The whore of Babylon

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Lion Third Loop Lion

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The whore of Babylon

Recently I was reminded of something I wrote many years ago. I do not quite remember the full context but it was related to a question of what it would take to start cultural revolution. My answer was that the revolution would have to start with the “news media whores.”

I called them whores because they had prostituted themselves out to the almighty dollar. I realize that this is over simplified but as I pondered the situation our society finds itself in I was reminded of the eschatological whore of Babylon. Thinking this was a profound revelation the structure of this writing began to take form and I turned on my computer and forfeited a nights sleep.

In a dream I was asked why the general populace does not recognize and react to the important crossroad we find ourselves at. It seems to me we are blindfolded and are groping our way though an apocalypse. Something with the gravity and importance of an apocalypse should not be something we blindly attempt to navigate rather we should have our eyes open and be brutally aware of the significance of each step we take.

I awoke from the dream with many disjointed thoughts and knew I had to collect them and share them, that's why you are reading this, whoever you are. Many mystics and prophets have attempted to inform and guide us through these times . My background is Christian so I will rely on Christian terms and concepts but the times we find ourselves in are not uniquely Christian but are Global and Universal

The mystics and wise men of all cultures foresaw the time we are in, but they saw it as though “thru a glass darkly”. They were able to describe footprints as shadows and forms moved through the sands of time. For millennia we have been left trying to guess whom these footprints belong to and what they mean. In recent years as the forms and shadows have taken definitive form the general public has failed to recognize the significance and peril we find ourselves in.

I found myself contemplating the how's and why's of this situation the wee hours of this morning and I was able to identify some of the key factors of this predicament but I was able to identify a central theme for our shortcomings. This theme revolved a lack of trust in our “information”. This is a dynamic issue encompassing many themes from the secular not trusting the spiritual to the “right” not trusting the “left”, etc. As I contemplated this, a voice in my head kept whispering, “The whore of Babylon.”

Spiritual Babylon and the Whore are Christian concepts. I always had a sense that spiritual Babylon was western society in general and still think that, but the identity of the whore has always been a question for me. I have not read the book of Revelation in quite some time and have no interest in researching the topic for this articles accuracy, I am just going to assert my theory.

The voice made me think of many things but the real A-HA moment that inspired this writing was when I remembered calling the corporate news media whores. We have no trustworthy source of information that the “general” public will listen to since the centralized news media sold its soul and humanity out.

I am not a fan of authoritarianism but there is a uniting force that centralization of information provides. Our information has always been centralized the decentralization that the internet provides for is a recent phenomenon. The problem is that it is not a function of utility but as people recognize the insincerity, dishonesty, and antisocial motives of the corporate media it has becomes a necessity.

Centralized media no longer serves society but is merely a tool of control ,serving masters that hereto have yet to be publicly shamed. Those that recognize this and other factors have contributed to a siloing of information where people exist in their own information bubbles that fractures people into smaller incohesive groups that lack a uniting vision. Such groups are easily managed and controlled by a large cohesive “beast” that we have failed to recognize has us captured because the people who are supposed to tell us were captured first.

There was time we could unite behind central themes and visions whether they came from a pulpit or from the TV, but once you lose trust in these institutions you lose the guiding light that leads society. Then you end up being pulled in every direction and getting nowhere fast ultimately nudged forward in ungodly directions by an invisible beast that no one would overtly obey.

The bane of existence are problems without solutions, and I have given you just that. Years ago I said the solution was a revolution of the news media, but the institutions our society has come to rely on are so corrupted that I don't think that's possible. We need to identify the beast, and describe the way we are captured in a manner that will unify the majority of people in opposition to it. I am unsure if there is enough freedom left to do such a thing effectively, so I will retire to my closet and pray.

With God all things are possible.
- Brian
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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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Third Loop wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 7:49 am The whore of Babylon

Recently I was reminded of something I wrote many years ago. I do not quite remember the full context but it was related to a question of what it would take to start cultural revolution. My answer was that the revolution would have to start with the “news media whores.”

I called them whores because they had prostituted themselves out to the almighty dollar. I realize that this is over simplified but as I pondered the situation our society finds itself in I was reminded of the eschatological whore of Babylon. Thinking this was a profound revelation the structure of this writing began to take form and I turned on my computer and forfeited a nights sleep.

In a dream I was asked why the general populace does not recognize and react to the important crossroad we find ourselves at. It seems to me we are blindfolded and are groping our way though an apocalypse. Something with the gravity and importance of an apocalypse should not be something we blindly attempt to navigate rather we should have our eyes open and be brutally aware of the significance of each step we take.

I awoke from the dream with many disjointed thoughts and knew I had to collect them and share them, that's why you are reading this, whoever you are. Many mystics and prophets have attempted to inform and guide us through these times . My background is Christian so I will rely on Christian terms and concepts but the times we find ourselves in are not uniquely Christian but are Global and Universal

The mystics and wise men of all cultures foresaw the time we are in, but they saw it as though “thru a glass darkly”. They were able to describe footprints as shadows and forms moved through the sands of time. For millennia we have been left trying to guess whom these footprints belong to and what they mean. In recent years as the forms and shadows have taken definitive form the general public has failed to recognize the significance and peril we find ourselves in.

