clock on your wall. You can imagine all of the numbers on the clock and their binary counterpoints -- 12 o'clock is in direct opposition to 6 o'clock. 9 o'clock is in direct opposition to 3 o'clock.

This is the way you ask quantum clocks for a calculation - remember, it works in absolute binaries:
Q: Is it 12 o'clock?
A: No
Then it's 6 o'clock.

Q: Is it 3 o'clock?
A: No
Then it's 9 o'clock.

This sounds oversimplified but remember, all tech is built on simple binary - 0 and 1. If you ask the computer enough questions, you determine what the time is through the process of elimination. Rather than using compute, you're using absolutes. This is a revolution in processing power.

Controlling the Future
Quantum mechanics works in absolute binaries -- if not "this", then "that". Well, what if we force "this"? It means "that" can never happen. We call this "quantum interference".

Remember the double-slit experiment -- we can force wave collapse by simply observing the phenomenon. So if you don't want "that" to happen, force "this" to happen by observing it. You just changed reality with your consciousness!!!

Quantum calculation can be viewed as a complex multi-particle quantum interference involving many computational paths through a computing device. The art of quantum computation is to shape quantum interference, through a sequence of computational steps, enhancing probabilities of correct outputs and suppressing possibilities of the wrong ones.

The way quantum clocks work is by taking advantage of this "flaw" -- the observer influencing the observed.

We know qubits are probability clouds when unobserved. that means they are in multiple states (all states) at the same time. We know we can get a "save" state by observing the phenomena.

This is how you control the future.

Quantum computing is fascinating because it utilizes the universe's "backdoors" to guide outcomes. While quantum computers are typically much more powerful than classic compute, the innovation is not in the power so much as the method.

This isn't sci-fi, friends -- it's already in action.
The algorithm always returns yes when N is prime, and the probability it turns yes when N is not prime is E, where E is never greater than half (independently - each time you run the algo).
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.10 ... -25933-6_8

Quantum Entanglement
When qubits A/B are entangled (Alice and Bob), their states depend on each other. Here's a simple example, choose any one:
x = y
-x = -y
x = -y
y = -x

Both sides of the equation must always remain equal, regardless of how closely (physically) the qubits reside in relation to each other. If I entangle Alice and Bob's qubits on earth, then send Bob and his qubit to space, Alice can still change the state of Bob's qubit by changing the state of her own. They are non-temporally entangled.

Quantum Gates

>want outcome
>don't rely on chance
>create quantum interference
Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting.
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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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I still think it's incorrect and the wrong direction for computing in long term.
Consider a Vector3 X,Y,Z with at least 1 decimal for position and rotation.

Do all atoms remain locked to their position and rotation? Why are we limiting our own built systems in advance?
In the case of your Input figure 5, we see paths taken, I've seen similar imagery in discussion of manifesting time line destination, goals, etc. But do we not see partial or "closest approximation" / "genie mischief" manifestations? If we throw a ball at target, letting target be Vector3(-0.5, 0.3, 0.5) can we not have a near miss at Vector3(-0.6, 0.4, 0.6)?

As for how many bits we would need to represent that... it's more than 2 :joy:
I am however no physicist :D
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Lion Aether Lion

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"Both sides of the equation must always remain equal, regardless of how closely (physically) the qubits reside in relation to each other. If I entangle Alice and Bob's qubits on earth, then send Bob and his qubit to space, Alice can still change the state of Bob's qubit by changing the state of her own. They are non-temporally entangled."

quibits are imaginary able to be quibit
a person is imaginary able to imagine being something not itself
utilizing quibits to open wormhole enables imaginal person to physically step into wormhole out the other side instantly
maintaining imaginal coherence to achieve step through is area 51 topic known as dreamland in intelligence circles
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I highly recommend this as a read....

"The Montauk Project Revisited"
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cien ... pper01.htm

I'll quote the most relevant portion...
Be Now Here, Be Now here, Be Nowhere...

