A Brand New Civilization Built From The Ground Up:

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Introducing – Arkology, The world's first "Modular Arcology". An 'Arcology' is a sci-fi term for an entire city contained within a single building...and 'modular' meaning it is constructed from potentially thousands of identical interconnecting pieces, expandable on the X/Y/Z axis.

A 6 minute tech demo can be seen below:

This concept:
1) Greatly reduces costs through a simplistic design and mass production (75-90% cheaper than typical skyscraper construction. Hoping for $40-60 per sqft)
2) Greatly improves infrastructure efficiency (Ultra-high density and vehicle sharing results in no personal automobiles, and 92% shorter commutes compared to typical suburbia... 2x denser than Manhattan, yet as cheap as rural areas)
3) Modular construction (interconnected floors/ceilings/walls) improves thermal efficiency by 50x compared to suburban homes, and 10x compared to isolated skyscrapers. Heating and cooling costs are reduced accordingly.

As little as $250K investment (with a $750K mortgage) can buy land, pay for R&D, and build the first prototype, which contains 8 to 12 residential units, and would generate a profit the day construction is completed and apartments filled. We would already have enough land for hexagon 2-10, and the second hexagon could already cost as little as $450K for 8 to 12 units, or as little as $38,000/unit.

This has the potential to transform our society more than any technology since the internet or smart phone, and potentially even more than that. I hold many patents and structural copyrights on the design, and am looking to get the first 1-2 hexagons financed and constructed.

I hope you found this interesting, and there are a seemingly endless amount of videos connected to the youtube playlists below:

The Main Playlist, with over 350 videos, arranged in order of artistic quality and importance:

Here is a 3D overview of the first hexagon blueprint, featuring 12 2BR apartments split into 4 sections:

You will find over 40 completed and copyright 3D blueprints within that playlist.

Here is a mathematics playlist filled with algebra related to the design, city design, and sociology in general.

Welcome to the top of The Rabbit Hole™, a compilation of social re-programming tools designed to empower you, your community, your nation, and our world. These tools are known as ©The Trinity Contracts™, and are the intellectual foundation for a fully re-engineered reality:

Contract One – The Panarchist Constitution: A Military Alliance Document which cleans the political pallet, creating a state of near-anarchy which we can then build off of.

Contract Two – An Anarcho-Centrist City-State Constitution: An Example “Political/Psycho-Social Module” which safely operates under the military umbrella of The Panarchist Constitution.

Contract Three – An Organizational Remodeling of Corporate Ownership: This Document Splits Ownership of Corporations into Three equal parts, with the methods of distributing that ownership varying based on the strength and style of the given individual's contributions.

That Concludes THE BEGINNING of The Rabbit Hole™. To Go Deeper, Please Join The Following Discord Server: https://discord.gg/WGx2TWU Thank you.
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Contract Four - The organizational foundation for self-governing micro-communities consisting of 3 to 360 people. These communities can be fully private and nested within the greater 3D infrastructure matrix of the city. Thus you retain tribal socialization while living in a city denser than Manhattan. You can also earn some extra cash by fulfilling your tribal responsibilities.
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While the idea of individuals being able to choose their own governance and community structures may be appealing in theory, it may be difficult to implement in a way that is fair and equitable for all members of society.

The case could be made that these systems may not adequately address issues of power imbalance and inequality. While individuals may have the freedom to choose their own governance structures, those with more resources and power may be able to exert more influence and control over the decision-making processes within their communities.

Additionally, there may be concerns about the ability of these systems to effectively address issues of common concern, such as environmental protection and resource management. Without a central authority to enforce rules and regulations, it may be difficult to ensure that individuals and communities are acting in the best interests of the broader society.

In a model of society based on anarcho-centrist city-states and panarchism, resources can be a huge issue due to the decentralized and individualized nature of decision-making and resource allocation. With each city-state or individual having autonomy and independence in their governance and resource management, there may be a lack of coordination and cooperation in resource distribution and allocation. This can lead to imbalances and shortages in certain areas, while other areas may have excess resources.

Additionally, the lack of a central governing body or mechanism for resource distribution can lead to competition and conflict between city-states or individuals over access to resources. This can further exacerbate resource shortages and inequalities.

Overall, while this proposal may offer some potential benefits, there are also significant challenges and limitations that must be carefully considered.
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"In a model of society based on anarcho-centrist city-states and panarchism, resources can be a huge issue due to the decentralized and individualized nature of decision-making and resource allocation."

Compare this to present society, where congress passes $1.7T billions which they havent read...under duress, hahaha
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TravelingThroughTime wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 12:10 am "In a model of society based on anarcho-centrist city-states and panarchism, resources can be a huge issue due to the decentralized and individualized nature of decision-making and resource allocation."

Compare this to present society, where congress passes $1.7T billions which they havent read...under duress, hahaha
Do you have any idea how difficult it would be for a McDonalds to make you a burger if they had to pass all their ingredients through customs 50 times each just to get to your city?

Please get a real understanding of the world before you try to change it.
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