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Lion Aether Lion

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"Do you understand now, Enki? Why my place is here, why I cannot return with you?’ asked softly Ereshkigal. ‘ I’ve become one of the Great Guardians now., and my choice to be so. Father An for the Sky, Ki-Ninhursag of Many Names for the Earth, Enlil for Air, you for the Sweet, Shape-Forming Waters and myself for the Underworld. There was a great need for a Presence here. So many come to this Realm in Pain and Sorrow, missing so much what they never experienced or accomplished in the Worlds Above. They need to learn about Balance and Healing. I am here to ensure that all who look for the Essence beyond Appearances will seek and find it, if only they are willing to bare and reshape their souls to accomplish this. Because so many will never see the Underworld as the Land of Balance. Like yourself upon arrival, who saw this land and Her beings as ghosts, and life here as labor and tears.’"

"Alone was Enki left; only by the thoughts of his heart was he accompanied.
How it all began and how it thus far ended, he sat and pondered.
Was it all destined, or was it fate by this and that decision fashioned?
If Heaven and Earth by cycles within cycles regulated,
What had happened will again occur? Is the Past-the Future?
Will the Earthlings the Anunnaki emulate, will Earth relive Nibiru?
Will he, the first to arrive, the last to leave be?
Beseiged by thoughts, Enki a decision made:
All the events and decisions, starting with Nibiru to this day on Earth,
To put in a record, a guide to future generations to become;
Let posterity, at a time by destiny designated,
The record read, the Past remember, the Future as prophecy understand,"
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Lion Aether Lion

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"‘I knew Ereshkigal as I did my own soul’, replied Enki, and stopped short before he spoke his True Mind.

And knowing your soul, you wouldn’t want to live in the Underworld, would you, Lord Enki?’ completed the Presence, saying the words Enki had thought, but stopped himself short from saying. ‘ But all who live come to this realm at the end of their life cycles in the Worlds Above. All, with no exception.´

With a wide gesture, the Presence pointed at the strange ghostly, frame-like creatures of all sorts Enki saw roaming about the Underworld.

‘All who live come to this realm at the end of their life cycles...‘, repeated Enki thoughtfully. ‘ So all these... presences, are they all dead?’

He knew this was a rhetoric question as soon as the words came out of his mouth. The Presence remained silent, but somehow Enki did not find It threatening.

‘I didn’t think about death until now. I knew that it was something that happened to the living, to humankind, plants and beasts alike. Not to the Anunnaki though.`

‘What did you experience upon arrival in the Underworld, my lord?’, asked the Presence quietly.

‘Disorientation, challenge, intense scrutiny of everything that I was, believed or did. But wait! Are you saying that I also died when I set foot upon this land?`

Enki sensed the Presence’s quiet smile.

‘You were also reborn here. The Underworld is the Inner Reality that Gives Sustenance to Everything There Was, Is and Will Be. It is the Realm of Essence, where Life and Death meet and merge out of one another. Here Life and Death are both rhythm and transformation between Energy and Form so that Healing and Regeneration can take place. You, my lord, who by your Craft confer to all there is the Knowledge of what they can Become, must know that this Knowledge is seldom realized in the Middlearth. Thus, all the living at the end of their life cycles come to the Underworld for Justice and Balance. Remember, my lord, that out of life comes death, out of death life, out of the young the old and out of the old the young, out of waking sleep and out of sleep waking. This way we in the Depths Below are linked to the Worlds Above as part of the stream of creation and dissolution that never ends.‘

‘And how does this occur?’

' What was Form becomes the Energy of What It Was while the Essence rebuilds itself in Strength of \What It Can and Will for Sure Be,’ the Presence’s tone became at once gentle and positive. ’ Existence is both a Process and a Goal that finds its justification in its Own Evolution and Self-Transcendence. As such, it is not a pre-established plan, but a Seed of Becoming, containing Within All Possibilities to be Realized Without.’

