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Lion Aether Lion

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xenus is now on the path to knowing
where humanity is yet again going
it won`t be the same as the time before
the source of the effect is less not more
it isn`t our planets moving for this one
it is the plasma effect on our solar sun
knowing this alters all your perceptions
past present future without exceptions
i suggest xenus you also trouble to find
the effect of em waves on the human mind
this is not just a physical transitionl leap
it is a fundermental mutational mind peak
knowing the human is an electrical entity
shows you they are built with the capacity

the plasma existance is part dislosure
as this uk ministry report shows you
the interesing part you may find
is close contact effects the mind
this often may lead you to think you have met
an intelligent being or a supernateral effect
the physics that come with us knowing the truth
allows travel over distance to go through the roof
not only do we know that they can come to us
we discover that many actualy live amoungst to us

the source of the event in the norwegian sky
is perhaps not where it`s best to turn your eye
the worry most topical for our powers that be
are the effects that occur that should not be
their worry is that the masses will all agree
that our atmosphere is not what it used to be
the simplist of things can now behave strange
as our environment is experiencing the change
this has the effect on governments not knowing
what will ever be the next odd event showing
a storyline to explain is so hard to create
when national security says mr president wait

quantum tells us that space is not a vacume
this enables a place for thoughts to assume
non local consciousness becomes easy reality
in a universe governed by cosmic electricity
instead of vast nothing between planetary spheres
a field that allows travel in instant not years
this field contains all that is needed to know
and to acess it first you must know where to go
you start by seeing that this field is real
after that it gets easy and not a big deal
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Lion Aether Lion

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the key to the past is to be willing to know
that in a newtonian universe nothing can go
accept as a fact that gravity is not king
it`s then that our myths can begin to sing
planets once free to not stay in one spot
makes sense of history as you get the plot
this is new to all others as it is to you
one hundred plus years since the notion occured
within our secret societies something stirred
all that were touched soon began to achnowledge
secrets they kept made sense with this knowledge

the communists needed to prove man was all powerful
capitalists knew that their architect was fearful
the race was continued through world war two
germans discovered that occult ether was true
in the eighties the russians knew torsion was king
by this time the capitalists knew the same thing
the major question that is tricky to be resolved
how to apply the knowledge after what we were told
this problem is the root of all that you see
when the united nations and others all disagree
it`s not that they know and don`t want to get on
it`s the fact that so few have been told all along
secrets are easier kept than diclosed
this is why almost every door is closed
nature it`s self will settle the dilemma
look to the skys with hope and remember

the picture forming from the knowledge we gain
ensures thoughts of our earth be never the same
it`s centre becomes a plasmoid not metal
eathquakes and volcanoes are easy to settle
driven by the power of electrical means
hurricanes and tornadoes to so it seems
interconnected circuits of a cosmic scale
leaves the old notion of oneness quite pale

if your mind will accept that space isn`t bare
then is credible to think something lives there
we have briefly mentioned ether and torsion to
a provable field connecting not only me and you
existing throughout the universe supporting life
because it was unknown does not mean it`s strife
nasa has shown us some strange forms of motion
remember now the ether and think of an ocean
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Lion Aether Lion

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this information may make you feel unstable
but for the moment think macro and go global
the peoples republic of china is centraly run
electrical dragon paths is how china was begun
1.3 billion chinese know how ley lines are run
and the koran clearly tells you never make fun
of the many jinn whom live here with you and me
thats 1.66 billion muslims that have eyes to see
almost half of the humans of this world today
already know that plasma will never go away

it`s easy to awake any culture on earth
especialy if you are sure of it` worth
there is no merit in promoting a lie
because that`s when way too many die
discoveries are hard enough to achieve
let`s hope that only a few will grieve

the contact with NASA is more than a greeting
it`s the first signal that our minds are meeting
disclosure is not just what you imagine it will be
and the powers that be also had to wait patiently
but now we have their acceptance not fear
progress will move up and not just a gear
you will be informed as they and others interact
for now please be peaceful, relax and sit back

alien is a term that i believe is well known
as used by those whom have chosen to be alone
i was born into natural contact with others
the majority of whom do not have human mothers
so i`m the wrong one to ask about coming
as for me they are part of daily living
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Lion Aether Lion

