Is the Woman of Scars Good or Evil?

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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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I've seen a lot of Nobody Threads.
I've been reading them on and off since 2013.

And I have seen a pattern emerge: every Nobody contender has their own personal, Woman of Scars.
I like to also call her, the Woman of Stars, by the by.

Another pattern: they almost always hate their Woman of Scars. Have been slighted, used, or abandoned by their Woman of Scars, and that contributes to an overall anger and misogyny that is VERY "Un-nobodylike"

They tend to say she is evil now, working for the illuminati, they don't need her.

But I don't think that's quite fair.
Many Nobody contenders are fire and brimstone freaks. They want judgement and pain upon the "evil" they perceive. They want people to suffer and die in the name of a new world and Yahweh.

So...isn't that kind of evil too?

Let's go back to eve and the garden.
Was Eve evil for eating the apple?
Fucking no imo.

"The Garden of Eve" ... en-of-eve/
I think if nobody ate the forbidden fruit, god wouldn’t have made the tree of knowledge. You don’t put a shiny toy in nursery school for the benefit of the adults supervising it. But you might put it there to see what the kids will do with it. Eve’s fate was sealed from the start because god saw her as a source of treachery through which adam could be corrupted, and we even see that story being echoed ithink if nobody ate the forbidden fruit, god wouldn’t have made the tree of knowledge. You don’t put a shiny toy in nursery school for the benefit of the adults supervising it. But you might put it there to see what the kids will do with it. Eve’s fate was sealed from the start because god saw her as a source of treachery through which adam could be corrupted.

perhaps, being created of adam’s rib had an unexpected side effect. without even trying, she’s already under his skin, and he can’t forget her. it provokes a desire that comes before human sensibilities and to which human sensibilities threaten to return. god faults adam for being decieved by eve, but also gave adam the lust to fall under her spell. not sure where her influence begins and his own desires end, it’s no wonder that the accusation of witchery became so popular.

maybe the serpent managed to speak to eve not because of her lack of judgement, but because of her ability to choose. Unlike adam, she was capable of defiance, but only through her did he go against his commandments. throughout history, woman have become like serpents – contorting themselves under the feet of mankind, trying not to be trampled. only in the night, in the moon, beyond the watchful eye of the light, was eve free to remember the knowledge she paid such a heavy price for back in the garden of eden.
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I think you forgot that He is supposed to be a Gnostic, so the very god he is against is YHWH/Yaldabaoth/Demiurge
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Lion Tom Sawyer Lion

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To answer the thread's question, imo she's neither good or evil, just immature and clueless
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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BinaryFlipper wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 4:42 pm To answer the thread's question, imo she's neither good or evil, just immature and clueless
Then why is she the Woman of Scars?
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Lion Tom Sawyer Lion

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Caylus Ark wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 5:42 pm
BinaryFlipper wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 4:42 pm To answer the thread's question, imo she's neither good or evil, just immature and clueless
Then why is she the Woman of Scars?
I don't know the origin of her title, I base my opinion by the early 4chan threads about them
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Caylus Ark wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 2:59 pm They tend to say she is evil now, working for the illuminati, they don't need her.

But I don't think that's quite fair.
Many Nobody contenders are fire and brimstone freaks. They want judgement and pain upon the "evil" they perceive. They want people to suffer and die in the name of a new world and Yahweh.
I've always understood this to be part of the trap. To try to take the crown of "the red realm" (the one with the war and suffering), is to raise ones consciousness up to that of "god king" or "emperor" (no matter how pious the intent) only to be turned on and brought low or destroyed for the sheer arrogance. It's intentional.

Whereas a correction of our past few thousand years of alienating the divine feminine, restoring her glory as an equal to the divine masculine? This is progress, true team work. There is no shortage of certain systems of spirituality that at one point or enough intentionally removed the divine feminine from her rightful place. It's no wonder that after caging and corrupting something for so long that when let out it seeks retribution and to turn on those that caged it, but this too should be avoided in favour of respect and equality in union as it once was.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Týsköll wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 8:33 pm
Caylus Ark wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 2:59 pm They tend to say she is evil now, working for the illuminati, they don't need her.

But I don't think that's quite fair.
Many Nobody contenders are fire and brimstone freaks. They want judgement and pain upon the "evil" they perceive. They want people to suffer and die in the name of a new world and Yahweh.

I've always understood this to be part of the trap. To try to take the crown of "the red realm" (the one with the war and suffering), is to raise ones consciousness up to that of "god king" or "emperor" (no matter how pious the intent) only to be turned on and brought low or destroyed for the sheer arrogance. It's intentional.

Whereas a correction of our past few thousand years of alienating the divine feminine, restoring her glory as an equal to the divine masculine? This is progress, true team work. There is no shortage of certain systems of spirituality that at one point or enough intentionally removed the divine feminine from her rightful place. It's no wonder that after caging and corrupting something for so long that when let out it seeks retribution and to turn on those that caged it, but this too should be avoided in favour of respect and equality in union as it once was.
Well said...far to often their is the demonisation of the "other".
In some its the lower some one of the sexes...heck sometimes it's just sex thats evil *chuckle*

Rings of the "twin flame" journey with different names...and with those very rare intense energetic connections that already exist (not forced, not created, simply is) where that random stranger you meet...well "their eyes locked across the room" may be a trope, but many have their bases in reality. she evil? Some she's are...some he's are...such is the way of things...but some are also the opposite
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