In experimenting with thought-form projection certain stabilizing processes were established making the effects, influences and materializations more reliable and steadily focused. A technique identified as Reichian, and very parallel certain tantrik or sexo-magickal formulae of Western occultism known as comatose lucidity or the Death Posture, was introduced to distract Duncan’s fluxing rational mind with prolonged pre-orgastic intensities temporarily liberating the trance-concentrated "primitive" (or atavistic) strata of the subconscious sensitive to inculcated impressions, commands or programs, and able to absorb as well as reflect them much more completely. With the greater efficacy in mind-control broadcasts and psychic materializations came more acute and consequential problems in any slippage from precision-timing or focus. "Glitches" arose, in which effects would pop up at times and places that varied from the specified times and places, and this could have serious repercussion.

One reason discovered for this contretemps, was Duncan Cameron’s "secret" background as the hyperspatial timetraveler from the Eldridge of 1943, who owing to the event had been sensitized to zero-time (or the common reference point through which all space-time fields and universes coincide, and from which they revolvingly polarize). This connection to the wildcard variable of zero-time was identified as a potential boon, if that factor could be brought under control. And indeed it was, by introducing the Orion Delta T antenna, a large octahedronal device installed underground beneath the Montauk Chair establishing a null-point of zero-interference for the Chair between it and the RF antenna above. (The device was called an Orion antenna owing to its rumored origin.)

The Delta-T antenna was driven by amplitron pulse modulators of the existing transmitters, and an audio amplifier white-noise source that correlated the frequency oscillations of the entire setup; this latter feature was important since white-noise amplitude-modulation of the oscillators made the etheric components coherent. Coupled to the other "new" feature, the Tesla-designed zero-time generator which phase-adjusted the white-noise amplifier and computer-synchronized/digitally-fed timing functions, it was now possible to generate a stable psychic portal opening operative wormholes in time from one point to another through Duncan’s concentration on a target date. The discovered natural 20 year biorhythms of the Earth were used as reference integrals, and indeed the 1943 Philadelphia-experiment date was recognized as no accident but the upshot of an influence carefully seeded at the time from space-alien sources with their own agendas.

In this way a time-tunnel vortex could be opened directly through the Delta-T antenna; the ’43, ’63, ’83 intervals generated the master vortices through which subvortexial time-tangents could be sprouted like secondary shoots off the main branch.

The coherent transmission-system properly calibrated to time phase was operative by 1979 (a date having significance with respect to the Southern Crown teaching altogether, as do the other dates associated with the Phoenix Project-a curious circumstance we’ll return to). The time-tunnel process was subsequently used to project teams (as well as occasional shanghaied derelicts and kidnapped children) to times and places from ’43 to the extreme limit of 10,000 A.D. (this figure is derived from an interview in Matrix III with an "anonymous" source easily identified as Duncan Cameron). Using the optimum master-vortex target date of August ’83, and shielding the ’83-version Duncan from any paradoxicalty-calamitous encounter with his oncoming ’43 version self, the hyperspatial coupling between Project Rainbow and the Phoenix Project was made. Edward and Duncan Cameron were "netted" at ’83 Montauk, sent back to forcibly smash the Eldridge equipment to prevent possible time-space gobbling of Earth by a runaway vortex lockup, then separated for a several-decades interim as Edward remained in ’43, Duncan jumped overboard again returning to ’83.