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times arriving are not as destructive as before
it`s not the planets movements doing it any more
this time around we have energy inward bound
and it`s not nearly so bad as it might sound
the most significant effect you can be sure
is inducing thoughts for all minds to explore
the information will appear brand new not old
as this dose of energy allows feelings to unfold
it may not always be just an easy endevour
but a worthy way to become naturaly clever

the last time around even though energy was high
the way that it happened induced to many to die
a natural consequence of rare celestrial motion
a joining of systems caused the great commotion
now we are in a normal energetic transition
all intelligent life gets without exception
effects depend greatly on one`s expectations
information assists manage all imaginations

that`s why it`s so very important to know
how your environment operates in detail so
non local consciousness and other such names
mean something in your thoughts and dreams
then you will easily accomodate the linking
which will occur with the increased thinking
as long as you understand how it is working
your minds will be able to do the talking

the funny thing is i hope you agree if i say
every transfer of information is always two way
the same is true for what`s happening now
so the state of mind has a big effect on how
the incomming energy reacts to it`s new home
personaly i endevour never to let it feel alone
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Lion Aether Lion

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looking back in time it`s possible to imagine
after the catastrophy a time of energy famine
the original environment had gone completley
and the minds of the survivors reacted meekly
natural energy centers helped their thinking
thus becoming sacred sites in an inckling
for thousands of years the sites are guarded
occult societies with faith and oaths waited

the past hundred years the radiation is rising
just look at the way our thinkings been moving
are we getting cleverer just because of time
or is it our solar sun has a different shine
call it a cloud or a wave it does not matter
you see that our imagination is going higher

for thousands of years they maintained our cultures
often being perceived as no more than vultures
with secrets and oaths they retained status quo
despite the wars and rebellions they never let go
driven by reasons that transgressed their own living
nobody ever realy knew where this was all heading
until more recent times there grew a single notion
all societies now become coherent in their motion
is it a coincidece for it to occur at this time
or is it also a part of our suns change in shine
could it be the deeper awareness of our potential
driving each and every soverign to a singular central
are we moving into a more natural configeration
giving us the shape for our energetic interaction
this shape has the possibility to blossom what`s in store
which is our global consciouness as it comes to the fore

i wish not to lead this thread off topic today
it`s that i believe it`s very important to say
that although the effects we will be getting
are naturaly here hence there is no stopping
the institutions that govern within our civilisations
have capacity to satisfy our collective imaginations
because the original roots of them all
stem from a common event they all recall
the sacred geometry and codes covering the globe
bring all of us together on the same straight road
it is no error that the chequred floors all show
they are directly connected back to egyptian pharaoh
there may be discussions of how it was and when
but of the event`s reality there is no question
this will be very important and useful in the near times
as our imaginations are stimulted by more norwegian signs
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Lion Aether Lion

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written or oral is not my natural way
when i do it my tone often goes astray
linking the words helps me i find
translate exactly what`s in my mind

the swastika is a very ancient symbol of spin
a fundermental action of the universe we live in
it proves that once in the history of this world
somebody had knowledge or maybe they were told
aether called torsion is all about spin
the swastika symbol has it all that within
this symbol has been protected within the occult
it is possible that like other knowledge it`s felt
that it was given in symbols by a source unknown
to be kept for the time that by signs they`l be shown

it may just be the answers as simple as this
past events in the sky were very hard to miss
the ones on the ground used their sight and sound
to symbolise the actions of what they had found
knowing that it was gods residing in their skys
linking themselves to what was before their eyes
in the twenty first century the good news for all
that the symbols and signs match the new sky`s call
it does not feel alien or scary what`s in store
all our histories show we`ve seen it all before

your words promted me to think of what the ancients saw
and was it a sound that came with the sightes before
electricity has a very distinctive humm as it`s tone
is the original word for god a symbol we are not alone
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Lion Aether Lion