I found myself contemplating the how's and why's of this situation the wee hours of this morning and I was able to identify some of the key factors of this predicament but I was able to identify a central theme for our shortcomings. This theme revolved a lack of trust in our “information”. This is a dynamic issue encompassing many themes from the secular not trusting the spiritual to the “right” not trusting the “left”, etc. As I contemplated this, a voice in my head kept whispering, “The whore of Babylon.”

Spiritual Babylon and the Whore are Christian concepts. I always had a sense that spiritual Babylon was western society in general and still think that, but the identity of the whore has always been a question for me. I have not read the book of Revelation in quite some time and have no interest in researching the topic for this articles accuracy, I am just going to assert my theory.

The voice made me think of many things but the real A-HA moment that inspired this writing was when I remembered calling the corporate news media whores. We have no trustworthy source of information that the “general” public will listen to since the centralized news media sold its soul and humanity out.

I am not a fan of authoritarianism but there is a uniting force that centralization of information provides. Our information has always been centralized the decentralization that the internet provides for is a recent phenomenon. The problem is that it is not a function of utility but as people recognize the insincerity, dishonesty, and antisocial motives of the corporate media it has becomes a necessity.

Centralized media no longer serves society but is merely a tool of control ,serving masters that hereto have yet to be publicly shamed. Those that recognize this and other factors have contributed to a siloing of information where people exist in their own information bubbles that fractures people into smaller incohesive groups that lack a uniting vision. Such groups are easily managed and controlled by a large cohesive “beast” that we have failed to recognize has us captured because the people who are supposed to tell us were captured first.

There was time we could unite behind central themes and visions whether they came from a pulpit or from the TV, but once you lose trust in these institutions you lose the guiding light that leads society. Then you end up being pulled in every direction and getting nowhere fast ultimately nudged forward in ungodly directions by an invisible beast that no one would overtly obey.

The bane of existence are problems without solutions, and I have given you just that. Years ago I said the solution was a revolution of the news media, but the institutions our society has come to rely on are so corrupted that I don't think that's possible. We need to identify the beast, and describe the way we are captured in a manner that will unify the majority of people in opposition to it. I am unsure if there is enough freedom left to do such a thing effectively, so I will retire to my closet and pray.

With God all things are possible.
what it would take to start cultural revolution
I have thought and discussed here and there that it had to be grass roots, for a number of reasons, primarily so it was both natural and had a stable foundation, rather than trying to "edit at the apex" (or near to) which is inherently risky. This of course means it would take time, which is normal for cultural change, it can't be overnight or forced. In some cases it can take generations, or at least "10 years or more", to quote myself regarding a thing to do with stuff.
Perhaps contradictory is the notion that there national, class, social, psychological, economical as well as traditional wars being fought and whilst in what I call a "just war" all is valid to achieve supreme victory, in some if not all theatre: it matters how we win, it defines society after the achievement.
spiritual Babylon was western society in general
Spiritual Babylon as western society, well perhaps. A lot of people related America to that concept, and as Rammstein so eloquently put "we all live in Amerika" and "this is not a love song". I think there's an element of truth to this, though the whore herself I feel is akin to if not an archetype, at its base its a thoughtform that can infest, seed and grow, at its most powerful it is an egregore. This is how we can relate certain celebrity(or not) personalities to being the manifested avatar thereof.
It's no different to any type, supertype or archetype in that the values, virtues, vices, and otherwise aspects of a form can be taken on as a part of ourselves, aligned with and manifested.
once you lose trust in these institutions you lose the guiding light that leads society
Loss of trust in the institutions, yeah and it's been intentionally brought about from opposing institutions and those who wish for radical change. The impatient, FOMO types in society, they exist all throughout history.
It takes a village to raise a child, cultures create people - be they good, great or shit. Shit cultures create shit people.
We're in an era where the internet has caused there to be a global village, sure there are dark alleyways or bright values (:D) throughout, but any inhabitant can roam anywhere freely and be directly affected by differing opinions and be "raised" far outside the local village they physically reside within.
The bane of existence are problems without solutions
Whilst I have theories, I'm going to leave it appropriately hanging right here.

