Great Pyramid of Giza: Secrets of Construction

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All thoughts area "real" in the sense that they exist immaterially. Thoughts are really just energy. All thoughts have a geometry to them, each unique to the meaning. This is why symbolism is so important in the great mysteries.

The pyramids at Giza were built through meditation and cymatics. The actual structure of the architecture is meditated upon by the initiate class. Once the structure is solidified in the minds of the adept, vibration is used to turn the mental projection into physical manifestation.

In the same way that physical matter (energy) has 3 states, thoughts and mind-constructions are of a subtler energy which is not visible or tangible. By changing the density of the thought using vibration, the physical manifestation occurs. This is likely the same/similar phenomenon that allow UFOs to appear/disappear.


The methodology is called "cymatics"

Cymatics (uncountable) (physics) The study of visible effects of sound and vibration.

Cymatics is the science of how sound visibly creates matter. Typically, the surface of a plate or membrane is coated with a thin coating of particles or liquid such as sand or water, which is then exposed to various vibrations. Different visual patterns instantly emerge, depending on the geometry of the plate and the frequency the matter on it is exposed to.

hmm i wonder why the pyramid is sitting on a square base

An international research group has applied methods of theoretical physics to investigate the electromagnetic response of the Great Pyramid to radio waves. Scientists predicted that under resonance conditions, the pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy in its internal chambers and under the base.
When first piecing this puzzle together, it was challenging to imagine what the ancient Egyptians could have used electricity for. But that question was quickly answered by the plethora of lore surrounding their use of light and electroplating.
The stone blocks used inside the pyramid were made of another form of limestone containing crystal which is an extremely high electrical conductor and a small amount of metal, which allow for maximum power transmission. The shafts inside the pyramid were lined with granite. Granite, as a conductor, is a slightly radioactive substance and permits the ionization of the air inside these shafts. When we look at an insulated electric cable, we see that conductive and insulation materials are used in the same way as in the pyramids.


The vibratory science of Cymatics reveals the special nature of the Hebrew language, as the letters apparently create, through the vibration of their spoken sounds, thier very shape in a medium such as sand on a vibrating plate.


Cymatics is in nature, in crop circles, in stone circles, and many other places. It lends to the belief that everything is living and moving, even what we consider ancient alphabets. We are told that “in the beginning God created the heaven and earth.” (Gen. 1:1) In the next verse, it says he “moved” (Hebrew word -rachaph) upon the earth. The Hebrew word for “moved” means to hover, shake, or flutter. That sounds like a frequency to me. Based on Rabbinical teachings, sound (frequency) is what started everything. It would only make sense that the Hebrew letters would also represent sound. Even in meditations of various religions, mantras and “toning” are used as part of their worship and healing practices. Nikola Tesla said that everything exists because of sound.

Through sound, AKA, frequency – we begin to see how everything in our universe is based off sound. At some point in ancient traditions, someone figured out that sound could be measured via the shapes of cymatic patterns.


So, there you have it folks: the secret to moving masonry with sound is to create a resonance around infrasonic vibrations of our F frequency, with a harmonic of an augmented 5th at the same time.
>The theory of how this works put forward by Swedish aircraft designer Henry Kjellson, who recorded this event and drew the diagram, is that the sound creates a low pressure wave above the rock, and atmospheric pressure moves it up the cliff. The author recounts that he watched the monks move several pieces of stone in this way, although some broke on landing. ... ove-rocks/

The Mechanical Properties of Granite under Ultrasonic Vibration
The new technique of using ultrasonic vibration to break hard rock is still in the experimental stage, but it has significant potential for improving the efficiency of hard rock crushing. We have analyzed the mechanical properties of granite under ultrasonic vibration and the characteristics of the damage produced. This was achieved by using an ultraloading device to apply continuous and discontinuous ultrasonic vibrations, respectively, to 32mm diameter and 72mm high granite samples. An ultradynamic data acceptor combined with strain gauges was used to monitor the strain of the granite in real time, and the elastic-plastic deformation behavior of the granite under ultrasonic vibration was observed. The results of this experiment indicate that the granite samples underwent elastic deformation, plastic deformation, and damage during this process.

