american knights templar

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Lion Aether Lion

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following the french governments clamp down on templars generally because of Order of the Solar Temple particularly the american templars are granted independence by charter since 1991

this is the american current grand master whom is helping in disclosure publicly

"ritual is to people what instinct is to animals "
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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Welcome to the OSMTJ Knights Templar of America (OSMTJ stands for the French, “Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem”). The Knights Templar are a Christian (Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox) fraternal and chivalric Order. We have no Masonic or political affiliations. We are ecumenical meaning we are not affiliated with any single denomination but represent all of Christendom
so they say
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So do we eat the solar temple or does it eat us
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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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"ritual is to people what instinct is to animals"

I both agree and disagree with this in multiple ways. It disturbs my mind as I can accept or reject the statement depending on how I interpret.

Ritual is not instinct, yet the instinct of animals can appear ritualistic.
Our instinct and Id related aspects of life are not ritualized as we understand the word, yet we can ritualize our lives more or less as well encompass these aspects in to ritual.
Yet many things achieved by ritual can also be achieved by the chaotic, which is based more in instinct than ego. Though many chaotic approaches can and do become systematized and ritualistic over time.

Is ritual the blending or balance of Id and Ego in this way? Maybe, though the purpose of some ritual seems unnecessary; can we look at these superfluous rituals, discard, and only retain those which are necessary? Or is this simply overly egotistic and glorifying that which we need not? To discard all that is not necessary would lead to discarding of the ego in entirety, thus sense of self, which I do not agree with.

I have pondered and reached no conclusion that satisfies, I still agree and disagree.
These were words though.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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Týsköll wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 5:20 am "ritual is to people what instinct is to animals"

I both agree and disagree with this in multiple ways. It disturbs my mind as I can accept or reject the statement depending on how I interpret.

Ritual is not instinct, yet the instinct of animals can appear ritualistic.
Our instinct and Id related aspects of life are not ritualized as we understand the word, yet we can ritualize our lives more or less as well encompass these aspects in to ritual.
Yet many things achieved by ritual can also be achieved by the chaotic, which is based more in instinct than ego. Though many chaotic approaches can and do become systematized and ritualistic over time.

Is ritual the blending or balance of Id and Ego in this way? Maybe, though the purpose of some ritual seems unnecessary; can we look at these superfluous rituals, discard, and only retain those which are necessary? Or is this simply overly egotistic and glorifying that which we need not? To discard all that is not necessary would lead to discarding of the ego in entirety, thus sense of self, which I do not agree with.

I have pondered and reached no conclusion that satisfies, I still agree and disagree.
These were words though.
actually, I didn't think too deeply about it at the time, but you make a good point.
honestly, I think about ritual as something that couldn't be more different from instinct. It's useless from a survival standpoint, at least in immediacy. It's cultural and often involves an element of sacrifice, which couldn't be more different than adaptation in a survival setting.

we look at crows strangely because unlike any animal other than us, they mourn their dead in a ritualistic manner. but in this case, the exception proves the rule.
ritual is a grasping at the beyond type of impulse, an impulse only available to those who seek a relationship with that beyond the senses

in a way, it is very much a luxury, and although everyone has a tendency to create ritualistic patterns they may not perceive that way, after going about the buisness of living long enough...

ritual still doesn't strike me as instinct
hell, even if I were to overgeneralize ritual to magic in general, I don't think magic is instinct...
I think magic is desire, wonder, hope
all of those will to will ephemera that can almost never be seen, but may still be believed
what could be more impractical?
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Lion Aether Lion

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what we discovered is that our suns and earths helical travel through space structure causes a vorticial trail of information behind it that we here on earth cause and we are still connected to thus our memory is on the space structure of space behind us causing our experience of time in the process when we retrieve it

with that in mind ritual looks like information arranged in a designed pattern on space structure intended to be time invariant
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Lion Aether Lion

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Lion Aether Lion

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Aether wrote: Tue Jan 03, 2023 11:33 am what we discovered is that our suns and earths helical travel through space structure causes a vorticial trail of information behind it that we here on earth cause and we are still connected to thus our memory is on the space structure of space behind us causing our experience of time in the process when we retrieve it

with that in mind ritual looks like information arranged in a designed pattern on space structure intended to be time invariant
"the all seeing eye"

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Lion Aether Lion

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"what are our current masters of the universe....

In 1660, within a few months of the restoration of Charles II, a group of 12 men, including Robert Boyle and Christopher Wren, met in London to set up a society to study the mechanisms of nature.

Freemasonry, supported by Charles II, was the guiding force behind the birth of modern science, under the cover of the Royal Society.

...remember aruna the sole purpose of civilisation is to return to the golden age.....

...the central theme of that quest is the belief that within human ability is the means to master nature....

...because they assume it was mastered within the golden age...

On this day in history 19th Nov. in 1600, was born Charles I.

Charles was a king who believed totally in the ‘Divine Right of Kings’ and engaged in a power struggle with Parliament, which he lost and paid for with his life.

....that charles was attempting to enforce the historical purpose of all kings throughout history before the one with the ability.....

...what the occult/scientist/priests did in the 1600`s was what they had often done before....reccomended to the miltary that a different ruling structure be put in place whilst they continued the quest...... master nature

although nothing knew the answer when the quest began.....

all knew the answer existed.....

the discoverer of the answer would be master(s) of the universe...

the topic of the quest..

how do you structure a quest to protect yourself from the consequences of completing the quest..????

You keep it secret...

from all within the quest....

you quest within a structure of everything has a higher authority

each knows it`s place within the structure...

nothing within the structure ever knows the true purpose of the structure

ring a bell...???"
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Lion Aether Lion

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the quest eastern style

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