Silence followed, and Enki was taken by deep emotion. A hot, lonely tear streamed down his face, at the same time that he consciously shifted his awareness, transforming the Energy of What and Who he saw into the Forms of What They Were and Would Be. The Land of No Return became then the Image of Paradise Restored, the Primal Land that also contains the stars. He turned to the Presence with deep respect and acknowledged who She actually was.

‘Sister, Ereshkigal, Beloved Twin, I lend you graces. And I beg you to forgive me for not having recognized you!’

Indeed, who was smiling at him was not the bone-like, skeletal figure and projection of one’s deepest fears, but a tall, slim, young and serious woman, with long dark hair, all dressed in black and silver, who Enki knew as well as his own soul.

‘Do you understand now, Enki? Why my place is here, why I cannot return with you?’ asked softly Ereshkigal. ‘ I’ve become one of the Great Guardians now., and my choice to be so. Father An for the Sky, Ki-Ninhursag of Many Names for the Earth, Enlil for Air, you for the Sweet, Shape-Forming Waters and myself for the Underworld. There was a great need for a Presence here. So many come to this Realm in Pain and Sorrow, missing so much what they never experienced or accomplished in the Worlds Above. They need to learn about Balance and Healing. I am here to ensure that all who look for the Essence beyond Appearances will seek and find it, if only they are willing to bare and reshape their souls to accomplish this. Because so many will never see the Underworld as the Land of Balance. Like yourself upon arrival, who saw this land and Her beings as ghosts, and life here as labor and tears.’

‘O, sister, isn’t it too much for you to balance all pain for the Worlds Above before Healing and Regeneration can take place?’ asked Enki, taken aback by the sheer amount of responsibility Ereshkigal had willingly put on her delicate yet strong shoulders."
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Lion Aether Lion

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"every one of our indigenous cultures say that visitors to earth are our educators and that they mated with us in the process and eventually left us
their hybrid relatives
to look after ourselves until their return
the anunnaki cannot help themselves
they have for to long past relied on earth to re experience emotional values that exist unique within our domain
they can come and go but they never leave emotionally and they return again and again always for reason that is altruistic to them concerning us
it is a clever arrangement that is emotionally delicate for anunnaki and us
over our next 10 years we are intending to talk about this as we cooperate in practical stuff within disclosure
is the thought"
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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Lion Aether Lion

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Aether wrote: Wed Jan 18, 2023 2:27 pm
Aether wrote: Wed Jan 18, 2023 2:19 pm
Aether wrote: Wed Jan 18, 2023 2:13 pm
"Magnetic field can alter moral judgments"

https://www.scienceagogo.com/news/20100 ... he%20brain.
bringing our holy orders up-to-date

is what we are doing with them within disclosure
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Lion Aether Lion

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Caylus Ark wrote: Wed Jan 25, 2023 3:50 am
that is deja vu today
is wanda similar to gaia emotionally
is the thought

our stone circles are emotional for gaia same as the pyramid shapes are to
circular culture and triangular culture
we have maybe four distinct styles of rock manipulation of non contact force technology utilizing above and below conscious ability seen as altered state accessibility and or instant travel through death coherently and stuff like that
remote view
alien and entity contact
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Lion Aether Lion

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Aether wrote: Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:28 pm
Caylus Ark wrote: Wed Jan 25, 2023 3:50 am
that is deja vu today
is wanda similar to gaia emotionally
is the thought

our stone circles are emotional for gaia same as the pyramid shapes are to
circular culture and triangular culture
we have maybe four distinct styles of rock manipulation of non contact force technology utilizing above and below conscious ability seen as altered state accessibility and or instant travel through death coherently and stuff like that
remote view
alien and entity contact
with that in mind you will recall in 2012
that we utilized gaias telluric current to fire up the stone technology circuit to notify the 13 nearest moving groups of galaxies that we have done so because we are doing stuff with earth that is in keeping with the structure and function of the stone technology thus it occurs to their notice to
in keeping with unified field conduct code as seen by us here on earth today
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Lion Aether Lion

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Lion Aether Lion

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Lion Aether Lion

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