The pyramids of Khafre and Menkaure and the royal chamber tomb in the pyramid of Cheope, were externally faced with granite slabs. But not only: also the Djed – the interior of the Big Pyramid of Giza – was entirely built of heavy granite monoliths. Each monolith weighs nearly hundred tons.
The Great Pyramid consists of 8,000 tonnes of granite


A quantum jump from the lowest vibrational energy state to a higher energy state can be achieved by radiating light onto the molecule, whose wavelength is precisely set so that it corresponds exactly to the energy difference between the two states.

>\They demonstrated that this extended spectroscopy technique has a resolution capacity for the radiation wavelength for vibrational excitation that is 10,000 times higher than in previous techniques used for molecular ions. Systematic disturbances of the vibrational states of the molecular ions, for example through interfering electrical and magnetic fields, could also be suppressed by a factor of 400.


The Nexus of Materialized Sound and Sonified Material - Nature produces a variety of materials with many functions, often out of simple and abundant materials, and at low energy. Such systems - examples of which include spider webs, nacre or proteins in our cells - provide inspiration for engineering, and offer new paradigms for sustainable design. In this talk we explore a new perspective of materials science at the interface of matter and sound, to enable a new design paradigm, using a variety of tools including molecular modeling, AI and machine learning, and experimental synthesis and characterization. By translating the molecular vibrations of proteins – the basic building blocks of life – into audible signals, we provide a coding system of living matter. By manipulating sound, detecting mutations, this concept offers a physics-based compositional technique to create new music, which is akin to finding a new palette of colors for a painter. Here, the nanomechanical structure of matter, reflected in an oscillatory framework, presents a new palette for sound generation, and can complement or support human creativity, transcending scales, species and manifestations of matter. Markus J. Buehler is the McAfee Professor of Engineering at MIT and leads MIT’s Laboratory for Atomistic and Molecular Mechanics. His primary research interests focus on the structure and mechanical properties of biological and bio-inspired materials, to characterize, model and create materials with architectural features from the nano- to the macro-scale. His most recent book, Biomateriomics, presents a new design paradigm for the analysis of biomaterials using a categorization approach that translates insights from disparate fields such as materials and music, and offers a new hierarchical design approach at the nexus of sound and matter.


Every thought and emotion has its own vibrational frequency or wave frequency. Quantum mechanics has demonstrated how a wave frequency can be altered. The shape of a wave has peaks and valleys. Energy waves are encoders and carriers of information with an infinite capacity for storage.

Using our thoughts, approximately 60,000 of them per day, you are able to harnesses a power or frequency which then draws another thought just like it and then another and then another and so on.

Our minds generate vibration that is constantly at work. Our thoughts and feelings all have frequency, just like sound and light, radio or ultraviolet waves, a thought vibrates through the mind and whether we're aware of it or not, our thinking manifests into reality.

Since thoughts are energy signals, the energy transmitting a thought therefore has mass. The ions and molecules encoding the energetic signal have mass too.

We first found that people reportedly experience their thoughts as having sound. That is how almost 90% of participants described their experience, which is much higher than the 31% reported by Langdon et al.

Human Vibration Parameter Comparison and Result Discussion. According to the existing research, the natural frequency of a human-standing body is about 7.5 Hz, and the frequency of a sitting posture in the cab is generally 4–6 Hz.

Thoughts are viewed as electromagnetic representations of neuronal information, and the experience of free will in our choice of actions is argued to be our subjective experience of the cemi field acting on our neurons.

Vibrational energy experts claim that certain emotions and thought patterns, such as joy, peace, and acceptance, create high frequency vibrations, while other feelings and mindsets (such as anger, despair, and fear) vibrate at a lower rate. There isn't much scientific evidence to support this correlation.

Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting.
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Administrator Caylus Ark Administrator

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This is an excellent write up. I'm impressed.

I'll add speaking of cymatics, the planets themselves have them...

Makes you wonder the connection between planetary cymatics in our solar system and astrology. Also of course, the great pyramid, as it was placed in very deliberate alignment with the stars.

Energetic, or vibratory connection -
everything with a shape has a sound.

