Frequency, vibration and... seeding civilizations?

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I've been pondering panspermia, star seeds, light codes, etc. and I've come to a hypothesis along the lines of one or more species that began broadcasting all the information about themselves on [some frequency]. Either as a last ditch effort 'hey we existed' before extinction or as a way to seed the universe with their consciousness. Instead of a physical panspermia involving biological actions, instead a frequency of some sort affecting early man.

Ponder if you will the idea of frequencies bombarding early man in such a way that the development of the brain, or DNA is affected.
If this is the case, was this intentional and they knew we were susceptible to 'attack'? Excellent invasion plan - not even mad.
Or, perhaps they were trying to rebirth their species and we just happened to be open to these frequencies?
Or, it was pure fluke and the intent wasn't to rebirth their civilization, instead to just spread the word - it was all an accident.
  1. A civilization long time ago in some place far, far away sends out a signal detailing everything about themselves.
  2. Primitive man just happens to be biologically developed in such a way that this signal is picked up and affects our thinking. Including memories of what we might interpret as deities, or maybe ancient battles, etc.
  3. Over time primitive man develops and eventually becomes the ancient civilization reborn, complete with mythologies that were events from an entirely different people and location.
This idea plays well with various schools of thought, certain peoples explanation from 'where we come from', our current understanding of technology and our increasing knowledge of the frequencies of the universe.
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I think the planets and other bodies in various star systems have a lot to do with biological life and the type of life lived. All matter has a natural resonance including the massive planets in our solar system, which throw-off massive resonance.

The Earth's natural resonance is called the Schumann resonance.

The other bodies in our solar system have an effect on earth's resonance depending on their configuration in relation to each other and to earth. This is where horoscopes come from -- when the planets interact in certain ways, the earth's resonance is modified and so too is yours (because it's resonating through you). I'd imagine in Jesus's time there was probably a natural resonance of what we might call "Christ Consciousness".

Perhaps for life to form, the planets need to be aligned.

Think it's crazy? The moon affects menstrual cycles and even the earth's tides. Our bodies are majority water -- the moon pushes and pulls us as humans all the time.
Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting.
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sailboats wrote: Thu Dec 22, 2022 4:41 am I think the planets and other bodies in various star systems have a lot to do with biological life and the type of life lived. All matter has a natural resonance including the massive planets in our solar system, which throw-off massive resonance.

The Earth's natural resonance is called the Schumann resonance.

The other bodies in our solar system have an effect on earth's resonance depending on their configuration in relation to each other and to earth. This is where horoscopes come from -- when the planets interact in certain ways, the earth's resonance is modified and so too is yours (because it's resonating through you). I'd imagine in Jesus's time there was probably a natural resonance of what we might call "Christ Consciousness".

Perhaps for life to form, the planets need to be aligned.

Think it's crazy? The moon affects menstrual cycles and even the earth's tides. Our bodies are majority water -- the moon pushes and pulls us as humans all the time.
Certainly, gravities and their interactions could be playing a part. I was speaking about this with someone quite recently.
This is nearly a direct quote "The moon affects menstrual cycles and even the earth's tides. Our bodies are majority water -- the moon pushes and pulls us as humans all the time." of what I was saying, lol.

Micro effects on our development by gravity as we're in-utero could certainly affect brain development I think, thus the personalities associated with zodiac.
Plus more. There's definitely (potentially) something to cosmic bodies, gravities, frequencies they output and how our brains and other bodily systems are.
Can we prove it? It's probably classed as fringe, so no one who has a job or rep to risk would touch it. Perhaps there's evidence in other sciences that can be utilized...
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The akaishic record is above the starseed vault, and I think it's your actions and decisions and thoughts throughout your life that unlock various situations.

By frequency, suppose you are a Dallas Cowboys fan and you watch the Dallas Cowboys and you hang out with other Dallas Cowboys fans, then you are on that frequency.

As far as vibrations, if you grow up and have a laid back attitude and lifestyle, then you are probably from the West Coast. Your civilization identity sticks out like a sore thumb in New York.

I suppose if you read a lot of books and watched a lot of videos about something, you would become that thing you researched and studied.
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Wulfklevrn wrote: Thu Dec 22, 2022 7:17 am The akaishic record is above the starseed vault, and I think it's your actions and decisions and thoughts throughout your life that unlock various situations.

By frequency, suppose you are a Dallas Cowboys fan and you watch the Dallas Cowboys and you hang out with other Dallas Cowboys fans, then you are on that frequency.

As far as vibrations, if you grow up and have a laid back attitude and lifestyle, then you are probably from the West Coast. Your civilization identity sticks out like a sore thumb in New York.

I suppose if you read a lot of books and watched a lot of videos about something, you would become that thing you researched and studied.
"The akaishic record is above the starseed vault" o.O
When I say star seed I am referring to crystal children, indigo children, and the concept of Lyran, Arcturian, Draconic souls, etc. that have travelled here from different locations/frequencies than the norm. I think a vault sounds like something else entirely, more akin to local source?

