Sól - She's a fiery one.

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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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I'm sure we've done the whole Sun being Female and the Moon Male in many religions and mythologies, but here's a snippet again and also, good website.

"Sól is the much-revered goddess of the sun, and she was worshiped widely throughout Germany and Scandinavia. Her worship has ancient roots, and extends far back into the bronze age. In Eastern Europe she was known as Saule; or Saul, and is one of the principle deities in Latvian, Lithuanian and Baltic pagan traditions."

In addition, I didn't know about or I had forgotten this little piece of info dropped by Odin in Grminismal, in describing heavenly bodies and motion such as Skoll and Hati:

In front of the sun | does Svalin stand,
The shield for the shining god;
Mountains and sea | would be set in flames
If it fell from before the sun.

Svalin is "The Cooling" and is a shield that protects us from Sol's direct rays.


It's always lovely to see some science described by the ancient beings. Like the big bang when primordial fire and ice meet in the abyss in Norse creation mythology.

"Scholars have proposed that Sól, as a goddess, may represent an extension of an earlier Proto-Indo-European deity due to Indo-European linguistic connections between Norse Sól, Sanskrit Surya, Common Brittonic Sulis, Lithuanian Saule, Latin Sol, and Slavic Tsar Solnitse."

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%B3l_ ... mythology)

Very old connections, as with Tiwaz and some others that have a specific rune dedicated to them such as Ingwaz.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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