That's why Freemasonry is in search of its "lost word" - the occult still knows things can be "spoken into creation"...
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sailboats wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 11:31 pm Cymatics (uncountable) (physics) The study of visible effects of sound and vibration.


The vibratory science of Cymatics reveals the special nature of the Hebrew language, as the letters apparently create, through the vibration of their spoken sounds, thier very shape in a medium such as sand on a vibrating plate.

Through sound, AKA, frequency – we begin to see how everything in our universe is based off sound. At some point in ancient traditions, someone figured out that sound could be measured via the shapes of cymatic patterns.


So, there you have it folks: the secret to moving masonry with sound is to create a resonance around infrasonic vibrations of our F frequency, with a harmonic of an augmented 5th at the same time.
I've written a little on the idea of sound waves being the mechanism of moving stone in ancient construction. Specifically I was focusing around the concept of many slaves in harmony, tuned by a priest with a rod and ring, or ankh(Tau on a cord, also doubles as a T-Square). What exactly were the specifics though? I am not sure.
I'll resist the urge to ramble about tuning forks, rods, swords and liquid crystal consciousness for now :D

Embracing the the idea of language being based around shapes of sound; I think we can see this in more than one language. Though I should mention that I believe there's overlap between them in ancient times beyond what which we currently know about, as well as mythology overlaps that are entirely disconnected at surface level yet when digging a little and going outside the approved box of each system share striking similarities; I'm looking at you, Thurisaz.

That is to say - there may be a common origin that is lost, though the line of thinking expressed here leans toward the common origin is the sound/thought form itself.



The "web of wyrd" symbol contains all Elder Futhark runes. Each rune does indeed have a sound and energy associated with it and has occulted meaning behind it. I won't get in to the details here but there's a lot to be said for all being frequency and vibration.

I'm quite down with the idea of the holographic fractal universe that is modulated by sound. Or perhaps the reverse? Is it light that is modulated the sound of the universe? Either way it's all frequency and vibration.

Oh, regarding the pyramid/triangle/chevron shape. Apparently the earliest form of the rune Tiwaz: ᛏ was a chevron /\
We can perhaps see overlap of concept or representation here in that Tiwaz is divine masculine as well as first in the ætt (groups of runes) that is related to rulers/monarchy.

Nice thread!
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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I have been getting a lot of social media talking about the unk and they were tuned to the personal's specific vibrations to travel in stargates.
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gregorywgoetz wrote: Wed Dec 21, 2022 4:43 am I have been getting a lot of social media talking about the unk and they were tuned to the personal's specific vibrations to travel in stargates.
Do you mean the Ankh?


I could certainly see that being the case...
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So I was speaking with someone a while ago on the significance of 7-11 regarding myself, coz reasons. 7-11 @ 7-11 is something in particular, I've a pocket watch for stuff that I have set to 7:11. Why am I bringing this up? Well, the pyramids.

Here's a paste of the info I was passing on in that conversation Full Article Here

"Jean Paul Bauval’s research on the Great Pyramid architecture is very interesting, as are his analytic models of investigation. He has shown that base and height relationship expresses two prime numbers: the number 11 for the base and 7 for the height. "


"Mathematics and the Riddle of Prime Numbers

The formula for prime numbers—or pi-Greek function of positive numbers—is a formula generating the prime numbers, determining the amount of prime numbers preceding a considered value.

For instance, how many prime numbers precede the number 137?

I used the mathematical formula to discover the hidden message, based on the number 137, coming from the Second Pyramid. While Kheops and Menkaura Pyramid generated logical numeric values, closed to the first four prime numbers, the Khafre Pyramid gave, apparently, illogical results with no scientific connection with the others.

It looked like nonsense. "

"By applying the prime numbers function to the number 137, I got the following result: the number 33, (i.e. the numbers 11 and 3). Once again two prime numbers. Once again, the number 11 as a proportional number for the base, and the number 3 for the height.

The pyramids of Giza gave the following sequence: 3 – 5 – 7 – 11. The first four prime numbers were enclosed in the pyramid proportions; the number 11 as numeric constant for the base and then different values for the height (3 - Khafre Pyramid, 5 - Menkaura Pyramid, 7 - Kheops Pyramid).

