archetype progenitors

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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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I haven't written anything of actual substance for awhile anywhere so here is where I will do it

What is an archetype progenitor? It's someone that uses technology AND magic to change the collective consciousness of mankind, the Zeitgeist itself.

What is a Reality Bender
up until now I've been trying to explain this all under the heading of chaos magick....but people misunderstand me instantly and fundementally when I call it that. Reality bending is much better.

Reality bender merely refers to someone with the ability to manipulate the unseen. Which is actually everybody to some degree. Like any other talent, some people have more of it than others. Also like any other talent, practice helps. fundamentally of course reality bending IS magick, but it is not traditional magick.

traditional magick existed before a huge fundamental shift in consciousness. the cybernetic shift in consciousness forces the genius of ancients to be patched, because all of it were based on tenants that described a former reality actually drastically dissimilar to our own. Even the reality of the thelemists is an alien one compared to this century's, and they are the most recent of traditional practice.

That which is cybernetic is now so adjacent to what most would call "the real", insanity is arising from people's inability to distinguish. . the need to update our definition of "the real world" is only going to get more dramatic, greater. this is true not only of magic but of science and religion and philosophy.

Cybernetic magic/networks
Part of being a reality bender in this modern era is using the new cybernetic form of human experience, one that can go global in seconds, an upgraded form of magick with new principles and properties. Two computer monitors linked by a network are sharing more than just a connection to the same signal. The end user is connected to the other end user, in the mundane sense of interaction but also in the magical sense. philip K dick started perceiving this decades before it became actualized.

If my hypothesis is correct, and maybe one day this can be studied by someone with funding and interest in these topics, than normal remote viewing abilities should be higher between two people in front of a monitor than two people “in the wild”.

What is the natural "Indra's Net" as it were? It's the morphogenetic network, a system of oscillating interconnectivity that occurs naturally by way of existence. this has been alluded to as long as dragon worship/snakes have been around. Some people experience the framework of the morphogenetic "indra's net" when taking DMT/ayahuasca extend towards them like snakes. We could call this "indrasnet" the analogue aether.
but there is a new route other than the old “aetheric” or “morphogenetic” network,

The digital aether is brand new and can also work in conjunction with the analogue aether, augmenting the results significantly. This claim is entirely anecdotal and not scientific at all, but I would be utterly fascinated to learn the results of sincere research into 'digitally augmented ESP'.

archetype vs meme

an archetype progenitor, like a meme warrior, is looking to change a much larger collective. Memes have been given many different conceptual illustrations: that they replicate like DNA, that they can spread quickly like a virus, that what they infect people with is ideas. All of that is fine.

But an archetype is not a meme.
"The Zeitgeist of Collective Consciousness" - not a meme, an archetype.
Crowley's word of the aeon, actually.

An archetype is generally a huge mythological omnibus of great significance to humanity as a whole, whether they recognize and accept said influence or not
An example:
the archetype of the mother - may include Isis, Mary Magdalena, Ishtar, or Your specific Mom
You may tell yourself and everyone you ever meet that the archetype of The Mother had no influence on you, but you're a human. it is inescapable for you to be influenced to some degree by this archetype, even if you did not have a mom at all
THAT is the level of impact an archetype has : it is fundamental to human experience, it does not require any conscious scrutiny or acknowledgement, and it tends to be incredibly enduring.

  • a your mom joke
  • 'cat videos'
  • a chad
I think we all know at this point what a meme is. they are incredibly contagious and can "infect" enormous portions of humanity internationally en masse overnight
(this is why we have a memetic warfare department)

However, memes are generally:
  • superficial in substance
  • compact
  • fall off relatively quickly, sometimes in days. (even if one manages to last a few years or a decade, compared to an archetype that is incredibly short lived)

what do you think, is the nobody actually a meme? or is it perhaps an archetype now?
If it reflects a new inescapable aspect of being human, somehow, then it doesn't even matter how popular the nobody idea is quantitatively.
unlike memes, which derive their existence from people knowing about them, an archetype will still influence them just as strongly.
for example, you don't need to know there is an Archetype called The Shadow to be controlled by yours. And as a human being, you cannot escape having one - in both the literal and metaphorical sense

I think there are very few times there is any need for a NEW archetype. but obviously creating one would be a big deal, perhaps even a temporal paradox.
I would expect the mythological aspect to be experienced similarly to the way Ophiuchus was restored to the zodiac. weirdly conspicuous in its former absence and yet accepted naturally as having always been there
If you created a new archetype, the archetype itself would be a mandela effect

to fashion yourself as an archetype progenitor, would be frankly incredibly presumptuous
it's more likely that a collective cultural or existential need unique to the dawning of new times becomes responsible for its own creation

So, is that what we are really dicking around with ? is the herald of The New Age a new Archetype?
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