Can you remember what happens when you die? Can you remember what happened before you were born?

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 Arcanum Aanam 
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Caylus Ark wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 6:34 pm
Arcanum Aanam wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:11 am
Caylus Ark wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:35 am

literally though :catrofl:

Have a rather similar memory =P
Ooh, you should tell us about it
(if you feel comfortable)
Fairly similar imagry

Different words
Leap, Fall, Rise
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Lion Ayana Lion

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Those words maybe useful tho to others
”Strong women don't
have 'attitudes',
we have standards.”
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 Abel Oneus 
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Thank you for the replies and sharing of your experiences. I enjoy reading them.

I remembered 3 previous lives to my own "currently"
I don't recall exactly when that split happened probably when I was young between 3 and 11

I don't recall in-between those lives or if I do im not aware consciously of them.

I remember being a baby looking up at my mobile was white with different stuffed animals going round and round. That is probably on of my first memories.
I remember my first time in a stroller or carnage at a department store. I remember all the lights on the ceiling. I remember my thoughts, I was amazed by all the lights I had never seen anything like it. Made me very curious and excited.

I remember climbing out of my crib. I learned to walk at 7 months and talked at 9 months.
I don't remember why I would get up in the middle of the night. I would climb out of my crib. The drop down was scary and usually hurt until I got a little bigger.
I remember having cat in the hat plush, Paddington bear (his best was velvet omg I hate the way velvet feels) I had a glow worm, and a Winnie the pooh cassest tape I would listen to over and over. My mother also had a dark gray and black cat. That cat hated me and used to scratch me all the time. I still loved him. His name was cat lol yes

I remember my grandfather he died when I was 3 I was on his lap he wouldn't wake up (this is a alt story possibly from one of the previous 3 lives)
I kept running across the room and jumping on my grandfather. He would catch me when I jumped on him. Course I'm 3 im running around everything is new and exciting. I'm jumping on grampy having a good ol time.
Everyone was yelling at me not to jump on him because he had been ill. I asked him if it was ok to jump on him after i got yelled at a few times. He said it was ok.
So I kept doing it until one time he didn't catch me.
I thought he was asleep. I tried to wake him up.
That was my first experience with death.
So you can imagine how the rest of the day went...

Next time...

My mother told me it was ok to be sad. I didn't understand death or felt it was something to be sad about.
This did not go over well let's just say.

So soon after that I had a imaginary friend I called papa surf.

Later on in life my mother told me her and her father had a pact, that if one of them died and could communicate after death they would....

Until next time my good friends
Thanks for listening
Sending love and positive energy vibrations
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