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Lion Third Loop Lion

Posts: 72
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2023 2:31 pm
Location: Canada


There is an expression I heard amongst first responders, it’s called “circling the drain.” It’s used to describe a person who is alive but is dying and there is nothing they can do to save them. I have the feeling that 2023 is the year that this timeline circles the drain.

For several years I have had the feeling that society is collapsing, and as we move closer to the “defining event”, as we circle the drain, as the timeline collapses there are some things I have noticed and would like to memorialize here.

This period of time has left an imprint in the collective consciousness across all timelines. Many did not notice it at first but as time passes more and more triggers occur that “wake” people to what can be described as a feeling of impending doom. Doom used to be the domain of the fringe conspiracy movement. What used to pass as conspiracy theories are now becoming more widely known facts and the results have been somewhat predictable.

As it’s becoming known that the human race is facing this large monolithic conspiracy against itself most people accept it and believe that nothing can be done, and just do the best with what they have for as long as they are allowed to have it. It’s rather depressing to know that the majority of human consciousness is resigned to accept the fate that has been laid out for them. I fully understand it and sympathize with it, as I have been in the exact frame-of-mind for longer than I would like to admit.

There are some fighters who will not go quietly into that good-night. They are the activists who we see at protests they are even that small voice in the night calling out to the world in places like twitter hoping they can be that grain of sand that tips the scales. I am one of those voices as that’s all I have to offer. I have some “crazy” knowledge that I can give as encouragement and guidance.

Despite the fact that circling the drain implies a sense of hopelessness and inevitability there are other dynamics at play that can offer some measure of hope. Stable timelines are more resilient to changes, alterations or changes to circumstances will do little to change the trajectory of the timeline in general. As a timeline approach's collapse the coefficient of chaos begins to increase exponentially greatly increasing the volatility of the system. Generally an increase of volatility is undesirable but in this case it’s time’s cry to the universe for help.

What that means is that even a small change or “disturbance” of events can send the timeline off in a completely new and unexpected trajectory. Times like this are unpredictable and hard to plan for, which is why they tend to be avoided at all costs. For us it is our last hope, TPTB also cannot plan for events that can occur during high volatility times. It’s during these times that the law of unintended consequences becomes the rule and not the exception.

This also means that care and pure intent is paramount because at any moment things can spiral out of control. Violence begets violence , and love begets love. On this timeline the forces of evil won, and the good side was forced to collapse the timeline and pray for a miracle while we circled the drain.
At times like these I would offer some christian advise treat other how you’d want to be treated.

Karma’s a bitch.
- Brian
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