/ /

I know I cherry picked some parts and didn't address others, specifically Centralized Media not having a role, it does (or should), but that's for next post.
Probably. ;P
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Lion Third Loop Lion

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I have thought and discussed here and there that it had to be grass roots, for a number of reasons, primarily so it was both natural and had a stable foundation, rather than trying to "edit at the apex" (or near to) which is inherently risky. This of course means it would take time, which is normal for cultural change, it can't be overnight or forced. In some cases it can take generations, or at least "10 years or more", to quote myself regarding a thing to do with stuff.
Perhaps contradictory is the notion that there national, class, social, psychological, economical as well as traditional wars being fought and whilst in what I call a "just war" all is valid to achieve supreme victory, in some if not all theatre: it matters how we win, it defines society after the achievement.
I agree that it would have to be a grass-roots movement. I don't think we have 10 years left for it to form. Social and economic conditions continue to deteriorate making us ripe for the picking of the globalists. I see their iron grip of control taking shape and even though knowledge of their methods are becoming more known among the masses we seem to lack an organizing principle to counter it ,they seem to be able to move with impunity.
Spiritual Babylon as western society, well perhaps. A lot of people related America to that concept, and as Rammstein so eloquently put "we all live in Amerika" and "this is not a love song". I think there's an element of truth to this,
I have heard USA called Babylon as well, and that maybe in a specific case but I generalized it.
though the whore herself I feel is akin to if not an archetype, at its base its a thoughtform that can infest, seed and grow, at its most powerful it is an egregore. This is how we can relate certain celebrity(or not) personalities to being the manifested avatar thereof.
It's no different to any type, supertype or archetype in that the values, virtues, vices, and otherwise aspects of a form can be taken on as a part of ourselves, aligned with and manifested.
As I said I have not read Revelation in some time so I am not familiar with the archetype or theories around who may embody it. I do not know what the virtue, etc. are for the archetype I was just triggered by the word whore and related it to news media
Loss of trust in the institutions, yeah and it's been intentionally brought about from opposing institutions and those who wish for radical change.
It may go even deeper than that, the lack of trust may not have been fostered by "opposing" intuitions but may be a mode of operation of the beast system itself. I can see many advantages for them to foster distrust and competition of sources, If only to destroy the cohesiveness of society to prevent the necessary cultural revolution.
The impatient, FOMO types in society, they exist all throughout history.
It takes a village to raise a child, cultures create people - be they good, great or shit. Shit cultures create shit people.
We're in an era where the internet has caused there to be a global village, sure there are dark alleyways or bright values (:D) throughout, but any inhabitant can roam anywhere freely and be directly affected by differing opinions and be "raised" far outside the local village they physically reside within.
I recognize that reality but I think the fact that our villages are more virtual and disparate combined with the control mechanisms of the beast system is what is preventing the grass roots from taking hold and organizing. I think the only correction/aid is a trustworthy centralized media that can reach the masses with the truth of the situation.

Whilst I have theories, I'm going to leave it appropriately hanging right here.

/ /

I know I cherry picked some parts and didn't address others, specifically Centralized Media not having a role, it does (or should), but that's for next post.
Probably. ;P
Thanks for the insights, it's nice to get feedback, sometimes I feel like I am writing to the void.
- Brian
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Third Loop wrote: Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:05 pm Thanks for the insights, it's nice to get feedback, sometimes I feel like I am writing to the void.
No problem :) Careful with that void direction, you might just seed something in to actualization ;)

I do plan on responding to this properly. At some point. Wheels are turning here and there, I'll get around to it lol.
Though, yeah... I was speaking retrospectively when I mentioned that 10+ years timeframe. Things have been done.
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Lion Third Loop Lion

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No problem :) Careful with that void direction, you might just seed something in to actualization ;)
I sow my seeds and know if the ground is fertile and the seed is good it will bear fruit.
Sometimes shouting into the void is a lonely experience, other times the void is not as empty as it seems.
It's reassuring to find a kind and sympathetic ear there.
I do plan on responding to this properly. At some point. Wheels are turning here and there, I'll get around to it lol.
Though, yeah... I was speaking retrospectively when I mentioned that 10+ years timeframe. Things have been done.
Say what you feel appropriate when it seems so. I am curious to hear what things you have seen done. I'm an optimist in general but my level of hope fluctuates, I would like some good news amongst the pile of negative .
- Brian
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Administrator Týsköll Administrator

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Third Loop wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 12:14 am
No problem :) Careful with that void direction, you might just seed something in to actualization ;)
I sow my seeds and know if the ground is fertile and the seed is good it will bear fruit.
Sometimes shouting into the void is a lonely experience, other times the void is not as empty as it seems.
It's reassuring to find a kind and sympathetic ear there.
I do plan on responding to this properly. At some point. Wheels are turning here and there, I'll get around to it lol.
Though, yeah... I was speaking retrospectively when I mentioned that 10+ years timeframe. Things have been done.
Say what you feel appropriate when it seems so. I am curious to hear what things you have seen done. I'm an optimist in general but my level of hope fluctuates, I would like some good news amongst the pile of negative .
Ever used a raft to remove impurities when clarifying a soup?
Come on, you should know. Of course I dare mock you.
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Lion Third Loop Lion

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Týsköll wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 6:19 am Ever used a raft to remove impurities when clarifying a soup?
No, I'm not much of a cook. In fact I had to google what a raft is in this context.
Still not sure I understand, it's a little oblique for me.
No matter, thanks for the efforts anyway.
- Brian
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