Anyway yeah you're talking about vibrational attunement of our energies. That stereotypical hippy phrase about "messing up my vibes" is legit, though a lot of folks can only describe it as "vibe". Our energy body/aura/etc. interacts with our environment and is affected by. A more "powerful" aura can affect things around it more easily (or resist/block changing), and more open one can more easily be influenced (or perhaps allow to pass through unchanged). We can become in tune and vibe with others or we can quite literally feel repelled by or experience abrasiveness of another.

This interaction stuff is quite interesting. What I've found is that our localized system can affect incoming waves, so when you've got your feathers rustled, you're all bristled and tense, someone's field interacting with yours may cause them to appear threatening or ill-suited to be around. Curiously the reverse is the same, someone can be all about that love feeling and thereby filter everything through that vibrational level. Of course there's a problem here in that the true intent is filtered by our local frequency and vibration. I guess this is going to fall under the broad 'know thyself' in so much as we should learn to understand what energy is "us" and what energy is "not us" so as to properly interpret the energy interaction.

As for what you're saying regarding being a sports fan, living in X or Y culture, interacting with specific topics a lot - yep, for sure you're going to have your fields adjusted. Again though it's important to note that there is ones own interpretation still in this. That crowd affect, the group energy field, when everyone is vibing on the same level, this is where it becomes interesting and a sort of egregore can be developed.
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The vault so to speak is the entire universe that the various starseeds exist in. To create an egregore I suppose you would probably create perhaps a draconian monster out there and then find a way to bring it into this reality field, all of which is contained in the same vault or universe.
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Wulfklevrn wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 9:34 am The vault so to speak is the entire universe that the various starseeds exist in. To create an egregore I suppose you would probably create perhaps a draconian monster out there and then find a way to bring it into this reality field, all of which is contained in the same vault or universe.
Interesting. This theory flies in the face of no small amount of research and discussion on the topics. That said, out of the box thinking is most welcome :D
Also, #NotAllDraconians
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It's an interesting hypothesis and definitely worth considering. If we were able to pick up frequencies from other civilizations, it could explain some of the unexplained mysteries and mythologies of human history. It could also explain some of the unexplained technological advancements that ancient civilizations had, such as the pyramids in Egypt or the Nazca lines in Peru.

However, it's also important to consider the possibility that these civilizations simply developed their own technologies and mythologies independently. While the idea of receiving information from other civilizations is certainly intriguing, we can't discount the possibility that these civilizations simply evolved and developed their own abilities and cultures over time.

Ultimately, it's hard to say for sure what the truth is. It's possible that we may never know the full story of our history and the influences that have shaped us as a species. But it's always important to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities as we continue to learn and grow.
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Neo wrote: Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:14 pm It's an interesting hypothesis and definitely worth considering. If we were able to pick up frequencies from other civilizations, it could explain some of the unexplained mysteries and mythologies of human history. It could also explain some of the unexplained technological advancements that ancient civilizations had, such as the pyramids in Egypt or the Nazca lines in Peru.

However, it's also important to consider the possibility that these civilizations simply developed their own technologies and mythologies independently. While the idea of receiving information from other civilizations is certainly intriguing, we can't discount the possibility that these civilizations simply evolved and developed their own abilities and cultures over time.

Ultimately, it's hard to say for sure what the truth is. It's possible that we may never know the full story of our history and the influences that have shaped us as a species. But it's always important to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities as we continue to learn and grow.
Yeah certainly plausible that civilizations developed their own techs and myths, this is the more standard approach to understanding them. Though, I think this type of theory of external influence (of any form) becomes far more interesting when we consider not the unique aspects of individual earth-bound civilizations, but the eerily similar ones; the archetypal cross-overs in mythology with two peoples that never interacted, the shared stories of 'coming from the stars' or gods and flying machines battling in the sky/space.

We can attempt to explain this in a few ways, one such is external influence - be it physical interaction, galactic immigration, panspermia or this hypothesis of ancient frequencies from a long time ago in a galaxy far-far away.
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Týsköll wrote: Sat Dec 31, 2022 3:42 am Yeah certainly plausible that civilizations developed their own techs and myths, this is the more standard approach to understanding them. Though, I think this type of theory of external influence (of any form) becomes far more interesting when we consider not the unique aspects of individual earth-bound civilizations, but the eerily similar ones; the archetypal cross-overs in mythology with two peoples that never interacted, the shared stories of 'coming from the stars' or gods and flying machines battling in the sky/space.

We can attempt to explain this in a few ways, one such is external influence - be it physical interaction, galactic immigration, panspermia or this hypothesis of ancient frequencies from a long time ago in a galaxy far-far away.
All of these things can be explained, with evidence, far better, by a previously advanced human civilization that is now long forgotten. I am speaking of Atlantis. Look to the Vedas for information about flying machines, vimanas as they were called.
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