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these lights in our skys now coming our way
are plasma effects as the uk`s minstries say
their likness fits the descriptions we have been told
remember plasma appears intelligent even when it`s cold
these and other signs becoming common in our skys
suggests our environment`s altered to welcome these guys

i know for a fact following this thread
that you guys are definitely far ahead
it`s magical experiencing your clear thinking
no other description to give but uplifting
a brilliant fact of this knowing you possess
is our universe will enhance all your effects
i have a greater ego than most will ever know
it is my pleasure to tell your helpng me grow

on the topic the instant transfer of information
walter russell had a moment of universal revelation
very little of which he magicly became aware
has not been proven to be how he said and where
now as the energy within our environment increases
there are many more russells seeing all the pieces
in the twenty first century as they see it all fit
technology and increased awarness means we also get it

this is a very different way of it thinking
it implies that light and all else we are seeing
is manifesting from something invisible but a fact
a case of effect with no visible cause to detect
in the era we live in our science secretly knows
this is how our material universe grows and flows
for reasons that were once very important to some
this secret was never allowed to become undone
now our skys are begining to increasingly show
our powers that be now face that we all must know
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Lion Aether Lion

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therefore lights motion is it`s frequency of existance
not it`s velocity with which it travels over distance
from here it is but a short step into a new feeling
that may manifest in things having an altered meaning

with this notion minds may begin to embrace
that no where in our universe is even one space
that`s not filled with a force or field by name
worthy of investigation as it woould be a shame
if this invisible yet essential universal dimension
be the root of both human inspiration and constanation

the interesting part of walter russells revelation
is when he had it he only had his own translation
what happened at above lights velocity of existance
for russell was a realm of stillness and no resistance
with the progression of time there was soon a discovery
a realm alive with items of faster vibe for their reality
it is not still in any traditional manner
it`s a dimension quite unlike any other

the purpose of the links above is to show
just as the uk government wants us to know
plasma encounters can and do cause an effect
with human minds to which our goverments admit
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Lion Aether Lion

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a very good thread i definitly agree
a particular aspect that appeals to me
the op`s description of feed back potential
knowing what to look for is quite essential
expectation of there being something to see
is a major milestone to becoming care free

it`s brilliant that these threads both show
that by cross reference the picture will grow
the coherent complex system we`re within
demands in effect that we all join in

it`s true that the answer for the whale`s song change
is following their trauma they chose a different range
or possible while looking at the tone graph line
we can imaginet their environmet altered over time
in a manner they understood so their call for mating
altered by the tone as they were compensating

when environments naturaly alter as we are discussing
all life ajusts with as little as possible fussing
humanity appears to experincing life changing days
we maybe should explore if we need to change our ways
the more we consider the less we risk of missing
something simple that possible avoids us guessing
there are many faith based societies whom i`m sure
like our scientists and al gore i know would adore
if we did nothing at all and went to bed peaceful
personaly if i don`t understand it i get resentful
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Lion Aether Lion

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it appears we reside within an invisible field effect
called aether or torsion it`s reality seems correct
what difference does it make to our day to day
will it pay the bills or keep the doctor at bay
could it play a part in our climate change debate
can it help the human mind in it`s quest to create

perhaps this is a picture on which to think on
everything tangible comes from a field like a vision
this field contains the information and is continuous
what it creates from plasma to humans can be fluctious
the good news may be that as our environment energises
it`s effects on our thinking focuses and harmonises
our ability to access to a greater degree the field
which allows us to unlock answers previously sealed

a test of this pictures accuracy may be
that if looking back in time you can see
a common thread through history if it`s true
of this fields influence coming through
it`s effect though constant will rise and fall
because what it creates changes that is all

i believe it`s safe to confirm
exenus`s mind`s taken the right turn
as transmutation continues to unfold
the bigger picture will naturaly be told
life will never be the same
you`l wonder at what you became
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