In addition, the Khafre Pyramid expressed a value, at the same time, proportional and inversely proportional to itself!

Results also confirmed that the building had a twofold function: “from the bottom-up and from the top down”, “as above so below”.

Giza really was the mirror of the sky? And what was the number 137 purpose?

The number 137 has a very amazing meaning and it can range from modern science to Kabbalah, from archetypes numerology to Eastern philosophy, from smaller particles to the law of Universal Balance. "

"Leon Max Lederman is an American experimental physicist who received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1988. In his book, “The God Particle”, he writes:

“One hundred thirty-seven is the inverse of something called the fine-structure constant. This number is related to the probability that an electron will emit or absorb a photon. The fine-structure constant also answers to the name alpha, and it can be arrived at by taking the square of the charge of the electron divided by the speed of light times Planck's constant. What all that verbiage means is that this one number, 137, contains the crux of electromagnetism (the electron), relativity (the velocity of light), and quantum theory (Planck's constant). It would be less unsettling if the relationship between all these important concepts turned out to be one or three or maybe a multiple of pi. […]

This means that scientists on Mars, or on the fourteenth planet of the star Sirius, using whatever god-awful units they have for charge, speed, and their version of Planck's constant, will also get 137. It is a pure number. (…) ”

Did the builders want to convey their scientific knowledge through the Pyramids proportions? Who built them? And why? Was their function connected to the number 137? "


This article then gets in to Kabbala stuff
The God Number

"Maybe, the last question can have a constructive answer in the esoteric and Kabbalistic meaning of the God Number.

In Kabbalah, the number 137 has the following numeric sequence:

100 or letter Quf or Kaf
2 or letter Beit or Beth
30 or letter Lamed
5 or letter Hey or Hè

Now, let us check the significance of each letter:

Quf or Kaf is the Hebrew letter having the archetypal meaning of “to go into”, “to enter”, “to cross”;
Beit or Beth is the Hebrew letter having the archetypal meaning of “the God House”;
Lamed is the Hebrew letter having the archetypal meaning of “Dimension”, “Measure”;
Hey or Hè is the Hebrew letter having the archetypal meaning of “Life”.

Thus, the Kabalistic meaning of the number 137 is “ To go into the God House of dimension of Life ”.


"As shortly shown, number 137 has many scientific, Kabalistic and archetypal meanings. Nevertheless, what are the other prime numbers’ purpose? What is the implication of the numbers 7 and 11?

Number 7 properties are well known. In Kabbalah it is the letter Zain. Its purpose is eternity, transcending time. Do you remember the ancient Arab utterance concerning Pyramids and Time relationship? “Time is afraid of Pyramids”. Does the Pyramid’s function has a correlation with that hypothesis? Are the Great Pyramid Chambers the remains of ancient scientific process? Was the Second Pyramid, containing the number 137, part of the lost scientific process? Number 7 represents the Man in his Spiritual evolution, as Keter, the topmost of the Sephirot, the “crown” of the Spiritual Dimension.
Number 11 is a very exhaustive esoteric number. It is the one following number 10, the Aleph following Tau, the Beginning following the Fulfillment. The number 11 is Kaf, the Hebrew letter indicating the new Cosmic Cycle, “the Entrance into the Eternity”.

Our Ancestors told their history through particular numbers, by combining them with scientific functions. Over time, from their union, hermetic philosophies generated all around the world. "
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.

Caylus Ark wrote:
> [quote=gregorywgoetz post_id=89 time=1671597803 user_id=63]
> I have been getting a lot of social media talking about the unk and they
> were tuned to the personal's specific vibrations to travel in stargates.
> [/quote]
> Do you mean the Ankh?
> [img] ... e.jpg.webp[/img]
> I could certainly see that being the case...
> [url][/url]
Wow that looks like Horus. Maybe there is a mystery school link to that exactly. The corrupt priesthood then wrote a new "paradigm" with the Romans to start a new empire.

OOBEs/Astral projection. Shamanic communication "global village".
Chakra tuning. Energy devices - radiant energy.
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