From Chronos, to his Son Elijah...

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 Elijah Howard Holmes 
Posts: 8
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2023 3:04 am
Location: Lawton/Ft.Sill

Hey Elijah, I have been earnestly thinking about what makes the difference between matter and spirit (software, blueprints, softcopies,
W/RW memories, cloud storage, the energy, and all that surrounds each and every particular piece of matter floating around, and this is also as far as I as I'm willing to accept the legitimacy of magic, that is: every OBJECT (containing energy & matter) radiates an emanation. Thus, placement of certain incantations such as potions (colognes, perfumes, aromas, etc.) can be of effect. Certain sentimental items can have powerful effects, as well, while these things Radiate, Emanate, Affect, Leave an IMPRESSION upon our senses.

Without a container for the energy, ACTIONS or the spirit (will of a person) are unbound and free to travel to and fro. Software can't achieve its motive operandi without the functional hardware, blueprints can't keep you warm at night unless you burn 'em, softcopies won't hold up without the peripheral for which it's intended to be of use. It's almost as if the energy inside knows somehow that it's trapped (when inside a container).

Shit man, I say Privileges & Consequences. Space to Breathe in and Food to Feed the Face.
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