Edward was employed for a time in sensitive government research projects, then-for apparent "security" reasons-was forcibly regressed through alien technology by displacing his own coordinate timelocks, reduced to infancy with potential memory intact, and placed into a properly brainwashed family as "their own" child. Off and on up to the Phoenix Project, as he "grew up again", he was "used" by strategically placed operatives (functioning surreptitiously at points in the timewarp webwork) in retrieval of that subliminal expertise stored away in his condensed nucleic memory-codes, shunted onto time-tunnel sidetracks for various purposes and then folded back to within a near seamless millimeter on the time-tangent from which he’d been borrowed-Owing to fatally-rapid aging from time-travel displacement of his time-locks, Duncan had to be soul-transferred to another body "prepared" in 1951 with cooperation of his own father! (apparently privy to certain of these anomalies owing to Intelligence-connections) and took up incarnation therein circa 1963-displacing whatever "soul" had obligingly inhabited the Cameron-vehicle meanwhile.
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Lion Aether Lion

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"One reason discovered for this contretemps, was Duncan Cameron’s "secret" background as the hyperspatial timetraveler from the Eldridge of 1943, who owing to the event had been sensitized to zero-time (or the common reference point through which all space-time fields and universes coincide, and from which they revolvingly polarize)."

the cellular nature of electric plasma universe causes the local conditions of cells to be the governing condition of transition for imaginal able matter to transfer through into another cell

each cell membrane micro to macro is the thought gate
black hole network micro macro
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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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I'm now envisioning the qubit as a concertina.

[1].......... Pressed together and held to the left.

...........[1] Pressed together and held to the right.

[1] -- [1] Stretched out, at both left and right positions simultaneously.

I pondered on 4.6 (rounded from the Feigenbaum Constant) in 3 dimensions, 13.8. I keep seeing 138 pop up. Who's afraid of 138?
The actual number 4.669 * 3 gets rather Bond-y at 14.007.

0 through 7 can be represented in 3 bits, while 8 and 9 require 4.
Plus the one bit required for 1 or 0(-1 depending coordinate system), so we're at 5 * 3 for 15, just under 16bits.
This leaves a single bit to be used as some type of operator for the whole set.

So the end result for a 3D representation of -1.0 to 1.0 on 3 axis could be something like below, where blue is always the integral part and zeros afterward are "ignored" until a 1 is reached.

Making the vector3 of 0.2, 0.5, -0.9 this:

There's probably a way that makes way more sense than this gibberish but I guess what I'm getting at is the idea of degrees of entanglement and many potential states, opposed to the dualistic/both of the concertina. We might be in to shades of grey here. :D

:inclouds: :spiraleyes:
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Caylus Ark wrote: Wed Dec 21, 2022 11:30 am
Be Now Here, Be Now here, Be Nowhere...

In experimenting with thought-form projection certain stabilizing processes were established making the effects, influences and materializations more reliable and steadily focused. A technique identified as Reichian, and very parallel certain tantrik or sexo-magickal formulae of Western occultism known as comatose lucidity or the Death Posture, was introduced to distract Duncan’s fluxing rational mind with prolonged pre-orgastic intensities temporarily liberating the trance-concentrated "primitive" (or atavistic) strata of the subconscious sensitive to inculcated impressions, commands or programs, and able to absorb as well as reflect them much more completely. With the greater efficacy in mind-control broadcasts and psychic materializations came more acute and consequential problems in any slippage from precision-timing or focus. "Glitches" arose, in which effects would pop up at times and places that varied from the specified times and places, and this could have serious repercussion.
Aether wrote: Wed Dec 21, 2022 11:49 am "One reason discovered for this contretemps, was Duncan Cameron’s "secret" background as the hyperspatial timetraveler from the Eldridge of 1943, who owing to the event had been sensitized to zero-time (or the common reference point through which all space-time fields and universes coincide, and from which they revolvingly polarize)."

the cellular nature of electric plasma universe causes the local conditions of cells to be the governing condition of transition for imaginal able matter to transfer through into another cell

each cell membrane micro to macro is the thought gate
black hole network micro macro
Hmm, aside from the wizard pointing his wand north :grin3: I'm now pondering on what I guess is a quantum-zen state of 'thought-no-thought'. That state where we are in trance and 'blank', yet can access our sigils and other zip files of information to unpack and release as thoughtforms.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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